Cengiz Demirci
Constitution of Humanity - Public Duties
3633 Okunma, 0 Yorum





10) Assembly

12) Undertaking

13) Union

11) Council

07) Division


23) Credit

25) Tax



02) Law Order

03) Military Order

04) General Services

05) Public Services

08) Solidarity


18) Budget

21) Laws



14) Obligation

15) Authority

16) Liability

17) Rights







The earth shall be for Humanity.

Article-1a) The earth shall be for Humanity. Humans shall benefit and live on the lands of the earth which are inherited from their ancestors through division among themselves; in return they shall transfer them to their children by improvement. They shall not have any right to destroy them. 


Humans shall become indebted to the Humanity

            1b) Humans shall be grown up by their relatives who resulted in their birth, through becoming indebted to the Humanity. When they are grown up they shall pay their debt to the Humanity by means of giving birth children and bringing them up. When they are mature, they shall be payable by the Humanity because of taking care of the old people, when they get old they shall be taken care by matures. The debt and payable shall be according to the needs and possibilities  but not as exchange by equility.





The Humans shall live in societies.

Article-2a) Those who wish shall construct their societies within the law order as uniting the lands they engaged according to the contracts they acted and under the administration of a leader. They shall get, the emerged problems among themselves, solved by board of arbitrators which consist of one arbitrator from each party who were appointed by the parties and a main arbitrator who was appointed by the appointed abritrators. Limit of the rights of each person shall be the limits of the rights of others. The limits shall be determined by the courts which consist of impartial and independent arbitrators appointed by the parties.    


The Law Order shall be the order that makes the right people as superior.

            2b) The law order shall be the order that makes the right people as superior. People shall submit to the laws generated by contracts not to the people and they shall be accountable to the arbitrators not to the higher ranked people, responsibility shall be due to the behaviors not due to the results. Results of the behaviors shall be determined by laws. Responsibility shall be personal and there shall be no common responsibility.  Society shall live and grow within the law order.





Those who have Power shall be right in the Military Order.

Article-3a) Those who have power shall be right in Military Order. People shall obey to the orders of those who have higher rank, the laws shall be the complementary instructions of the higher ranked people. There shall be no arbitration but judgement. Judges shall be appointed from the center and they shall judge for those who appointed them. Responsibility shall be due to the results. Any method shall be legitimate for the result. There shall be no personal responsibility. There shall be common responsibility. In internal affairs, responsibility shall belong to those who have higher ranks. However in external affairs, responsibility shall belong to the leader. State shall be established and protected through military order. Each person shall have a right to protect their lives, properties, chastity (sexual security) and job. Each person shall be assumed to be treated themselves whatever they treated others.


The Military Order shall be established through the rules of the Law Order.

            3b) The subject matter and limits of the military order shall be determined by the law order. Balance between institutions of the law order and military order shall be settled by the presidents who are military based but elected within the law order. Problems emerged between the institutions of law order and military order shall be settled by the president. Presidents shall determine the areas and situations which military order would be applied. Education and watch places shall also be the zone of military order. Military order shall start to be applied and cancelled through the decision of president at war, mobilization, rebellions as well as in the situation of natural and social catastrophy. Application and cancellation of the military order shall be subject to the rules of this constitution. The articles of this constitution shall not be valid at the activities within the military order.





The people shall perform the duties freely according to the laws

Article-4a) Each person shall put or select the rules for themselves, they shall amend them at any time, but they shall obey them when the rules are in circulation. They shall compensate the loss in case they did not obey them. Each person shall have a right to make or cancel a contract with other people. However when the contracts are in circulation if they do not obey them, the losses shall be compensated. Each person shall have a right to establish, enter to and exit from   any society they wish. However when they joined to a society, they have to obey to the acts and leader of that society. In case they do not follow and there emerge a loss because of disobedience they shall compensate it. Each person shall need to solve the problems emerged with the others through the arbitrators. Those who do not obey to the decision of the arbitrators shall not benefit from the protection of the law order. People shall be free within the laws and they shall protect their rights, which were generated and would be generated, within the society through the law order.


Official Servients shall not be shephards but supervisors.

            4b)   People shall live with their free behaviors within law order of the society. People shall not be intervened, if they cause to a loss later they shall be subject to pay compensation or talion (qisas). There shall be investigating officials in order arbitrators to make fair decision. Though the testimony and records of these investigators, arbitrators shall decide. People shall obey to the arbitrators` decisions by their own wish. Those who do not follow arbitrators` decisions shall be disqualified by officials. Officials shall not have a right to intervene to the works and decisions of people at the beginning and they shall not have a right to apply sanction to them without arbitrators` decision. The decisions taken by the officials during their duty shall be assumed as arbitrators` decisions and law.  People either shall abondon their place or obey without any objection. Those who exposed to a loss shall apply for the arbitrators and get their rights. Intervention to the officials shall be accepted as intervention to their duty. They shall have a right of defence.

            One part of the public services shall mobilize military union and they shall be paid from public budget in return for their service. This issue shall be determined by the laws. Military unions shall also have a right to benefit from the public services. They shall not pay any thing if the public service does not need an extra expenditure.    






The duties shall be performed through the General Service in the works which competition is not possible

Article-5a) Law system shall be generated according to the laws with free will and free competition as to the own interests of the people. Transformation of the free competition to the monopoly shall be protected within law system. If monopoly at any work can not be prevented through law system, public foundation institutions shall produce free competition and monopoly shall be prevented through serving free of charge. In public foundation organizations, decisions shall be taken through issued laws instead of executors. Licence shall be granted publicly to the servants. They shall be paid from public budget. Service conditions shall be determined publicly. People shall select their own servants themselves and they shall have a right to change their servants at any time. Servants shall be paid not according to the work they performed but according to the responsibility they burdened. This shall provide free competition at service.

            Servants shall locate in districts. In neighborhoods shall locate representatives. In regional centers shall locate expertise advisors. Advisor shall have researcher in continent centers. People shall have service from representatives in neighborhoods by the directives of servants in districts. Service shall be brought to the people. If required, servant, advisor and researcher shall solve the problem as they come to the neighborhood or subdistrict center. In order to solve the problem if they need non-movable equipment then person shall be brought to the center.

            In a service center servants shall be coordinated by service responsibles. Public foundations shall be managed by service responsibles and divided to the servants. Directives shall be prepared by researchers in continent centers. They shall be projected by advisors in regions. They shall be applied in dictricts. Representatives shall observe. People shall be the applier.

            General services of small enterprises in neighborhoods shall be performed by representatives, of medium sized enterprises in districts by servants, of big enterprises in regions by advisors, in continent centers by researchers.


Public and general services

            5b) Public service officials shall be general service servants for their subject matter at the same time. In public services last decision shall belong to official. In general services last decision shall belong to the person who is served. There shall be twenty five sort of public and general services.

            All information relating to non-secret general service shall be given to military unions freely. Principially general servant shall perform their military service at the same service.

            0- Presidents of clan, subdistrict, city, state and humanity as well as governors of the centers of family, neighborhood, district, region and continent shall burden public services. Subdistrict, city, state and humanity shall have a prime minister, four vice prime ministers and twenty ministers for 25 public services. Centers of neighborhood, dictrict, region and continent shall have the responsibles of 24 services. Governors here shall represent presidents in centers and they shall be public official with this duty. Additionally prime minister shall be named main responsible as general servant. Additionally they shall be political solidarity responsible for other peripheries. Properties of the presidents and subdistricts shall be united within the rules of Collective (Mufavada) Companies. Earnings during their presidency shall be transfered to their successor instead of heirs.


II         1- For each person shall be kept a file. This file shall be open to the person himself. Those indicated in laws shall be open to everybody. Confidential part for others shall belong to general service, non-confidential part to anybody shall belong to both himself and public service. These files shall be confidential and just shall be open to others by permission of owners of file. Public files shall be open. Nobody shall have a file which is confidential for himself. Public entities shall not have any confidentiality in law order.

            2- People and representatives shall notify their accountants whatever they accept and submit and consequently they shall notify general accounting. Accountants shall notify servants about the results taken from the accounting. This shall be general service. As come to the general accounting, all of the sharing, including public share, shall be calculated and kept mainly. This shall be public service. These information shall even be notified to the military centers. Accounting shall be open to anybody.

3- Places, owners and circulation of the whole movable values shall be kept in one inventory accounting and by this accounting both financial inventory and inventories of the companies and people shall be kept at the same time. Mutual creditation policy, mutual creditation of the pre-paid order bills and minimum national production policy for every product shall determine national stock policy and this shall be from public duties. Protection of the goods (non-paid insurance) shall be from public duties. However managerial accounting shall be from general services. 

4- The whole registration procedures for the lands as well as maintenance and repairments, incomes and expenditures of the non-movable assets shall be kept at one registration place. For each section shall be a registration. Each person shall benefit from the registrations. Preparation of projects and maps shall be from public duties. However maintenance and property ownership issues shall be from general services.


III.       5- Scientific education shall be free. Educating the people shall be from general services. Giving the examinations and granting the insured licenses shall be from public services. Additionally scientific council shall use their legislative power.

6- Religious education and ceremonies shall be free. Managing the religious ceremonies  shall be from general services that give basic and moral education. Moral purification and insured licence shall be from public services. Additionally religious council shall use their living power.

7- Vocational education shall be free. Vocational education shall be from general services. Permission of application (practicing) shall be from general services. Giving the applied examinations and granting insured licence shall be from public duties. Additionally vocational solidarity council shall use their working (executive) power.

8-  Selection of the military unions shall be free. Paid military service shall be free. Military education shall be from general services. Granting the military promotions (rising in rank), keeping the watches and providing the security shall be from public services. Additionally political council shall use their administrative power.


IV        9- Awarning of the people without using power and declaring them in written form shall be free, answering shall be free too. Official announcements shall be from general services. Verdicts shall be executed in accordance with the announcement. Awarning those who do not obey the public order, exiling them by presidents from the subdistrict whenever required shall be from public services.

            10- Executing the whole researches shall be free. Researches shall be from general services. Research expenditures shall be granted from public budget. Results of the researches shall be public and people shall be able to benefit them freely. Both people and public institutions shall benefit from these information and archives together.

            11- Public warehouses shall become. People shall submit, whatever they produce, to these warehouses. In return they shall have document and be able to transfer them to whoever they wish with whatever price they wish. In these warehouses products of both people and public institutions shall be together and providing the security of the warehouses and insuring the goods shall be from public duties. Any product whose tax has been paid shall be insured.

            12- There shall be public cashier`s office. There shall be public banks. Everybody shall invest their cash and bills to these banks. Non-interest based, blank mutual creditation shall be supplied. Cashier`s office for firms, people and public institutions shall be one. Shall be provided in the same place. Deposits and loans shall be general service. Credit and securities shall be from public duties. Interest bearing operations shall not be protected by law.


V         13- Delivery of the press shall be from public services. Salaries of the authors shall be paid from general services. Presses and printing shall be managed by people`s enterprises. Press companies shall be credited in accordance with the number of subscribers and authors. State shall not charge tax from press and printing companies. In return shall have a right to be used by its own authors covering 1/5th of the total pages. This shall be public service. There shall not be a seperate official newspaper. Delivery shall be free of charge. Authors shall write in whatever press organization they wish. Through the preferences of the readers shares of the authors shall be paid out.

            14- Media centers shall be public. Shall be managed as public foundation. Salaries of the artists shall be paid by public institutions. Programs shall be prepared by private firms. They shall need to agree with a press organization. Whatever press organizations are paid, shall be granted to them too. This shall be general service. Media organizations shall either not be charged tax. 1/5th of the broadcastings shall be used by public media. Responsibility shall belong to the solidarity if they permit to do. This shall be public service. Those who broadcast without confirmation shall indicate a material warranty.

15- Roads shall belong to the public institutions and non-paid travelling shall be free. Toilet and resting places at the stations shall belong to the public foundation. Equipment shall belong to private firms. Services by operating them shall belong to the public institutions. There shall be no tax for transportation. In return 1/5th of transportation facility shall belong to the public instutions. Maintenance of the equipments shall be supplied by general service. Maintenance of the roads shall be supplied by public service.

16- Communication facilities shall belong to the puclic instituions as public (pious) foundation. Each person shall have a right to communicate. Half of the communication services shall be got used in charge and half free of charge. Free of charge usage shall be public duty, in charge usage shall be general service. These kind of rights shall be sorted within press, media and transportation.


VI        17- Construction in accordance with plan and project shall be free. Lisenced people shall have a right to establish constructions in free or non-sufficient areas. Permission shall not be required for these areas. Notification shall be sufficient. Project shall be executed by people`s sector. Required information for this sector shall be supplied by general service. Approval of the project shall be from public duties. Planning and projecting shall belong to public institutions and each person shall have a right to benefit from them. Prices for the planning and projecting shall be paid publicly.

            18- The earth shall be for humanity. Those who work shall live in return for their labor force and those who do not work shall live in return for their land share on the earth. Living share of those who work shall belong to general service, public share of those who do not work shall belong to the public service. Half of the minimum necessities shall be produced free of charge and other half in charge. In charge necessities shall be subject of general service and free of charge necessities subject of public service. 

            19- Infrastructure, public constructions, maintenance and construction of the facilities shall be from public duties. Everybody shall have a right to benefit from them free of charge. Maintenance of private buildings and household properties shall be from general services. Production and construction shall belong to people`s sector. Price of spare parts of the machines shall belong to property owner, labor to general service. Their price shall be burdened to car sales.

            20- Life and chastity (sexual security) shall be public duty. Security of property and job shall be from general services.


VII       21- Each person shall have a notary. They shall keep their documents free of charge. This shall be general service. Public laws too shall be protected by them. This shall be public service. The laws shall be collected through the contracts. This service shall prepare the texts. Preparing the contracts shall be general service, regulation of the laws shall be public duty.

            22- Preparing the standards, controling the scales shall be public duty. Inspecting the goods of manufacturers shall be general service. Inspecting the goods of consumer on complain shall be general service. Each person shall get the goods, which they manufacture, inspected to their own inspector. Shall get them marked. Shall finish their responsibility. These goods shall be taken to the public warehouses, public institutions shall also be shareholder to the goods. Controlling at production processes and sales inspection shall be united.

            23- Private investigator and public prosecutor shall be united. Investigation shall be general service. Testimony at courts shall be public duty. Courts shall not have a right to make investigation themselves. They shall accept or refuse testimony of the investigator.

24- Juridical advisors of the people shall give general service. They shall act in accordance with their advice. They shall not have a responsibility in that case. Arbitration shall be public duty. The decisions taken by the board of arbitrators, which consists of those who are selected by the parties themselves except for their own advisors, shall be final. Salaries of the arbitrators shall be paid by public institutions.

First decision about what is public service and what is general service shall be taken by president, shall be applied, shall be finalized by arbitrator`s decision.






The earth shall be divided by invasion in return for service.

Article-6a) The earth shall be for humanity. The humanity shall be liable to improve it. Improvement shall be to make possible more people to live. The earth shall be divided in continents around the research centers.

            Lands of the continents apart from seas, central regions of the continents and high ways connecting the continents to each other shall be allocated to the states in return for defence of the states against an exterior attack.  Defence shall become by military order with front wars. Lands of the states shall be divided in regions around the expertise services.  Expertise services shall be sub-divisions of the general services.

Lands of the regions apart from non-resided mountains, the places allocated for defence, central cities of the regions and highways connecting the regions to each other shall be allocated to the cities in return for internal security. Internal security shall mean to disqualify those who were sentenced to death by arbitrators` decision without causing any damage to the others. Lands of the cities shall be divided into districts around the subdistricts of general services. Public duties shall also be provided there.

The lands apart from non-forest areas, central neighborhoods and highways connecting the districts to each other shall be allocated to the subdistricts in return for settling the law order. People shall obey arbitrators` decisions voluntarily. If they do not obey, decision of arbitrators about punishment shall be transferred to the security powers in districts, they shall not punish (execute the court decision) but prevent them to commit the crime once again (tenkil). Lands of the subdistricts shall be divided into neighborhoods and work places shall be established there. People shall be the shareholders to the work places by shares. Workplaces shall be managed by partnerships of undertakings. Utilization property ownership of the work places shall belong to the shareholders, management property ownership shall belong to the licenced managers.

            Lands of the neighborhoods apart from work places, neighborhood centers and high ways connecting them to each other shall be allocated to the clans in return for providing common living facilities. Common living facilities shall be the open places and services for common utilization like roads, streets, water, drainage, electricity, heating , meeting places, resting places. Houses in the clans shall be allocated to the indivudials. Family members shall be the residents together. Family shall be the child care partnership. there shall be division of labor among men and women. Women shall give the children birth and bring them up, men shall suppy their livelihood and protect them.

            Each person shall have a personality and do their own duties themselves. If they are unable to protect their rights and freedom, their relatives shall protect them.



Central lands shall be open to the residents of provinces.

            6b) Every part of the earth which were not allocated to the states shall be open to the whole people, lands of the states which were not allocated to the cities shall be open to the whole citizens, lands of the cities which were not allocated to the subdistricts shall be open to the whole residents of the city, lands of the subdistricts which were not allocated to the clans shall be open to the whole residents of the subdistricts, the whole lands of the clans which were not allocated to the living buildings shall be open to the whole residents of the clans. Without taking any permission within the laws each person shall have a right to walk around these places, to have a house to live, to establish a business and do any kind of social activities. In order to enter into another state, city, subdistrict or house, one shall need to get permission from one man or women who are the residents of that place and have political rights. Guest shall be protected by the political solidarity of the host and accountable to them. Circulation of goods, labor, capital and any kind of social values shall be free. Governors shall not have any power to stop the circulation apart from charging the taxes cited in the constitution of humanity. Even if circulation of the guilty people shall not be prohibited except for those people whom they are prevented from the juridical protection by court decision.




Establishing and destructing the societies

Article 7a) Minimum 30 people shall construct clan, 3.000 people subdistrict, 300.000 people city, 30.000.000 people state as united under a president. Founders shall select a center, prepare a contract, select their president and the following questions shall be asked to the people (people of the neighborhood for clan, people of the district for subdistrict, people of the region for city, people of the continent for state):

 1-will you move into institution, which would be constructed, if you remain outside of it? (Y, N)

 2-will you move outinstitution, which would be constucted, if you remain inside of it? (Y, N)

after having the answers borders shall be determined by the founders. Population of the people inside the border shall not be more than twice of the population which is required for the  institution. It shall not lead to destruct any institution either. Those who are outside of the border and declare that he will attend to the institution shall be added to the population of those who are inside the borders, and population of those who are inside the borders and declare that he will move out the borders shall be substructed from the population of people, if the remaining population reaches to  the population required for constructing institution, the institution shall be founded in peace.

            Non-movable assets of the movers shall be bought by the administrators of the areas which they move in their actual value.

            In case the institutions whose population decreases less than the minimum amount, then they shall be destructed. People shall attend to the neighbors. Those institutions which do not obey to the decisions of the arbitrators shall be destructed by the armies of voluntary states and the lands shall be divided.


Sharings shall be determined by share documents in society.

 b) Persons, partners, places and undertakings shall have an account. Persons or their representatives shall notify whatever they give to the others. Those who take or their representatives shall grant a document to those who give or to their representatives. Each person shall have credit limit. Under the credit limits those who take something from each other shall be assumed to take from the society, those who give shall be assumed to give to the society. In this way humanity shall work and live in solidarity. Any kind of production shall be collective. Inputs shall be registered by input documents. Shall be shared out by general services according to the contracts and input documents shall be transformed to the output documents and persons shall have their share by input documents. Output documents shall be like money in that society of goods and services. Shall be measured by share documents. Shall be in balance according to demand and supply rules. Cards shall belong to the persons and not be transferrable. Might be used more than one. Documents shall belong to the persons and transferrable. Shall be used just one time. Bills shall be written on the name of carrier and used just one time. Money shall belong to the carrier and used many times. The whole output share documents shall be issued just in return for the physical assets. Output documents shall be issued in return for input documents. Documents shall be insured by fixed assets and binding for the society in case it is under insurance of solidarity.      

Documents: shall be composed of money of wheat, of land, of iron and of gold; bills of prepaid order credit, of goods, of share and of undertaking; documents of rent, of salary, of profit and of service; identity, lisence, credit limit and gain cards. Charging to the electronic cards shall be sufficient.



Establishment of Solidarity Partnerships

Scientific Solidarity

Article-8a) 1 – Those men and women completed 7 shall select a scientific advisor for themselves. Those advisors who register minimum 150 people in science shall constitute a scientific solidarity partnership in subdistricts. Those people who are advisor for minimum 10 subdistrict scientific advisors shall be high advisor within city. In a city, minimun 5 maximum 20 high advisors shall come together under presidency of a responsible and constitute scientific solidarity partnership of city. Advisors for 10 high advisors in a state shall be super advisor. In a state, minimum 50 maximum 200 super advisors shall come together under presidency of a responsible and constitute scientific solidarity partnership of state. State responsibles of each scientific solidarity shall appoint a representative to the humanity center. Minimum 50 maximum 200 scientific representative shall come together under presidency of a responsible and constitute scientific solidarity partnership of humanity. Scientific advisors might be changed at any time. Responsibles might transfer by notifying to their partners. Those who could not complete the minimum requirement shall transfer, complete by transfer. Responsibility of the partnership shall start by completion of the minimum requirement and finish by losing the minimum requirement. Changes shall start by each fasting holidays and be effective by each slaughtering holiday.


Political solidarity

                        2- responsibles of scientific solidarity partnership shall come together and select a president for themselves by ordering method in subdistrict, city, state and humanity as united. Presidents of humanity to the continent centers, presidents of state to the region centers, presidents of city to the district centers and presidents of the subdistricts to the neighborhood centers, shall appoint a governor. Those who completed 15 and want to burden political rights and obligations shall be political solidarity partner to the governor of a neighborhood in the subdistrict except for their own neighborhood, to the governor of a district in the city except for their own district, to the governor of a region in the state except for their own region. Those governors who register minimun 1/20th of the whole partners as partner shall constitute political solidarity partnership and the governorship shall be absolute. Shall not register more than 1/5 of the partners. Political solidarity partners of humanity shall be constituted by representatives of minimum 50, maximum 200 political responsibles out of responsibles of state political solidarity. Governorship of those governors who did not register partners within 6 months shall be cancelled. President shall appoint another one as governor candidate. Transfers shall be valid.  


Religious Solidarity

                        3- scientific solidarity partnership in subdistrict shall be religious solidarity partnership at the same time. A partner might be partner to a partnership in science and another partnership in religion.  Minimum 50 maximum 200 religious solidarity responsibles shall come together and constitute religious solidarity partnership of city in cities, of states in state, of humanity in humanity, transfers shall be valid.


Vocational Solidarity

                        4- In subdistrict political solidarity partnership shall be the vocational solidarity partnership at the same time. Persons might be partner to one partnership in vocation, and  to the other in politics. Subdistrict responsibles of vocational solidarity shall be regarded to constitute vocational solidarity partnership in city, city responsibles of vocational solidarity in state, state responsibles of vocational solidarity in humanity. Minimum requirement for it shall be to make 1/20th of the workers as partner. At most 1/5 of them shall be registered as partner. Working age shall start by 10.  Transfer shall be valid.

            Attandence to the religious and vocational solidarity partnership shall not be obligatory. Religious solidarity for those who do not have shall be their scientific solidarity. Vocational solidarity for those who do not have shall be their political solidarity. In case of change in solidarity partnership, the whole rights and obligations shall be inherited to the new solidarity. Old solidarity shall respond and be drawee (correspondant) to the new solidarity.


Rules of the Solidarity


            8b) sovereignity shall be for peoples. People shall use their sovereignity personally at assemblies in clans and subdistricts. They shall use it through the assemblies composed of the advisors of cities and states as well as scientific assemblies composed of the representatives in humanity and through the scientific, vocational and political councils consisted of solidarity representatives.

Usage of the Powers

                        1-Religious solidarity partnerships shall use the power of living (determining the needs), scientific solidarity partnerships shall use legislative power (determining the ways of solution), vocational solidarity partnerships shall use working power (division of labor), political solidarity partnerships shall use sharing power (sharing the outputs).


Basis of the Powers

                        2- religion shall differentiate the good from the bad and based on the love. Science shall differentiate the true from the false and based on the discussion. Economy shall differentiate the beneficial from the harmful and based on the profit. Administration shall differentiate the just and the unjust and based on the power.



                        3- the losses stemming from negligence shall be paid by religious, the losses stemming from illiteracy by scientific, the losses stemming from incapability by vocational and intentional losses by political solidarity partnerships. Intentional compensations shall be paid from their own properties. In case of incapability to pay, actual properties shall be divided by heirs and shall be taken to the obligatory working camp and got paid. Those who are unable to pay solidarity installations shall also get paid their installations by working. In case they do not want to work shall be expelled from the solidarity.


Protection of the Rights

                        4- persons shall use the intellectual rights within scientific, the emotional rights within religious, the actual rights within vocational and communal rights within political solidarity partnerships. Those who exposed to loss shall be paid in solidarity. Any thing which has not been prohibited by laws or has not been prevented by authorized people shall be right. Person shall be free to do them.

            Guilty shall pay the amount of not more than one month of the compensation per year. The whole solidarity payments shall not exceed more than one month per year. In case of exceeding it shall be extended to the city from subdistrict solidarity, to the state from the city solidarity, to the humanity from the state solidarity.

            Scientific and political solidarity partnerships shall be compulsory. For those who were not accepted by any subdistrict shall be constituted a seperate subdistrict, there military order shall be valid. Those who are secluded shall not be intervened. Seclusion area might be the house, clan or subdistrict of the person.


II.D Human

Each son of Adam shall have a personality


Article-9a) Inseminated human fetus shall have rights, shall be plaintiff in their name. They shall have obligations from their birth to the division of heritage. They shall be defendant. Nobody shall neglect the personality, nobody shall have it. Non-transferrable. Life, property, sexual security and job of each person shall be protected. Defence shall be the right. Each person shall accept at the beginning to be done whatever they do to the others.


Rights and obligations

People shall work and live by benefiting the rights stemming from neighborhood in the form of correspondance (drawee), giving priority to the invader in utilization, dis-interference the business of each other, division of rent share on the earth, kinship in the form of giving birth and bringing up, caring and protecting, heritage, and protection, labor in the form of doing whatever work people want, assessing the products whatever they wish, getting shareout from the output to the extent of their support, gaining working credit, contract in the form of self decision (ijtihad), agreement, society decisions, arbitrators` decisions. In return, they shall improve the lands they used as making suitable for living more people with longer life span and transfer them to their children. They shall not have any right to destroy it.


Use of rights

Use of rights and obligations shall be based on knowledge and capability. Rights and obligations of those people who are illiterate and incapable shall be used by appointed people if they can select, by the closest relatives in lineage of birth if they cannot select. In birth and bringing up, the mother and mother`s female relatives of women, in livelihood and protection father and father`s male relatives of men shall be authorized and  responsible. Last word at talion (qisas) shall be of the closest man who is not heir for him.



Obligations shall be limited by birth, childhood, old age and death, by madness, unconsciousness, deception and pressure, by sex, citizenship, institution and contracts, by sleep, failure, illiteracy and incapability, by forgetting, senility (forgetfulness because of old age), disease and necessity, by pretention (non-seriousness showing-off behaviour), drunkenness, bancktrupcy and prodigality. Limitation shall limit either consent or both consent and will either partially or completely according to the situation. In case of partial limitation of the consent, operations shall be valid by permission of the protector. In case of complete  limitation, operation shall be invalid. Partial  limitation of the will shall prevent application of talion (qisas). Full limitation shall prevent application of blood-money (reciprocity payment) too.


Licenses shall be granted by solidarity partnerships

Scientific License

            9b) Each person who completed 7 shall have starting license. Starting licensed people shall have 5 scientific degree per year. They shall work under the auspicious of another person.

            1/3 of the population of subdistrict who completed 10 shall be granted basic license through the examinations of test method by scientific council of the subdistrict. Basic licensed people shall have 6 scientific degree per year. They shall continue working by themselves. 

1/10th of the population of district who completed 15 shall be granted primery licence through the examinations of test method by scientific council of the city. Primery licensed people shall have 7 scientific degree per year. They shall start working by themselves at the business of their graduation.

1/100 of the population of city who completed 20 shall be granted medium licence through the examinations of test method by scientific council of the city. Medium licensed people shall have 8 scientific degree per year. They shall get the projects and instructions applied by reading and permit to apply.

1/1000 of the population of region who completed 25 shall be granted high licence through the examinations of test method by scientific council of the state. High licensed people shall have 9 scientific degree per year. They shall issue the projects and instructions, become advisor for their application.

1/10000 of the population of state who completed 30 shall be granted supreme licence through ordering method by scientific council of the humanity. One shall need to have visa of the member of a state assembly in order to take the examination. Supreme licensed people shall have 10 scientific degree per year. They shall determine the rules of the projects and instructions. Shall solve the problems in advisorship.

            Taking a scientific degree shall continue till 63.


Vocational license

            Vocational solidarity partnerships shall have a power to grant vocational degree to their partners as half of the total vocational degree of their partners in the subdistrict. Vocational degree shall be determined as the capability degree of worker plus the scientific degree. Determination at distribution shall belong to the vocational solidarity responsibles. Capability degree of a person shall not be granted more than his scientific degree.

            Capability degrees shall be distributed to the medium licensed people by city vocational solidarity responsibles, to the high licensed people by state vocational solidarity responsibles, to the supreme licensed people by humanity vocational solidarity responsibles. Total capability degrees shall be half of the summation of scientific degrees. Capability degree of a person shall not be granted more than twice of his scientific degree.

            Those who attend examinations of annual vocational test, opened subdistricts for primery licenses, cities for medium licenses, states for high licenses and humanity for supreme licences, shall be divided vocational degrees to the extent of their success. The exams shall be given by vocational councils. Awarding the total vocational degree shall be as much as awarded total scientific degree. These success degrees shall be added to the scientific degrees and in this way vocational degrees shall be calculated.

            Vocational degree=scientific degree+capability degree+success degree


Religious license

In the subdistricts religious solidarity responsibles shall order those who have starting, basic and primery licensed people of their own society according to the confidence in terms of their moral situation, city religious solidarity responsibles shall order those who have medium licensed people of the society, state religious solidarity responsibles shall order those who have high licensed people of the society, humanity religious solidarity leaders shall order those who have supreme licensed people of the society. Opposite of the order shall indicate their degree in their religion.


Promotion of the religious responsibles

Clan presidents shall order religious responsibles of subdistrict in terms of power in morally human fabrication, subdistrict presidents shall order religious responsibles of city, city presidents shall order religious responsibles of state, state presidents shall order religious responsibles of humanity. Degree of the religions shall be opposite of their order.


Moral degrees of the people

            Moral degree of the person shall be multiplication of their own religious degree by degree of their own religion.

            In determining the licenses of those, whom they will work in cadro, minimum moral degree condition shall also be indicated. There shall be no other way of promotion the lower by the upper or secret promotion of the inspectors. Promotion degree of guilty people shall be cancelled by crime by means of court decision. One person shall not make decision about another person.


Political license

            Those women who completed 15 shall keep cleaning, men shall keep waiting watches in the clans. The men who completed 15 shall keep protection watches in their subdstrict outside of their own neighborhoods, security watches in their cities outside of their own districts, defense watches in their states outside of their own region. The watches shall maintain till 63 in peace times and shall not exceed 36 months in peace times. Half of that shall be performed through military training and watches, 1/4th through security watches, 1/4th through attendance to the watches and trainings in their subdistricts. Those who are not watch shall not have any political right in that institution. They shall not carry gun. Political solidarity compensation shall be paid by male watch people by share. Those who do not keep watch shall perform their defense obligation by paying a price each year. The price shall be determined each year. Those who reach 15 in that year or attend to the institution shall pay the installation with that price. It shall not be amended life long for them. Pay military servants might turn to be watch at any time, but watch people shall not be pay military servants unless they change their institutions. At war times, change of the institution shall not be permitted. Women shall select a man as political advisor for themselves. If the political advisor is watch person she shall be watch person too, if he is pay military servant then she shall be pay military servant too. She might change him at any time.


Political rights of pay military servants

            Pay military servants shall be under the solidarity of the governors which they locate. They shall have a right to move. They shall not have a right to vote in other ways. One fold of the political degrees of women and the men who are actually not obliged to serve shall be one. Political degree of those who are actually under obligation of watch service shall be twice of their scientific degrees.  They shall be obliged to pay for the blood money (reciprocity payment).  Those who have intellectual disability and are children shall not have political license. Those whose mental capabilities are functional shall protect their political rights and liberty through the protectors who were selected by them, those whose mental capabilities are disfunctional shall protect through the natural protectors. The women who have political rights might have duty in political services, they are not obliged. They might carry gun. Those who are not compulsory in obligation shall not be upper to those who are compulsory.    


Powers of the solidarities

            Power of the scientific solidarities shall be to the extent of the total scientific degrees of the partners. Power of the vocational solidarities shall be calculated due to the general service shares coming from people and undertakings which they serve. In determining the powers of the religions, promotions of the leaders and total religious degrees of those who commited crime out of their societies shall be taken and substructed from their total religious degrees. Shall be divided into total religious degrees. Religious degrees shall be multiplied by the number which is smaller than 1 and religious power shall be found. Power of the political solidarities shall be determined according to the success in operations and competitions.





Assemblies shall consist of the scientific advisors.

Article-10a) Clan assembly shall consist of the whole armed men and women of the clan. President of clan shall lead them. Subdistrict assembly shall consist of the whole armed men and women and president of subdistrict shall lead them. City assemlies shall consist of the high advisors of the city. City presidents shall lead them. State assembly shall consist of the supreme advisors of the state and president of the state shall lead them. Humanity assembly shall consist of the scientific representatives who were appointed by scientific solidarity responsibles of state and president of the humanity shall lead them. Assemblies shall come together once a week at noon time and finish the meeting afternoon. Clan assemblies shall be the clan councils at the same time. They shall come together five times a day.

            Right of speech at meetings shall belong to the responsibles of scientific, religious, vocational and political solidarity. They shall have right to speak to the extent of their power. Members shall speak just in case responsibles grant them their own speech right. All members shall attend to vote. Assembly decisions shall be in power just in case presidents issue them. Decision which president did not approve shall not be the assembly decision. Against the assembly decisions one shall have a right to apply for the arbitrators. Any of the assembly members shall have a right to apply for the arbitrators against the assembly decisions. Other arbitrator shall be selected by presidents of institution. Against the arbitrators` decisions one shall have a right to apply for arbitrators. Opponent arbitrator shall be selected by main arbitrator. There is no limitation for that.


Presidents shall be the presidents of the institutions

            10b) presidents of the institutions shall be the presidents of the assemblies and councils at the same time. Presidents shall be honorary president at the age of 63. They shall take place in protocol according to the grade. They shall get information about the whole activities of institution like presidents, be able to apply for arbitrators in order to cancel the decisions taken. Institution and its whole living presidents shall be partner to each other as collective companies. At collective partnership the whole properties shall be put into the partnership as non-interest bearing loan (qarzi hasen). Managing and sharing the incomes shall be according to the contract. The whole relatives of the partners shall be the relatives of the partnership. Relatives shall be payable and debtful to/from the partnership. Duties and obligations of the relatives shall be performed in this way. Male relatives of the partnership shall be a seperate group and burden the obligations of the father, females shall costitute a seperate group and burden the obligations of mother. Person shall withdraw their property which they put into the partnership, whenever they leave the partnership or there is no any other necessity relation. New member shall be accepted to the partnership in concensus. Liquidation of the partnership shall occur with the liquidation of the last partner. In institutions it shall occur in case the institution is liquidated. In institutions property of the partnership shall be inherited by new presidents instead of heirs. President shall lead the partnership. Type of benefit for the members shall be indicated in founders’ contract. Assemblies shall have a right to amend them.



Councils shall consist of the Solidarity Representatives.

Article-11a) Solidarity Representatives who are the members of the Assembly shall constitute scientific, religious, vocational and political councils. Council members shall hold a consultation with the members of assembly, members of the assembly shall hold a consultation with those whom they are counsellor for them. President shall lead the councils at different times. Councils shall work openly. Any of the member of the assembly shall have a right to quest for cancelling the assembly decisions. Religious council shall come together for consultation in the morning, political council at noon time, scientific council at afternoon, vocational council at night. Religious council shall finish before sun setting, political council before afternoon, scientific council before evening, and vocational council before night times.

            Responsible at councils shall have a right to give a speech and a voting power to the extent of number of their partners. Right of speech shall be in turn. Those who did not attent to the council shall not have a right of speech and vote. Decisions at the basis of consensus shall be amended just with consensus. Against those decisions, members of the assembly shall have a right to apply for arbitrators. Decisions might be cancelled. They shall be invalid from the beginning of the trial. Against the consultative decisions just the solidarity partners shall have a right to apply for arbitrator, decision shall be invalid by the date of arbitrator`s decision. Those who claim to be treated unjustly shall have a right to get rid of unjust treatment by arbitrator`s decisions at any time.   


Obligations and services shall be shared out by councils.

            11b) Press, research, planning services and registration of inventory articles shall be from the duties of scientific councils, broadcasting, notification, health services and documentation from the duties of religious councils, transportation, warehouse, maintenance services and inventory accounting from the duties of vocational councils, communication, cashier`s office, security services and debit accounting from the duties of political councils. They shall have a right to appoint the ministers or servants, to do contracts and budgets, to inspect and apply for arbitrators in order to get resigned from the duty or get the decisions be cancelled. They shall appoint by order method, do the budget by sharing method, make decisions by collective decision making methods. Controlling shall be performed as each of the council members take information seperately in order for applying to the arbitrators. Council members shall have a limited right to apply for arbitrators during controlling. A member shall not have a right to apply for the arbitrators against ministers or officials more than ten in a year.

            Members of the scientific council shall nominate for members of the registration service, and be selected as ordering method by members of the vocational council. Their budget shall be fixed by members of the scientific council, members of vocational council shall put them into order. Trial against the minister or officials might be executed by members of both councils seperately.

            Members of controlling service shall be nominated by members of religious council, members of vocational council shall select them by ordering method. The budget shall be done by religious councils, vocational councils put them into order according to priority. Controlling shall be executed by members of both vocational and religious councils seperately.

            Members of investigation service shall be nominated by members of religious council, members of political councils shall put them into order. The budget shall be done by religious council and political council shall put them into order according to the priority. Controlling shall be executed by members of both religious and political councils seperately.

            Members of arbitration shall be nominated by members of scientific council. Members of political council shall select them as ordering. The budget shall be done by scientific council, political council shall put them into order according to the priority. Controlling shall be executed by members of both scientific and vocational councils seperately.




Undertakings shall be established by licenced labor responsibles

Article-12a) In order for establishing an undertaking a place shall need to be supplied for that undertaking. Rent share of the facilities shall be determined as a share out of the income to the extent of total salaries of the producers in production undertakings, to the extent of total salaries of the servants in service undertakings. Rent share shall be divided among infrastructure, land, construction and facilities. Infrastructure and land shares shall be divided as indicated in subdistrict laws, construction and facility shares shall be divided in the form and amount of whatever indicated in managerial contract. Shareholders of the facility shall have a right to cancel the contract just in case the undertaking is unable to bring enough level of rent share. Shareholder of the facility shall have the utilization property ownership, managerial property ownership shall belong to the managers.

             Drawee solidarity partnership shall determine if the managerial team, who manage the undertaking, has license of capability and grants insurance for capability. Drawee solidarity partnership shall always control the liability granted to the manager of the undertaking, cancel the capability insurance of the contract in case he loses the cadre. In case of unabling to find a new solidarity partnership the contract shall be cancelled.

Raw material share shall be determined as a share out of the finished products by means of a seperate bargaining for each party with the responsible of management in production undertakings. Products shall be marketed by traders of managing partners. Partnership of the trader, who are unable to perform the contractual promises, shall be liquiated.

General services shall be given by a general service team which is consisted of by the neighborhood representatives of the official in district in small undertakings, district officials in districts, regional advisors in regions and continental researchers in continents. Main responsible of the general service shall be the temporary main arbitrator of the undertaking at the same time. In case of conflict his decisions shall be applied, those who pretent to be treated unjustly shall apply for the arbitrators. Manager of the managerial team shall be responsible of the undertaking.

Main responsibles shall manage the undertaking by means of directives. To cancel the directive might be sued in arbitrators. Anybody who pretends to be treated unjustly might apply for a court.

Each undertaking shall have a bill of undertaking. The whole incomes and outcomes shall be supplied by bills of undertaking. Bill of undertaking shall be exchanged by cash in cashier`s office. Bill shall be priced in the form of the cash, which was put as a capital at the beginning, remains at balance. Bill of undertaking shall be defined by basic material.


Size of the undertakings

            12b) The undertaking where less than 10 people works shall be small sized undertakings. They shall be established in neighborhoods. The undertaking where less than 100 people works shall be medium sized undertaking. They shall activate in distict centers. The undertaking where less than 1000 people works shall be large sized enterprises. They shall activate in regional centers. The undertakings where more than 1000 people work shall be super undertakings. They shall activate in continental centers. They shall have credit or payment from there. They shall share out their incomes there. Small sized undertaking shall be established and managed by those who have primary licence, medium sized undertakings by those who have medium licence, large sized undertakings by those who have high licence, super sized undertakings by those who have super licence. General services shall be given by the teams established by the main responsibles as representatives in neighborhoods, as servant in medium undertakings, as advisor in large undertakings and as researcher in super undertakings.


C.     UNION

Security shall be provided in turn

Cleaning watches in clan

Article-13a) Those women who completed 15 shall perform Cleaning Watches in their clans in day times. They shall watch at the same time who enter to and exit from the clans. Each person shall have an electronic identity card which operates with fingerprint (like Akbil). They shall enter to and exit from their own clan with these identity cards. Entrance and exit times shall be registered by that. In order for the foreigners entering to and exiting from the clan, one of the watch person in the clan shall need to introduce temporary or continuous entering permission to the identity card of the foreigners through the apparat. In case of breakdown in this control mechanism the watches shall controll the entrance and exit through the gate. In that case subdistrict security shall be notified.


Watches in the clans

            Those men who completed 15 shall keep 12 hours watch at night in their own clans. They shall control entrance and exit. They shall alart the people of the clan through the alarm in case of natural catastrophies like fire, flood, earthquake and accident and social catastrophies like robbary, attack, illness, fight, required actions shall be done under the leadership of the president. In case of extra ordinary conditions president shall use facilities of the clan in military order. Spent time shall not be feed. Spending values and emerging losses shall be paid within solidarity. Each clan shall have two presidents whom one shall be the vise-president and one of them is man another is woman. At nights clan shall be lead by men, in day times shall be lead by women. In case the clan is unable to prevent the coming catastrophies, then protectors in neighborhood shall be invited.  


Independence of the Clans

            Clans shall be independent within subdistricts and protectors shall not have a right to enter into the clans without the permission of presidents of the clans. In case of criminal affair house or clan shall be blocked. Entrance shall be prohibited, exit shall be free. Those who exit shall be applied protective rules.


Protective watches in Neighborhoods

             Those men who completed 15 shall keep protective watches within their subdistrict, outside their own neighborhood. Total amount of the watches shall be 9 months. They shall stay in the union in their watching hours, spend at home in their resting hours. Those who enter to and exit from the neighborhood  shall be subject to the control during protective watch. In order to, those who are outside the subdistrict, enter into or exit from freely, one of the watch people in the subdistrict shall need to get read the entrance or exit on the subdistrict card control machine. In this way entrance to and exit from the subdistrict gates shall be possible. Protection shall be against the natural and social catastrophies. Duties of protecting farmlands or harmful affects of animals shall also be one of these obligations. Residents of the neighborhoods might set the animals free and request the farmland to be protected, set the farmlands free and request the animals to be protected. That might be according to the neighborhoods, seasons even time. Decisions about this issue shall be taken by vocational council of the subdistrict. In case the protectors are unable to protect, presidents of the subdistrict might request to support the protection from protectors of other neighborhoods. Extra ordinary situation shall be declared within the neighborhoods by the approval of subdistrict president. In case of extra ordinary situation, residents of the neighborhood with their properties shall be under the governance of neighborhood. Catastrophy shall be prevented together with protectors. People shall not be paid. However spent properties and exposed damages shall be paid within the propective solidarity of the neighborhood.


Martial law in clans


            In case of unabling to prevent the catastrophy to provide security within clan through the protection, president of the clan shall declare martial law in the clan and request a protective union from the district security. He shall submit the governance to him. All neighborhoods of the subdistrict shall be under the governance of martial law. They shall not enter to the clans of the province. Protective watches shall be under its order. They shall settle the security by military order. President of the subdistrict shall send the union back. Settling and cancelling the martial law shall belong to the president of the subdistrict. He shall not intervene the governance of martial law. Subdistrict shall pay a price for the martial governance regardless of the time. The price shall be determined by political council of the city. Shall be paid in solidarity. Those watch people served during the martial law shall regarded as protective watch. Spent values shall be paid by security unions. Emerging damages shall be paid by subdistrict in solidarity.


Security watches in districts

            Those men who completed 20 shall keep security watches in other districts of the city except for their own districts. Total amount of the watches shall be 9 months. They shall protect central subdistrict of the district. Additionally they shall protect and manage the forests. Cleaning and maintenance of the roads and public foundations shall belong to them. Those who do not obey to the decisions of the arbitrators in the subdistrict might be prevented to commit the crime once again by other arbitrators. Those who do not obey to the invitations of the presidents might also be prevented to commit the crime once again by other arbitrators. Prevention commiting the crime once again shall belong to security forces of the district. Prevention shall mean to do diseffective. Those who prevent shall need to bring the corps. Preventors shall deserve a prize. The prize shall be awarded by political solidarity of the city. Those who were killed shall be put into hole, shall not be buried into the grave. For those who could not be killed by security forces of the district shall be awarded prize. Those who kill them shall be awarded. In case a foreigner entering to the district commit a crime, shall be determined by their name and family name if he is known, by photo and particulars given a code if he is not  known. Shall be invited to surrender, if he does not surrender shall be prevented to commit the crime once again. The properties shall not remain to the heirs, but to the district solidarity. Watch people of the district shall have a weekly holiday in turn and spent their time at home.


Extra ordinary situation in the district

            In case a public rebellion occurs in district or security of the district can not be provided for another reason, governor of the district shall declare extra ordinary situation by permission of the president of the city and shall govern neighborhoods of the central subdistrict of the district through military order. He can not enter into the provincial subdistrict without invitation of their presidents. He shall not enter into the provincial clans of the central subdistrict without invitation of their presidents either. For those who granted their properties in extra ordinary situation shall be paid their properties and damages by political solidarity of the district president. Salaries of those who worked shall be paid by the political solidarity of the residents of the district.


Martial law in the district

            In case security in a district is unable to be established, president of the city shall request military union from the region and submits the governance to them. Central neighborhoods of the subdistricts of the district and city shall be under his authority. The whole security armed forces of the city shall be under his authority. He shall not enter into the provincial subdistricts. He shall not enter into the clans of the central subdistrict either. Prices of the properties they use shall be paid by military union. Damages shall be paid by political solidarities of the city. Salaries of those who recruited to serve shall also be paid by political solidarities of the city. Personal losses during martial law shall be paid by solidarities of the union. That shall be damage of duty.


Defence watches in the state.

            Those men  who completed 20 shall have their defence training within the city outside of their own region and shall keep their defence watches. Total amount of the defence watch during peace time shall be 18 months. 6 months of that shall be for training, 6 months for watch, 6 months for production at military undertakings. Those men who have basic education shall be recruited as noncommissioned officer (private) if they want to have 1 year training, who have primery licence as staff sergeant if they want to have 18 months of training, who have medium licence as commissioned officer if they want to have 24 months of training, who have high licence as chief commissioned officer if they want to have 30 months of training, who have super licence as general if they want to have 36 months of training.


Income of the military unions

            Incomes of the military unions shall compose of 1/5th of the public incomes of the state, substitutional value (military exemption tax) of the pay military servants, customs duties and internal production. Internal production shall be for internal consumption, for those who work might be given a share out of the production. Production shall not be for external sales. Paid worker shall not be  employed. Those who run away in order not to perform their military watch shall oblige to get out of the state. Otherwise military sanction shall be executed. They might serve in management of the regional public foundations and be paid in return for it.


Extraordinary situation in the region

            In case of a public rebellion in a region, through the approval of the president, extraordinary situation might be declared. Extra ordinary situation shall be applied in districts of the central city. It shall not be applied into the provincial cities and subdistricts. Without permission of the presidents of the cities shall not be entered into the cities. During the extra ordinary situation applications, physical employments shall be exempted of the watch. The damages given by the governance shall be paid by the governance. Damages coming from outside shall be paid in solidarity by the people of the region.



            In case of emerging a possibility of external attack, mobilization situtation shall be declared in region by request of governor and permission of president. In case of mobilization there shall be extra ordinary situation in the whole region including provinces. Every body shall attend to the military authority by their goods and lives. After the completion of the mobilization they shall have whatever they invested. People shall supply their livelihood in that case. No fee  shall be deserved. Just given actual physical damages shall be paid. Shortages shall be paid by invested goods. Half of the residual income shall be for watch people. Other half shall be for the goods invested.



            In case of attack through the approval of the president war situation shall be declared. War situation shall also be like mobilization situation. In case of mobilization, lands and properties shall protect their previous situation. Those who keep watch there, shall not have any thing due to the mobilization. However in case of war the booty gained shall be shared by watch people. The lands shall be common property of the whole people and warriors shall have 1/5th at the end. After the war the whole cities shall be formed again. The whole property ownerships shall be set again. Sharing shall be according to the values invested before the war. Border conflicts shall not be war.


Legitimacy of the war

            If  circulation of goods and people is free  in a state, it shall be named as state of peace (Baris yurdu) and this constitution shall be valid for them. Application to the arbitrators shall occur. If exit is free, entrance is subject to the permission of the center, it shall be named as state of abondance (Terk yurdu). War shall not be legitimate but that state shall not benefit from the rights of this constitution. If exit and entrance are both prohibited, it shall be named as state of war (Harb yurdu). One or a few of the states as united which are subject to this constitution shall have a right to invade that state and plunder it. The state exposed to an attack shall have a defence right. It might attack to the attacking state and plunder it. However even if later, arbitrators shall need to make a decision that proves that really the attack has occured. War against those who do not obey decision of the arbitrators shall be legitimate. Decision of arbitrators for the war shall be obliged too.   


Law of war

            Those who did not attend to the war might also die, but they shall not be determined as target. After the war completed commander might

            1-set free warriors free of charge

            2-set free warriors in return for compensation of war

            3-take a tax of tribute (haraj) from the people and have the lands. They might establish their cities, subdistricts or clans in these lands.

            4-share the lands and enslave the people. Slaves shall be given to the warriors. They shall be assimilated. In case they gain their citizenship they shall be citizens. For this, they might be set free by their lords. Might be set free by last will and testament. Might be the mother of a free person. Might be free by a substitutional value (bedel) paid in work. There shall be a share out of the public budget for them. It shall be divided as most people will be set free.

            5-kill those men warriors who might be problem in the future.

            Results of the war shall not be determined by civils around the tables after the war. After the peace nobody shall be followed as guilty of the war.    


Amount of the substitutional values (military exemption tax)

            Political councils shall determine amount of the substitutional value for pay military servants each year as mean value rule. Those who reach to the age of watch in that year or attend to there shall continue to pay that amount life long till 63. Those who did not pay shall pay of the substitutional value by obligatory work. Pay military servants shall be watch at any time and shall attend to the watch without paying the remaining substitutional value. Watch people shall never be pay military servant when they are watch unless they abandon their clans, those who are in subdistricts unless they abondan their own subdistricts, those who are in cities unless they abondan their own cities, those who are in states unless they abondan their own states. This abondance shall not be legitimate at war times. Watch people might change their unions. However during war or mobilization the change shall not be legitimate.  


General rules

Pay military servants

            13b) those who do not want to attent to the military obligation in clan, subdistrict, city and state shall be exempted from their military obligation by paying military exemption tax. Pay military servant shall not have any right to attent to the political administration. Pay military servant of the clan at clan administration, pay military servant of the subdistrict at subdistrict administration, pay military servant of the city at city administration and pay military servant of the state at state administration, shall not have any duty, vote and be selected. They might attend to the scientific, religious and vocational activities. They shall not perform public duty, they might perform general services. They shall not carry gun.


Carriage of a weapon and the production

            Watch people shall be free to use guns which are usable for one person and effective for one person. In the subdistricts shall be free to carry weapons which are transferrable by five people and capability of effect is to the extent of destructing an apartment with ten flats. In the cities any kind of defence weapons shall be free to have. Distant destruction weapons shall not be used. They shall target the people. The masses shall not be target. In the state any kind of weapons shall be free to have. Everybody shall have a right to manufacture guns. However they shall need to sell them to the humanity public foundation for weapons. In each state there shall be ten armies. The humanity public foundation for weapons shall oblige to sell the weapons to the armies at balance. Quantity of a weapon for an army shall be determined by political council of the humanity. The weapons which were invented by an army newly and manufactured by themselves shall be excluded from this limitation. Whenever a weapon might be manufactured by people, then army needs to buy from the foundation. Weapons shall be registered by their ballistic features. Limitation and control of the chemical, biologic, atomic and destructive weapons shall belong to the political councils.


Political rights of women

            Women shall select one of men as a guardian for themselves, shall have a right to change them at any time. In case their guandian is a watch person, then they shall also be watch person and have political rights. In case their guandian is pay military servant then they shall also be pay military servant. Watch women shall benefit from political rights, do their duties, they shall not be obliged to perform it. They shall not be upper for those who are under obligation. They shall have rank when they attend to the union. Those who have rank under their rank shall not be upper for them.


Responsibility at army

An action performed by a person in an army shall be assumed as if it is performed by the army whole, an action performed against a person of an army shall be assumed as if it is performed against the army whole. Army shall be plaintiff and defendant in the court. Army shall establish their own order at their  internal affairs. Legislative laws shall not be valid.



            Terrorism shall be assumed a person or organization, state or its part targeting the humanity order by means of commiting bloody attact to the person, organization, state or its part accepted as an enemy. 

            Prevention of the terrorism shall be the method of interrogation for division (kasame=bolusturme sorusturmasi). Interrogation for division shall be the exploration of the guilty by means of interrogation at court by the people appointed by those who expose to a damage. They shall be sentenced to the light compensation in case an interrogator accepts the action has been committed, to the heavy compensation in case two interrogators accept the action has been committed, to the talion in case four interrogators accept the action has been committed. By  testimony of four interrogators, testimony of two interrogators shall be invalid, by testimony of two interrogators, testimony of one interrogator shall be invalid.   

            Those who are suspected to commit terrorism might be expelled from the subdistrict by the president of the subdistrict. For those people who are not accepted by any of the subdistricts shall be established a seperate subdistrict and they shall need to live there.


Support for the terrorism

            In case a subdistrict, city or state accepted by the decision of arbitrators as supportor of the terrorism, then that subdistrict, city or state might be required to pay an additional compensation other than interrogation for division. Rebellion in another state at peace times through acting by weapons or material facility shall be assumed as support for the terrorism. All of them shall need to be determined by juridical decisions of the arbirtators. War against those who do not obey to the decisions of the arbitrators shall be legitimate.




Obligation shall be based on license

Article-14a) The person shall be free in the issues which are related with himself and performed in his own place. In case he causes to a damage to another person, he shall apply for the arbitrators and gets the damage compensated. In case there is a fair competition in the issues related with the society, then they shall need to be capable for the issues they would do. Each person, who has a license, shall be capable to do that business. Those who perform first shall be offered the duty. If the people who have license cause to a damage, it shall be assumed as if it was performed by accident and damages shall be compensated by the solidarity partnership. Proof of the negation shall belong to the other party. If the people who have not license cause to a damage, it shall be assumed as if it was performed due to negligence and illeteracy, and damages shall be compensated by themselves. Proof of the negation shall belong to the actors themselves. In order to do general service, one shall need to have a license and be appointed to perform the service in that area. In case non appointed people perform the general service, they shall be paid by those who are served.

Mistakes shall be paid by solidarity again. Either they have license or not, those who perform the service and do not lead to a loss shall never be taken as responsible. In order to perform public duty, one shall need to be servant in that area and have a directive of the president or administrators indicating the duty to be performed. Ministers shall be legal officials and prime ministers shall be at the position of arbitrator. Responsibles of the service shall be obliged at the businesses granted by the administrators. A public official might perform a public duty by himself. However if the president do not approve the duty, it shall be taken as if he behaved without any athority. He shall not be responsible if he did not cause to a damage. If he causes to a damage that shall be compensated by the solidarity partnership. Administrators shall appoint and resign, but shall not interfere responsibility of official. Officials shall be responsible against the arbitrators. Officials shall perform their duty according to the self decision. They shall not be taken responsible because of the mistakes. In case of a damage the solidarity partnership shall pay it. Those who are incapable to take self decision, shall act according to the self decision of the responsibles. Woman shall be obliged from giving the child birth and bringing him up, man shall be obliged from supplying the livelihood and protection. Appointments of the officials and performance of the duties shall be indicated in the contracts.  


President and ministers

            14b) Scientific councils shall select the president. Presidents shall appoint governors to the peripheries, if the governor establishes the political solidarity partnership in six months, his governorship shall be approved. A new president shall be selected when they reach 63 years old. The previous president shall remain as honorary president. Presidents shall appoint the prime ministers. Minister of the education shall be selected by the scientific councils by means of ordering method, minister of the preach by religious councils, minister of the training by vocational councils, minister of the armed training by political councils. Each member shall nominate one person. Minister of the documentation shall be selected by the religious councils by means of ordering method, minister of the debit by political councils, minister of the inventory by vocational councils, minister of the inventory articles by scientific councils. Council members shall nominate in conciliation with the president. Members of the scientific council shall nominate minister of notary in conciliation with the president, members of the vocational council shall select by ordering method, members of the scientific council shall nominate the minister of arbitration in conciliation with the president, members of the political council shall select by ordering method. Members of the religious council shall nominate minister of controlling in conciliation with the president, and members of the vocational council shall select them by ordering method. Members of the religious council shall nominate minister of the investigation in conciliation with the president, members of the political council shall select them by ordering method.  

Ministers shall be inspected by sue of relavant council members. Arbitrators might cancel the decisions. They might resign the president. Ministers of controlling, registration, investigation and arbitration come together and provide the coordination under the leadership of president, ministers of documentation, debit, inventory and inventory articles under the leadership of prime minister, ministers of broadcasting, health and notification under the leadership of preach, ministers of press, planning and research under the leadership of education, ministers of transportation, improvement, warehouse under the leadership of training, ministers of communication, security and cashier`s office under the leadership of armed training. Ministers of education, preach, training and armed training shall be vice-prime ministers. They shall come together at the meetings. Government shall come together under the leadership of the prime minister. Administrators shall do meetings under the leadership of presidents as political council.

Governors shall be appointed by the presidents, their governorship shall be approved in case they can be the political advisor for enough number of people except for those who are residents in the appointed area. Responsibles of the service shall be appointed by relavent ministers in the peripheries. Servants of the services shall be appointed by the relavent councils by ordering method in the peripheries. Minister might resign the responsible at any time. Servant might be resigned just by arbitrator` decision. Member of any of the relavant council shall need to sue. Responsibles also might sue. In order for the service of the servant be accepted, people of the district shall need to accept service of that person. Acception limit shall be minimum 1/20th. Maximum 1/5th. In the neighborhoods, one of the service official shall need to grant him duty of representation. In the regions, at least 10 officials of the district servants shall need to accept his vocational advisorship. In order to be able to be researchers in the continent centers one shall need to be the advisor of minimum 10 region advisors.

            Servant shall have a licensed assitant for themselves when they reach 63 years old. They shall be pensioneer. They shall remain as advisor for them. They shall have 1/5 of the income remained for themselves as salary of advisory. It shall be enough that one solidarity responsible grants personal warranty. They shall not continue the duty if non of the solidarity responsibles grants personal warranty.

            Undertaking shall select a main servant for themselves. Main servant and responsible of the undertaking shall appoint the other servants in conciliation and resign them. They might be resigned by arbitrators` decision through the application of those who exposed to a damage.

            Public duties shall be divided into the responsibles by the governors and responsibles  shall divide them into the servants. No equality shall be required in this issue.

            Those who have general license shall be authorized to have a duty. In case nobody accepts it and that duty is open, they might perform the duty by themselves till the time another licensed official appointed for that duty. In principle, nobody might be compelled to do a duty in the law order. But, official shall be liable to finish the duty after they started to do it, or after their acceptance of the duty. If he does not finish he shall be responsible. 




Article-15a) The occupied place shall be for the occupier. When it is disoccupied, it might be occupied by other. The occupied place might not be transfered to the others, shall not be succeeded by the heirs. A place occupied by improvements shall be the property. Improvement of a place shall be as increasing the value twice. Value of the places shall be measured by general service share or public share paid. Central subdistricts of the central cities of the central regions of the earth shall be open to the whole humanity. They might occupy wherever they find non-occupied. In case there is no other non-occupied lands, they shall request from others rent share. They shall get rid of the share by giving the land. People of the state in central subdistricts of the central cities of the state and people of the district in central subdistricts of the cities and in the subdistrict neighborhoods in each subdistricts shall have a right to occupy and improve whatever place they find non-occupied. If there is no more non-occupied place, his share shall need to be granted even if it is too distant.

            Humanity shall prepare the planning of the continent centers, states the planning of the region centers, cities the planning of the district centers and highways connecting them to each others. Shall plan the subdistrict lands. In case they do not prepare, people shall prepare the planning of their own lands themselves and improve there due to that. neighboors and relevant people might object and apply for the arbitrators against the planning.

            Property ownership of the land shall be used according to the site contracts in a way indicated in the land planning. Construction of every non-occupied place shall be done according to the plan. As indicating, every people who established construction shall be partner to that place in proportion to the expenses they paid. Against the amount of the expenses done one shall have a right to apply for the arbitrators. Share bills of the partnership shall be determined.

            If the partners are little in turn, if they are too many through the representatives the partnership shall be administered. Number of the representatives shall not be less than 5 and more than 20. Right for managing the non-movable assets shall be done in turn in proportion to the share through the time. Right of management and property ownership of management shall be seperate. Priority in management shall belong to the one who has the biggest share. Management rights might be united.

 Management of the non-movable assets shall belong to those who know how to manage and be approved by a contract. Property ownership of management shall transfer by last will and testament but not by heritage. Property ownership of the management might be cancelled by the arbitrators just in case of a deficiency in undertaking.  The deficiency shall be measued by a share supplied to the utilizers. Property ownership of management of an undertaking whose turnover is less than the amount indicated in the contract, shall be cancelled.

People shall be free to make use of the goods and properties they owed or occupied within the laws. New non-movable assets and new properties shall emerge by new laws. Those who produce them, shall determine, those who are relavant, shall have a right to apply for the arbitrators.

People shall have a right to become indebted. Those who do not pay their debt, whose power to get loan shall be cancelled.


Social Liability

            15b) Liability shall be indivisible. Those who have duty shall burden the liability. Official might transfer some part of this duty to the other qualified people. Liability shall be transfered to them automatically. Those who give the duty shall have a right to take the duty back. Those who appoint, apart for the situation of arbitration, precidency, ministry, servantship, shall have a right to take it back. However appointer shall not give directives to the appointed people. Appointed people shall manage the business by their own self decisions. He himself shall be responsible.

            Those who are together shall authorize someone in their common businesses. That might be temporary. They might use the authority in turn, or in seperate works seperate people might be liable, but no partnership in liability. 

Division of labor shall be in family. Giving the child birth and bring him up shall belong to the mother, supplying the livelihood and protection to the father. The last word relating to the partnership in family shall belong to the mother, the last word relating to the partnership outside the family shall belong to the father.  Till 7 years old, liability of training of the child shall belong to mother, till 10 to mother and father according to the subject and till 15 to the father. Child shall stay with mother till 15.

In case there is no mother, mother`s mother or mother`s female relative from the woman shall take place of mother, in case there is no father, father`s father or father`s male relative from the man shall take place of the father. The liability might be shared in turn. in request of talion, male relative of closest man who is not heir shall have a right. Reciprocity payment (blood money) shall be shared by heirs.

In obligations, last decision shall belong to the official, in services to the one who is served.

In case of a clash between the liabilities president`s decision shall be applied. Those who expose to the damage shall apply for the arbitrators and get the rights.

Everybody shall have a right to defend his own property, life, business and chastity. Those who cause to a damage shall be subject to talion if he is not right, pay a blood money if he is right. In case of determination of being right with testimony of four witnesses, he shall pay light blood money, of two witnesses, he shall pay heavy blood money.

In case causing to a damage by pressured person to the other party is as much as the damage he would expose, then he shall pay heavy, if it is less than the half, then he shall pay light blood money. If it is twice, then talion shall be applied. They shall be assessed for each attack seperately.

Presidents shall have a right to take decision in the authorized area granted in cohesion by the council. There shall be a necessity to obey to the decisions. The decisions exceeding the authority shall be cancelled by the arbitrators. If the cancellation is by the date of cancellation, then it shall make invalid from the date of decision.

Acceptance of each people as person, shall be their right. Those whose demand of negotiation refused or those who were not granted speech during the meeting shall have a right to tell whatever he wanted to tell to the other party in front of the arbitrators. Time of the right shall be determined by the arbitrators. Those who were stopped to speak shall have a right to request a compensation.

            Council members shall have a right of speech and vote in the meetings. The other members shall use their right of speech or vote through the council members who represent them. They might change their representatives at any time.

            Any watch man shall be liable to react in case of an attack exposed. If he does not react, blood money shall be paid by his own solidarity. Woman also shall be liable to react. But in case she does not react, her solidarity shall not be responsible. Those who resist to the reacting watch people shall be assumed as offensive. In order for a watch person to react, he shall need to be watch within that state, that city, that subdistrict or that clan.



Crimes and punishments


Article-16a) when a crime committed, investigators shall investigate, investigation shall be done first in the form of dialog, then in written form by those who have required license. Investigation during trial shall be open and person shall be interrogated in a comfortable place. There shall be no discomfort other than questioning and getting reply, in case of extra ordinary events, interrogation at police station might be possible by arbitrators` decision. During interrogation at police station, non effective tortures might be done. At most 8 hours a day might be interrogated. They shall be paid twice the days of interrogation as compensation. In return for the torture, a seperate compensation of mistake shall be given.

 Interrogation of the people who have supreme license might be performed by supreme investigators, of the people who have high license by high investigators, of people by whom who have medium license. Investigations of humanity and state might be performed by supreme investigators, of cities by high investigators and of subdistrict and clan by medium investigators.

Investigations shall be independent. Testimony shall be common.

Verdict shall be taken by testimony of one investigator in non-clashed trials, of two investigators in clashed law trials, of four investigators in criminal trials. Arbitrators might refuse the testimony, but shall not perform investigation themselves. 


Interrogation for division (Kasame)

            In case of unabling to solve the problem in seperate interrogations in the crimes with unknown committor, minimum 50 people at subdistricts, 100 people in cities, 200 people in states, 400 people in humanity shall be interrogated. Names of people interrogated shall be given by the one who exposed to a damage. At the end of the general interrogation, in case of testimony by four people against a person, he shall be punished. In case of two witnesses he shall be punished by blood money. In case of one witness he shall be included inside interrogation for division. In case of no witness againt him, he shall be clean. In order for the watch people being clean, four witnesses shall need to request the cleaning.



            If the committors are capable to commit the crime and alive, they shall pay the compensation, shall not be given to those who lead to the result. Those who support materially to commit the crime, that is, if there are people causing the crime to be committed, their properties shall be expropriated by arbitrators` decision. Talion shall be applied to the actors, supporters shall lose the properties and lose the license of creditation. In case their property is not enough for blood money, they shall get worked in compulsory work places and paid. In case of availability of  actor (who commits the action), non-actor (instigator) shall not be applied talion.

            Talion shall not be applied to those who tried to get their claim of right personally, if they are right they shall pay light, if they are wrong they shall pay heavy blood money.



In case a state finances an action in lands of another state  during peace time and causes to commit a crime and damage, actors shall be subject to talion. State shall pay twice of the damage caused. In case they are forgiven, one of the blood money shall be paid by actors.

            In case establishing an organization and causing to commit a crime, those who commit crime shall be applied the rules of talion. Properties of the leaders of the organization shall be expropriated. If it is not enough for the blood money, shall be subject to compulsary work. Those who intentionally support the organization financially, shall be regarded as if they committed the crime collectively. If they do not have a support materially or unintentional to act that crime, people except for leader of the organization shall not be punished.

            Those who do not obey to the arbitration decisions shall be subject to the prevention to commit the crime once again by security. The clans, subdistricts and cities which do not obey to the arbitration decision shall be blocked. Entrance shall be prohibited, exit shall be free. The whole sources like electricity and water might be prevented. When the number is less than mean value, military troops shall invade there. By means of military attack agaisnt the administration which do not permit exits, people shall be rescued. Clan, subdistrict and city shall be collapsed. Administrators shall be subject to the military punishment.



            War against the states which do not obey to the arbitrators` decisions shall be legitimate. Any state, shall establish a military troop which consists of the voluntary people and attack to that state. More than one state might also attact as united or seperate. Front commanders might perform a suitable sanction to the defeated state. They might forgive. They might set free by compensation, remain the lands to the people in return for a tax of tribute, might share the lands and capture the people as slaves, might kill the warriors.

            War against the states which obey to the arbitrators decisions shall not be legitimate. Legitimacy of war shall be based on arbitrators` decision. The decision might be taken later too.



            The biggest crime shall be to kill a man. Punishment shall be talion. Cancellation of a biological system shall also regarded as a full crime. Cancellation of the half from the symetric organs shall be half crime. Arm shall be ½, elbow ¼, wrist 1/8, five fingers 1/16, one finger 1/80, first joint 1/160, second joint 1/320, toe 1/640 of full crime. Tooth also shall be a crime like that. Taking the chien off shall be ½ crime.

            Full blood money shall be 33 years salary. Heavy blood money shall be twice. It shall be up to the subdistrict. One beating shall be one day salary. It will be in the form of whip. Light crimes shall be paid in cash, if it is not paid, paid by work. Shall be paid in solidarity. Heavy crimes shall be paid by work in compulsory work places. Those who are punished to heavy work  shall not exit out of the sites, but those who are outside are permitted to enter and exit at any time. They might sit together with the relatives, the relatives might work there whenever they wish.


General Rules

            16b) Those who are liable shall be responsible. Mother or father who cause the children illeterate shall be resposible and in case the child sue them, the solidarity shall compensate. Wives shall have rights and responsibilities in front of the husband and hunsband shall have right and responsibilities in front of wives. Solidarity of the husband shall pay the livelihood of the wife in case the wife is unable to supply it. Even if the husband is unable to pay the compensation for divorce (mihir=bosama tazminati), it shall be paid by the religious solidarity. However in order for that be effective, approval of the solidarity during the marriage is acted, shall be required. Non-compensated marriage (muta=tazminatsiz evlilik) shall be free. However responsibility against the child who get born, shall continue and solidarity partnership shall pay for it. In some cases permission of the solidarity might be required. Solidarity partnerships shall revise and be guarantor in marriages.

            If an authorized person causes to a damage when he is performing the authority, the solidarity partnership shall pay for it. Military power shall not be directed against the street activities. However watch people shall be liable for determining or interfering according to their own measure. Determination shall be the most important, interference shall be done just if it will get an exact result and will not effect innocent people. The compensation for those who exposed to a damage shall be paid by interfering troops.

            Everybody shall be liable for explaining whatever they saw and knew to the investigators. Those who do not explain or misinform shall be responsible. The solidarity shall attend to the extent of their share in blood money. 





Article-17a) Salaries shall be determined by free contracts. In case it is not fixed by the contract or not indicated in the contract they shall be shared out according to the official salaries. For each work there shall be a determined price according to the weight and responsibility. In case it is not fixed, it shall be determined by arbitrators. In case there is no other agreement, those who did the work shall deserve that amount as share. They shall be granted a document in return for the share, they shall assess them whatever they wish.

            Each person shall have scientific degree and an official salary due to the vocational capability.  In case no other agreement, those who worked collectively shall share the labor share according to the official salary.

            Each person shall have a labor credit. They shall be shared according to the official salaries.

Each person shall get labor credit whenever they wish, and get the pensioneer share whenever they wish. At the times of absence at work because of sickness etc, they shall have persioneer share, shall not benefit from the credit. Pensioneer share of a person shall be granted according to the official salary and age. Shall be determined. Promotion of obtaining vocational degree at non working days, shall stop.

Those who work in public and general services shall work by official salary.

Salaries in construction places shall be paid in official salary and charged to the construction.

Those who have the starting license shall give 1/5th of their income to those who control them in a work place. Those who have the basic license shall give 1/5th of their income to those who have  primery license and grant them job. Those who have primery license shall share 1/5th with those who have medium license who grant them job, those who have medium license shall share 1/5th with the advisors of 5-10, advisors shall share 1/5th of their income with researchers  

Everybody except for the presidents might do more than one job. Both servants and officials might earn the livelihood through other jobs. General services shall be an extra income.

Half of the general service share charged from undertakings shall be divided into those who worked there, the other half shall be collected in an account in the subdistrict centers for the small undetakings, city centers for the medium undertakings, state centers for the big undertakings and humanity centers for the supreme undertakings.  The general service shares collected in the common account shall be divided into the officials in the districts to the extent of number of people they serve. General service shall be done free of charge to the people. District officials shall share 1/5th service share to the people with neigborhood representative and 1/5th of the remaining part with their advisor.


Collective living rights

            17b) Those who live collectively in a certain place shall have a right to live in equal conditions. In case there is meal in work place, everybody shall have a right to eat the same meal. The man who is responsible from the supplication of livelihood within family, shall be liable for supplying the members whatever he eats, whatever he wears and wherever he lives. They shall be liable for taking the members of the family to vacation apart from the vacations related with business.

            Everybody shall benefit from the general service under equal conditions.

            Everybody shall benefit from the common places under equal conditions.

            Expensive and cheap settlement areas might be constructed, expensive and cheap transportation vehicles might become. Expensive and cheap places might be within a vehicle. However classification in a certain place shall not be permitted. Those who live in a certain place shall live without any classification. Scientists shall be respected.




Budget shall be according to the wish of people

Article-18a) People shall notify their needs to the responsibles of the solidarity partnerships or to the servants who serve them. Private needs shall be supplied in proportion to the facilities. Apart from that, people shall notify bodily necessities to the health servants, psychological necessities to the broadcasting servants. The information shall reach to the responsible of the religious solidarity. Responsible of the religious solidarity shall put the necessities into order. Priority shall be determined according to that. In this way the wishes coming from different religious solidarity responsibles shall be united under common divisions of a budget. Sharing shall be distributed to the divisions. Everyone shall give a share to the divisions according to their own opinions. The shares shall be assessed according to the votes, in proportion to number of partners, of the responsibles of the religious council. Then mean value shall be calculated. The mean value calculated for each division shall be found and the budget shall be done as percentages. Income shall be shared out to the divisions according to that. The shares determined according to the laws, shall be allocated in proportion regardless of need to the assessment of the religious council. 

Reseach service shall find total of the incomes, shall share them out to the divisions and determine an approximate source  for each division. They shall prepare projects according to that. They shall spend according to that. The amount determined by the reports of the controllers shall be notified to the inventory accounting. Last calculation budgets shall be generated according to that. The scientific council shall do the budget of application.

Infrastructure with facilities, labor of maintenance and production, general service and insurance (credit) of the undertaking shall not be capital. Capital shall be the produced materials offered for the sales and raw materials. Each undertaking shall have a main product. They shall price the whole products by the stock levels. Main product shall be assessed by bills of undertaking and other materials by main product. Spent labor shall also exchanged with bill of undertaking. Producers shall price and manage the undertakings according to the rules of demand and supply.

As come to the bill of undertaking, they shall be assessed according to the cash and stock levels of the goods.

At the beginning of the each year, quantity of the undertaking shall be calculated in kind of main product. That shall be the capital of the undertaking. Bill of the main product to the extent of 1/5th of the capital shall be put into the cashier`s office. Cash to the extent of that amount shall be required to be collected too. In case cash is more, by means of increasing value of the bill of undertaking, bills shall be increased, and cash shall be decreased, in case cash is less, by means of decreasing value of the bill of undertaking, cash shall be increased. Pricing shall be done as if stock level of the bills at that amount shall be protected within that year. The whole inputs and outputs within the undertaking shall be assessed by bills of undertaking.

Share of the raw material at production shall be assumed as it is not increased. Just the facility, general service and labor shall be assumed to do benefit. Their labor share shall be determined. Worker shall get a raw material and operate on it and offer to the warehouse. Difference shall be the sum of facility, labor, general service. Maintenance service shall also be contained. The shares shall be determined out of that. The share of the maintenance servant shall be determined at weekend according to the work on the machine which he maintained. Share of facility and general service shall be calculated from sales.

 The general service shares which emerged during the sale, shall be divided into 50, charged to the next coming months. Income of this week shall be at the amount shared from the previous 50 weeks to this week. Salary, rent and service shares of the granted labor, facility, general service shall be determined according to that. Non-expected expensess shall be divided into the next weeks even years and shared to the product of the week.

Non-production undertakings shall charge their incomes to the next 50 weeks. In this way they shall determine the income of the week.

The council which fixed the budget shall determine how to share incomes among the services. They shall do necessary balancing in the budget in case of necessity of more service in a sector. For example arbitration during peace time, security during war time shall be more important. Health budget shall need to be increased during the year of contagious illnesses. In return maintenance services shall need to be decreased. In that way, services might be directed. 

            There shall be responsibility and weightness grades of the work places in the vocational degrees too. If a necessity emerges for  more employment in a service, cadre weightness and responsibility grade of that vocation shall be increased. Additionally, during grading the certain professions with vocational degree, they shall be given different degrees. In this way that profession shall be promoted. That shall be provided generally by highness of the first starting degree. First degree of the medical graduates in this year might be 100, of the law graduates 80, graduates of the next year might be opposite.

            Always proportions and rules shall be indicated in the budget but never the amounts. The amounts shall emerge during direct applications.


Budgets of the public foundations

18b) The following undertaking shall be established within public administration seperately and their budget shall be prepared accordingly.

1)                            poors, shall be those whose property is less than mean property. They shall get their share each week. The amounts coming to this division shall be divided equally within subdistricts and cities seperately. Just the workers shall benefit from that.

2)                            miserables, shall be those poors whose income is less than half of the mean income. The amounts coming to this division shall be divided equally within subdistricts,cities and state seperately. 

3)                            Public servants, the amounts coming to this division shall be divided to the public servants equally within clans, subdistricts, cities, states and humanity seperately according to the service they supply.

4)                            licensed people: those who have medium license shall share in proportion to the amount in subdistrict, high license in city, supreme license in state and solidarity responsibles to the extent of responsibility.

5)                            Incomes in the budget of the Public Foundation for Returning the Credit for those who bunkrupted shall be divided as such more people are able to have creditation. It shall start from the people who have less debt.

6)                            Refugees or war slaves shall be granted aids in order them to settle to the subdistricts. They shall be supported as such more refugees shall be settled or more slaves shall be set free. It shall start from those who might be settled with less money.

7)                            The service foundations shall be supplied for managerial expenses. Managers shall manage by spending that.

8)                            Management incomes of the foundations shall be divided into the workers according to the service they supply except for the servants. 

9)              Orphans. Property of those people whose father died shall be expropriated.     Main properties shall not be used till the children are grown up. Protectors shall be the partner of management shares by operating them and share of capital and facility shall be granted to the orphans or they shall take them care. Additionally the amounts collected seperately in the division of orphans within state and city shall be divided equally and granted to the women who promised legally to grow them up. They shall spend for them.

10)            Old people: the old people who worked shall share among themselves according to the scientific degrees and in proportion to the years they worked. Those who did not work shall be added to the division of orphans. They shall be pensioneers. Seperately out of the persioneers, housing extraction might be charged. When they get older, they might sell the house to the public authority by installations and increase their mountly income. Leftovers shall remain to the children. Oldness compensation shall not be granted.

11)            For the travellers shall be built caravansarays. Those who come and pass shall be hosted there. They shall not be charged. Each caravansaray shall have a bed capacity. They shall be required to host the guests in that quantity each day. They shall also grant daily supplies of eating and drinking. They shall also maintain the machines. They shall organize within state and city. This division shall work together with road foundations.



Prepaid Order Credits

Article-19a) Money of land shall be given to the workers as credit according to their official salary. If they wish they might assess them as labor in the construction. If they wish they might exchange them to the money of wheat and buy prepaid order bill. Exchange rate between money of wheat and money of land shall be the actual exchange rate in the last day of the previous year. The half of amount, which was exchanged to money of wheat, shall be taken and multiplied by five. 1/5th of the money of wheat issued in that amount shall be divided into the owners of facility as rent share, 1/5th into public servants as service share, 1/5th into the unemployed people as rent share of the earth.

            The whole money of wheat determined in this way shall be granted as prepaid order credits to the workers according to the scientific degrees, to the non-workers according to the degree of age or orphanship. The people shall order to the stores as in advanced payment with this amount, stores shall order to the traders. Traders shall order to the factories. Prices shall be determined by free bargaining or according to the stock levels. Trader shall export some products which he produced and supply and import some of the products in return, which he got orders from clients and non-manufactured in the state or produced expensive. The people shall benefit from the public services and the whole public foundations free of charge. In this way there shall be livelihood for everybody.


General services

            19b) Sharing of the limited sources like electricity and water, system of half-in-charge shall be applied. Prepaid order bill of the electricity and similar sources shall be sold. Price shall be determined according to the seasonal and daily demand and supply. Producers shall need to produce together with % 100 public share. Extra prepaid order bills shall be issued to the extent of sold prepaid order bills. And that extra amount shall be divided to the people according to the population. Bills shall continue to be bought and sold freely due to supply and demand. Producers shall produce twice of the order he got and sell them. People if they wish shall sell the share and use less electricity, if they wish shall buy and use more electricity.

            Public servants shall divide and make the people benefitted from the public foundation according to the decisions. They shall benefit from the public services free of charge. Servants shall have the share of salary  from the public budget. Servants shall deposit the incomes they got in the centers and share them in proportion to the people they serve.






























Article-20a) The laws shall consist of the collective decisions. Majority decision shall not be valid.

Decleration: person`s official declerations shall be binding for himself. In case those who do not obey to their own declerations without any reason, cause to a damage because of disobedience, those who exposed to a damage shall have a right to get compensation from them. In order for beign decleration binding for person, he shall need to declare it in written form and submit to the registration service. It shall be compensated by solidarity partnership. Habitual attitudes shall be like decleration.

Procurement: person shall have a right to grant his own decleration power in certain subject to the others. Declerations of the procurator inside the limits of his authority shall be binding for the one who appoint him. Declerations by procurement shall not be binding for the one who declare. Those who are incapable to declare shall declare through licensed procurator, women shall use their political rights through the men who selected themselves. If they select watch person they shall be watch, if they select pay military servant then shall be pay military servant. Without permission of their protectors women shall not get out of the place they stay.

Protection: natural protectors shall give declerations in the name of those who are incapable to appoint procurator. Giving the child birth and bringing him up shall belong to the mother. Mother shall give decleration about these issues. Supplying the livelihood of the child and protecting him shall belong to the father. Father shall give decleration about these issues. Female elder of the closest non-pensioner woman, if not available female descendant of the closest girl, if not available sisters of mother, if not available sisters of female elders from mother, if not available daughers of the daughters of mothers` female relatives, if not available the closest female relatives, if not available the closest relatives, if not available female neighbor shall be authorized to give decleration.

            If father is not available in the same way male relatives from man side shall be authorized to give decleration.

            About talion decision the closest protector who is not a heir shall declare. Protector shall not have a right to touch main properties of the children. They shall manage the properties, care the children, he himself shall get a management share from the incomes. The share shall be determined by arbitrators. One of the arbitrators shall be selected by maternal part.

            Protectors shall not have a right to refuse business that is absolutely profitable for the children. Without permission of the protector nobody shall be put into the madhouse, prevent the freedom except for committing crime. Distant relative might burden the protection and prevent to take to the madhouse. 

  Representation: councils shall consist of 5-20 people. Crowded societies shall be administered through representatives. One shall need to be representative of minimum 1/20th in order to be a representative. Maximum 1/5th shall be represented. Representative might be changed at any time. It will be in power at the beginning of the period. Representatives might also transfer the people they represent to the other. Those who could not get the representation of any representative shall abondon that society. Before the change, representative shall be notified. Representative shall have a speech, vote, authority and right to the extent of the people they represent. Decleration of the representatives shall mean peeple`s decleration. Those who claim to be treated unjustly might apply for the arbitrators to sue their representatives. Presidents shall give decleration about the subjects which they are authorized  after the consultation as the representative of the council or without consultation. The declerations shall be binding for the representatives and those who are represented by them. Applying to the abritrators shall be possible. 

Arbitration: each person shall have inevitable non transferable rights stemming from neighborhood, kinship, labor and contracts. People shall be equal in these rights. Limit of the rights and freedom shall be limit of the rights and freedom of the others. Limit of the right and freedoms shall be determined by impartial and indepedent court which consists of two licensed arbitrators selected by the parties and a licensed main arbitrator appointed by the arbitrators. Each person shall obey to the court decisions voluntarily.

            Any conflict emerging among people, between societies or between societies and people shall be solved by the board of arbitrators which consists of two licensed arbitrators selected by the parties and a main arbitrator appointed by the arbitrators. Decleration of the arbitrators shall be decleration of the parties. Decleration of the main arbitrator shall be decleration of the arbitrators. Arbitrators shall not be resigned off after appointed for deciding in a certain subject. Arbitrators either shall not regret from the arbitration. Arbitrary power of the arbitrators who regret from the arbitration or unable to agree on the main arbitrator shall be cancelled. Nobody shall be arbitrator in that subject. Those people whose arbitrary power have been cancelled three times shall not be arbitrator any more.

  Behavior: the people who acted in a way in a event shall be accepted as if he will act in the same way in the similar events. Those who accepted like that, shall not be responsible. Person shall be obliged to behave within rules. In a society if nobody behave in opposite way, that behavior shall be rule till declaring the opposite. Those who declare the opposite shall not be binded.

            If a person observes behavior of another one and does not object it, he shall be accepted as if he accepted the behavior. In case the behaviors emerged without any objection in a society are known by everybody, they shall be collective decisions. Collective decisions shall be complementary not obligatory.

   Consultation: a council might grant authority to the president in order to take a decision in the subjects of non-conciliation. President shall hold a consultation and have speech at last. The speech shall be the word of the consultation. Shall be in circulation. One shall have a right to apply for the arbitrators to cancel it because of exceeding the limits in decision, opposite to the consensus, non-coherance, impossiblity or difficulty to appy.

            President shall need to decide after listening everybody, before leaving the meeting and without holding a consultation with another person except for the members of the council. Consensus decisions might be changed by consensus decisions.

Authorized Person: the decision taken by a person authorized collectively in certain subjects to decide shall be accepted as if they are taken by those who authorized. Obligatory rules might also contain.  Decision might be cancelled through arbitrators. The decision of the president of the council after the consultation shall be binding.

Contract: basis of the laws shall be contracts. Contract shall be the result of mutual agreement between two people. There shall be no difference between those who propose and those who accept. They shall have right in the same degree and be responsible. Doing the contracts effective and diseffective shall be free. However the actual damages lead by those who disobeyed the contract during its circulation, shall be compensated. Nobody shall be compelled to speak, act and maintain the contract.

            If the standard contracts are acted then attendants shall have the common contracts. Contracts shall be the laws of that society. Those who attend to the society shall be assumed as if they know the content of the contract even if they do not know.

            Those who exposed to a damage shall have a right to apply for the arbitrators and get them cancelled. Cancelled contracts shall be invalid, arbitrators shall not decide based on them. The articles which are opposite to the consensus, have internal contradiction, impossible shall be invalid.  

Language: the language used in clans shall be speaking language and show the present entities concretely. When told `wait at the gate` shall be waited at clan`s gate. Subdistrict language shall be written language and the common names might be definite article (marife) or indefinite article (nekre). Definite ones shall indicate one of the discrete entities or indicate the whole (istigrak). City language shall be the language of art and used in order to express feelings. State language shall be the language of jurisprudence. Concepts of the jurisprudence shall emerge by determination of the state arbitrators. Science language shall emerge by description of the scientists and be arabic and latine. Each solidarity partnership shall do descriptions according to themselves. For them those descriptions shall be effective.

            The contracts shall administer the societies. Contracts shall be expressed by language of jurisprudence. Comment of the contracts shall belong to the arbitrators.

            Non of the expressions shall be the property of someone. Any expression might be copied, increased, bought and sold. In this case, not the content but material means like the paper or the diskette shall mean to be bought and sold. Intellectual rights shall be paid publicly and for everybody.  

Art: art shall be the exression of the feelings. The artistic values which the people enjoyed shall be collective. Everybody shall use it to express their feelings. Imitation of the artistic objects shall be free. The one which is sold and bought shall not be the feelings they burden and aesthetics but they shall be completely material means. Insulting shall require the compensation. Arbitrators shall decide if there is insulting or not. Share of artists shall be paid publicly.

Technics: forms and standarts of the products, forms of production shall not be subject to the property. Everybody might imitate anybody at any time. Just they shall not use names. One shall determine the standards, offer the product if the people like it, that shall be the property of the people. The words spent shall express that product. Decision about that issue shall belong to the society. Rights of the ones producing the project shall be paid publicly. Suitability to the standarts shall be determined by the arbitrators. Prices shall be constituted freely by means of demand and supply. By means of the standarts in warehouse and cashier`s offices, the demand and supply shall be visible. Central cashier`s office and warehouse shall be an indicator of demand and supply.

Tradition: traditions shall be the meanings burdened to the words and behaviors in social relations. People shall determine the relation by means of this kind of standard behaviors. When two people come together and put a rule for the relations between themselves and obey to the rules, in this case that rule shall be tradition among themselves. Those who attend to this society shall obey to the rule. They shall be required in written form. The behavioral rules  accepted by the society commonly, even if not collected in written form, might be accepted tradition by issuing them the arbitrators in written form. After that they shall be in written form.

            Those who do not obey to the traditions of a society shall need to abondon that society.

            Language, art, technics and law shall be generated by collective decisions. They shall need to be confirmed by arbitrator`s decision in order for them to be binding. The collective decision confirmed by the whole arbitrators managing the subdistrict trials in the subdistrict shall be the last desicion. In order to change collective desicion in that subdistrict the whole arbitrators shall need to take an opposite decision.

 Offer: offer of the person to the public area shall be binding for himself. They might change till the time it is accepted. He might regret the offer. He shall not refuse if it is accepted in circulation. Everybody shall need to sell the goods of stores in the same price. Application of different prices for different people shall not be applicable. Ambigious offer shall be invalid. Those person who tells `I sell this` shall be accepted as if he did not tell anything, he shall need to tell `I sell this in this price`.

Acceptance: Acceptance of the offer shall also be binding for those who accepted. After this, the contract shall be valid and it shall contain equal rights and obligations for both those offer or accept. Comment shall belong to the arbitrators. Acceptance shall need to accept whatever offer is. Acceptor shall not make any change in offer. Closed or open bidding operations shall be illegal. Increase or decrease shall be done by the offeror. If the offer is quantitative, they shall be valid for the first acceptors and finish when it finishes.

Entrance: when one enters into a subdistrict or clan, he shall be assumed to accept public laws of that place. He shall be assumed to accept the change method too. This shall be valid for main rules. In complementary rules, his own self-decision shall be valid. Even if the method is contrary to the constitution he shall be binded if he enters knowingly.

Attendance: one shall be assumed to accept the contracts of the solidarity partnership when he attends to that solidarity partnership. except for the obligations of the solidarity, the remainings shall be complementary rules. The rules which they do not have their own self-decision shall be valid too. Nobody shall be compelled to attent or stay in a society. Change of place and society shall be free. However rules and administrators of the place shall be needed to be obeyed.

Consensus: if the whole members of the assembly come to the same decision with seperate evidences, that shall be consensus and just with a new consensus might be amended. There shall be clan, subdistrict, city, state and humanity consensuses. Spoken consensuses shall be binding for provincial subdistricts and clans too. Silent consensuses shall be complementary rules for the provincial subdistricts. Justification of the consensuses shall emerge by decleration of the presidents. By the objection of one of the members between two religious holidays, the consensus shall be ineffective. They shall be cancelled by means of sue by any of the people, by arbitration decision.

Covenance: the decisions taken collectively in a certain subject after consultation about the harmful effects under the presidency of presidents of the each scientific, religious, vocational and political councils and have not been cancelled by arbitrator`s decision by objection of any of assembly members shall become covenant decision. They shall be silent consensus. Covenant decision shall change by consensus or covenant decision. In each stage of institution, there shall be covenance.

Self-decision: an absolute idea described by any of the assembly members based on the evidences shall be binding for him and his followers. Self-decision shall change by his self-decision. They might stop the research unless no opposite evidence or warning. Deficiencies in the self-decisions shall be completed by self-decisions of the scientific solidarity councils. Self decisions shall also be issued by presidents and be effective in that case.

Preference: each person might put and change their own working and living rules themselves. They shall need to make them in written form. One shall need to obey to the rules themselves during the circulation. The idea put by one of the assembly members without evidence shall also be binding temporarily for him and the followers.  He shall be obliged trying to prove it. Idea might be changed by new idea  or absolute idea.

Measuring: measuring or quantifying any thing shall be an absolute information. Binding for everybody. In case of conflict mean value shall be applied. Decision shall be taken by the arbitrators.

Mean value: in case any object is impossible to be measured, shall be determined by the authorized people. Mean value shall be decision of the society.

Ordering: candidates shall be ordered by electors in case of impossibility to measure like elections. Sum of  orders taken by a candidate shall give order degree. Minimality  of deviation between society values and personal appreciation values shall give appreciation value. Appreciation and order degrees shall be assessed seperately or unitedly due to the place. The balance shall be kept.

Analogy: the results lead by means of deduction or induction methods shall be regarded as repelling (obligation of proof is on defendant). Not affirmative (obligation of proof is on plaintiff). Those who oppose to the result, but not those reach to the result, shall need to show an evident. Analogy shall be binding for those who did it. In case of conflict, last decision shall be taken by the arbitrators. The analogy done by comparison of the system shall also be valid.




Article-21a) the societies shall prepare standard contracts. Standard contracts shall be the laws and whatever contract people accept, that contract shall be valid for them. Private laws shall be valid within solidarity partnerships. They shall be prepared according to the actor. Public laws shall be valid within subdistricts and wherever the act committed the laws of that place shall be applicable. Public laws shall be arrenged according to the place. In private law, contract rules of those whom they do not have the duty of proof shall be applicable. The issue of `whom the contract shall belong to`, shall be subject to the rules of methodology and the methodology  of the arbitrators, that  is, main arbitrator shall be applicable.


Legislation of the laws

            21b) if a decision taken to legislate laws in a certain subject, competition shall be executed. In order to be able to attend competition, one shall need to have medium licence in subdistrict laws, high licence in city laws, supreme licence in state laws. In humanity laws, one shall need to become scientific solidarity responsible or its representative.

            Those who attend to the competition shall order themselves and get degree. Those who get the degree of top ten competitors in copyright shall match with those who get the degree of top ten in appreciation by their own free will and prepare a text. The texts shall be offered for ordering by the assembly. First text in ordering shall be effective. Some of the articles might be cancelled by arbitrators. Articles shall be voted one by one. The articles accepted covenantly shall be ordering articles. Others shall be complementary. They shall be voted also in provincial assemblies and in case of acception in all of them, they shall be ordering in the province too. A text might be amended by whatever method it is prepared. Arbitrator`s decision shall be exception for this rule.

In this way the contracts against the applicable laws shall be valid. However the amendments which would be mentioned with the article number of the laws, shall be indicated in the contract. About the issues on the articles not contained in the contract shall be applied the laws.

Prohibiting rules of the laws shall be valid, the penalties shall be applicable. But these articles shall need to become an excuse publicly. In case of proving scientifically that it is not an excuse publicly by means of the application to the arbitrators, criminal verdicts might be cancelled.

Constitutions shall describe the law of humanity by organizations. It shall contain complementary rules. Rules of constitution of the humanity shall be valid all over the earth as complementary.

Laws of Methodology shall contain complementary rules just for the arbitrators.

            Criminal law shall be from public law and each subdistrict shall have its own criminal law. In the cities public law of the central subdistrict of the city and the district shall be the same. In the states, central subdistricts of the central city and central subdistricts of the central city and the district of the region shall be subject to the same public laws. Humanity laws shall be applied in central subdistricts of city and district of the central cities of the central region of the humanity and central subdistricts of city and district of the central cities of the central regions of the continents.

            Operations shall be subject to the private law, religious ceremonies and criminal issues shall be subject to the public law, marriages shall be subject to the private law about the parts relating to the body and to the public law about the parts relating to the finance.



Full employment

Article-22a) each working person shall have a vocational degree granted by his own vocational solidarity partnership and an official wage according to that. The wage shall be determined by money of land. The exchange rate of money of wheat with money of land shall be determined publicly at the beginning of the year. Workers shall get their credits as money of land. In the construction they shall have as money of iron. They shall have money of wheat in return for production of construction materials, money of gold in return for production of consumption goods, they shall assess them in the services. Money of the credit taken shall become indebted by money of wheat or land according to their wish.

            The credit in the form of money of wheat, shall be given to the extent of five fold of the half of the people who were indebted by money of wheat. Two of them shall be given to the workers. One shall be in return for rent to the owners of the facility, one shall be in return for rent share of the earth for unemployed people. One shall be in return for public and general services. 

            Those who work in construction shall have bill of land, in production of construction materials shall have bill of material, in workplaces of production shall have prepaid order bills, in public services shall have public share bills. They shall exchange them to the money of wheat or land and pay the debts.

            Those who want to work shall have debt as bill of wheat by taking the annual credits according to the official wages at the beginning of the year. Those who do not want to have credit in the form of bill of wheat might work in constructions. The credit in the form of total money of wheat, shall be given to the extent of five fold of the half of the people who got credit by bill of wheat.

            Traders shall have a right to have a credit as money of gold by giving the prepaid order bills which they bought regardless of the due date.  Credit value of prepaid order bills in return for money of gold shall be determined by subdistrict administration. As financing the bills by credits, stock level of certain products might be increased.



Establishment of the construction

            22b) money of land to the extent of the wage of 2000 hours shall be given to the workers as credit at the beginning of the year within the state.

a)      those who wish shall set a partnership of construction with whatever they wish, shall      select a suitable land for their capital and subdistrict shall attend to the partnership with this land. Project and infrastructure of the land shall belong to the subdistrict. 2/5th of the construction or facility shall belong to the subdistrict. 1/5 of that shall be divided into internal infrastructure of the site, other half shall be divided into the infrastructure of the site, subdistrict, city, state and humanity equally. They shall buy construction materials with the capital, and sell the share bills issued by submitting the construction to the subdistrict step by step  to the commissioneers. Salary of the workers shall be paid in kind of bill of land in the working day. Construction shall become indebted. They shall pay the credits with the bill of land at their hands. Money of wheat shall be used in return for prepaid order, money of land in return for labor. Creditation and exchange in the construction shall be done by official prices and salaries. 

b)      those who wish, shall exchange the annual labor credit, which were accepted by money of land, to money of wheat. Instead of becoming indebted with money of land, they shall become indebted with money of wheat. Credit limits shall be determined by subdistrict administration annually. The workers who unite the money of wheat and invest them as capital, shall issue bills of undertakig by making the owners of the facility as partners. They shall use the granted money of wheat as capital in order to buy and sell the bills of undertaking. Undertaking shall issue prepaid order bills, and sell the products before production. Inputs shall enter to the undertaking in return for bills of undertaking and output shall exit from the undertaking in return for bill of undertaking. Prices shall be determined by stock level.

c)      after a facility starts to operate, rent share shall be divided in sold bills. As far as share bills are sold, their value shall increase. Till the end of demand, bills shall be issued. Rent share shall not be distributed but nominal value of the bills to the facilities shall be increased. Actual values shall be arrenged according to the demand and supply. Share bills shall be bought and sold partially. In case the whole bills returned, the facility shall remain to the state and it shall depriciate itself by profit or loss.

d)      those who perform trade of materials shall be granted money of iron as credit. Sales  prices of the materials shall be official. Purchasing prices shall be free. They shall need to put materials in the warehouses in official prices or money in the cashier`s office. In this way, whole people working in the free economy shall find a job. For every product, amount of production shall be balanced. There shall be balance between production and construction.  There shall be balance between import and export.




Stores and warehouses in cities

Article-23a) in each city shall be constructed a standart store according to the region. These stores shall be next to the district warehouses. Those who produce standart goods shall submit to the warehouses. Those who do not product standard goods shall sell them to the stores. Standart or non standart, just the traders shall bring and sell the goods. Stores shall not buy and sell the goods with their own capital. Sales shall be %20 as %4 for rent of the stores and warehouses, %4 for labor, %2 general service, %2 transportation,%5 for capital and %3 for cooperation. The rates might change according to the cities. The credits on money of wheat, iron or gold shall be granted to the traders who will sell to these stores or sell in another places after buying the goods from these stores. Pricing shall be determined by themselves after bargaining. They shall take goods or the prepaid order bills of the standard goods and pay in cash. There shall be competition among traders. Both prices of the prepaid order bills and goods shall be determined by free bargaining.

            Each undertaking shall have a bill of undertaking. Each process of the parts shall have a price in the form of bill of undertaking. Shall be determined according to the stocks in warehouse. Workers shall buy raw materials in bills of undertaking, operate on the parts, submit the parts to the warehouse and take bills of undertaking in return. Labor shall remain in the form of bill of undertaking. Raw material for the undertaking shall be taken by these bills, labor, electricity, rent share of the facility, general and public service shares shall be paid in these bills. Manufactured goods shall be sold in these bills. Prices shall be arrenged by the stocks. Service companies and public foundations shall be undertakings too. Stores shall also be undertakings. They shall have bills of undertaking.

            Bills shall be sold and bought by the exchange rate determined by stocks of  cash and bill in the cashier`s office. Bills of undertaking shall be given to the undertakings. Seperately shall be given credit in cash to the extent of 1/5th. Bills shall be sold and bought by that. Those who blocked bills of undertaking shall take prepaid order bills.


Mutual Creditation

            23b) those who submit goods to the warehouse and take product bills, or take money of wheat, iron, gold or land in return and invest to the bank, or invest money of any other state, shall deserve credit in return. Each product shall have a credit value. It shall be seperate from the sales value. Foreign state currency also shall be kept in cashier`s office under the rule of mutual creditation.

            Public authorities shall not execute interest-bearing-operations. Shall perform banking services within mutual creditation rules. Each person shall deserve a credit to the extent of their deposits. The deposits shall be precious papers. There shall be four types of value. Nominal value, actual value, creditation value, warranty value, they shall be independent from each other.

            Exchange rate of cash and similar precious papers shall be determined by stocks of cashier`s office. Prices shall be increased and decreased according to the stocks in cashier`s office.



            Creditation banks, as not less than 5 and more than 20 shall be constituted within humanity. Contracts of the banks shall be acted in central banks of the humanity and money of gold shall be issued by humanity. They shall be given to the banking braches in continent centers. The central banks of states which invest deposits to the account of continent central banks shall have 5 fold money of gold. The states shall put the 1/5th of money of gold to their cashier`s office, in return issue money of land and give them as credit to the banks in the regions. Share bills of the non-movable assets through bill of land shall be bought and sold. Central banks of the states shall block 1/5th of the money of gold as money of iron and divide them to the cities according to the land. Shall block 1/5th and give to the subdistricts as money of wheat. Money of gold shall be issued in return for 5 fold of the gold. Money of land shall be issued according to the lands. Money of wheat shall be divided according to the population. Money of iron shall be given according to the material stocks. Banks shall buy and sell bills of undertaking. Prices shall be determined by stocks of the cashier`s office. There shall be no difference between sales value and purchaising value. Banks shall have a share from the output in production undertakings and from their expenses in other undertakings. Bills of undertaking shall be arrenged according to the prices such that whenever the whole bills are returned to the banks, goods shall also finish. No debt and no payable shall remain.

            Interest-bearing-operation shall never be allowed, but mutual creditation-based-operations. Bank shall source its expenditure as a share out of the production or consumption. It shall work as public foundation. Shall be from general services.



Temporary Decisions

Article-24a) person shall offer the given labor, property, facility, money and the whole documents which brings out a right to the accounting by writing them in transfer documents. Accountant shall transfer the content to the form of jurisprudence and send the document to the registration of debit, inventory or inventory articles. In this way, debt and payables of the whole people, partners, undertaking and inventory articles shall be determined. Calculated debts and payables shall be notified to the person through his accountant within a time span. First objections shall be done to the accountants. In case of a material mistake, accountant shall revise them. In case of conflict, shall be applied for the arbitrators.

            In case of a clash between parties first to the main responsible of the undertaking, then to the governor of the neighborhood and finally to the president of the subdistrict shall be applied and the registrations shall be finalized. Everybody shall need to obey to final registrations. Those who exposed to a damage shall apply for the arbitrators to be compensated. Responsibles of the undertaking, governors and presidents shall aim to provide well-execution of the businesses and not to cause a damage to the parties and others as increasing the losses, instead of fair decision. Rights shall be determined by fair arbitration of the arbitrators selected by the parties. 

            Final rights determined in the registrations shall belong to the owner of the right. Each person shall have a right to defend his properties, life, chastity and business. Officials and relatives might also support. Those who wish to violate the right, in case of a damage, shall be subject to the rules of talion and heavy compensation.

            In case he is not forgiven, it shall be executed on the body, in case he is forgiven, he shall expose to the heavy compensation. Heavy compensation shall be paid by the political solidarity urgently. If his property is enough it shall be paid from them. If it is not enough his property shall be shared by the heirs as if he died, and he himself shall be taken to the heavy working camps. He shall work in the working camp till he pays the whole compensation. Heavy working camps shall be a subdistrict site. Those who were punished, shall not go out of the site. Those who are not punished might enter to and exit from the working camps, might stay and work there. The heavy working camps shall be administed by military order. Those who run away of the heavy working camps shall be applied military sanction. The laws shall not protect them, a prize might be put for those who brought the head.

            If the person gives a damage to the other party when he is defending his life, property, chastity and business, he shall be fined to the light compensation. Solidarity partnership shall pay the light compensation. If a damage is given to the third party because of tagrir of compulsion, no talion shall be applied, heavy blood money shall be applied.


Arbitrator`s decision

            24b) those people who claim to expose to a damage because of the mistakes in the registration or because of the presidential decisions, shall select for himself one of the arbitrators of the district where his subdistrict located. This is other than the juridical advisor and request to defend his rights. Salary of the arbitrators shall be paid from public shares. Responsibles of the solidarity shall share the given allowences of arbitration among the arbitrators according to their services.

Arbitrator shall make the arbitrator selected to the plaintiff and notify to the president of the subdistrict. If defendant does not select the arbitrator, his natural protector, if he does not select, then responsible of his political solidarity, if he does not select, then president of the subdistrict shall select the arbitrator.

            First trial shall be done in front of the plaintiff, defendant and arbitrators under the leadership of the subdistrict president. Trial shall be open. Arbitrator of the plaintiff shall express the claims one by one. Arbitrator of the defendant shall accept or refuse one by one. They might put opposite articles. The articles shall guarentee not proof but just the demands. Main arbitrator shall burden proof of the articles, which were not accepted, to the claiming party. The date of last trial shall be determined as assessment.   

Each person shall be judged in their own subdistrict at the court composed of arbitrators of the district. Authorized court shall be the court of the subdistrict where the action was committed. Execution of the verdict shall be done where the person locate. Clash between the subdistricts shall be solved in city courts,  between the cities in the state courts, international clashes in the humanity courts.

When the person change the subdistrict, the accepting subdistrict shall be responsible against the previous subdistrict.

Parties shall find investigators for the articles which required to be proved in order to investigate. Salaries of the investigators shall be paid publicly. A fund of investigation shall be allocated for the responsibles of the religious solidarity and it shall be shared to the investigators in proportion to the services at the end of the year.

Events shall be executed by investigators. Investigators first shall do in the place orally, then they shall ask in written from and be replied. Interrogation at trial shall be decided by the president of the subdistrict. Security powers in the districts shall perform interrogation at the police station. Interrogation at police station shall be executed by arbitrator`s decision just in case of necessity. Prices of the time at the trial shall be paid. In interrogation at the police station the price shall be paid four times within 24 hours. In case of effective injures it shall be compensated by heavy blood money (reciprocity payment). If it happened outside within  temporary reports, the compensation shall be paid twice as 24 hours.

 Investigator shall complete the interrogation and prepare the file. The file shall be secret. Shall be offered to the arbitrators. If the arbitrators check the file and decide that the investigation is enough, they shall accept the witness. If they do not accept they shall refuse. In any case non-copied file shall be returned back to the investigator. Arbitrator shall request a date of trial if the plaintiff is required to prove the articles that he burdened to prove. Defendant shall not request time for the issues he burdened to prove. Case of the plaintiff who is unable to bring the investigating witnesses till the date of trial shall be cancelled. At any time a new trial might be required by new arbitrators.

At last there shall be a trial for verdict. During the trial for verdict, investigators shall utter the last words about the articles required to be proved. Reasons and evidences shall remain with them secretly. Main arbitrator shall decide, president of subdistrict shall declare. President might authorize another licensed person in this issue.

 The parties shall obey to the arbitrator`s decisions voluntarily. No pressure shall be executed in the subdistricts. No arrestment, prisoning, surveillance, violation of the home, checking the person shall be possible without his own consent. If the person resists he shall lose the protection of the law by arbitrator decision. Security organization in the district shall prevent him to commit the crime once again. Property of those who were killed shall be confiscated. No burial ceremony shall be allowed. Shall be put into the hole. Nobody shall be taken as responsible and be killed because of the actions committed by the others, nobody shall be applied pressure.

The verdicts approved by the testimony of the investigators shall be absolute, and execution shall be applied by the presidents of the subdistrict. In case of non-application, person shall abondon the subdistrict and might sue in city courts against the subdistrict. In case the president of the city do not apply it, he shall abondon the city and might sue in state courts. In case state do not apply either, state shall be abondoned and might be sued in humanity courts. Subdistrict, city and state shall be sentenced to the compensation. Talion shall be non-applicable.

            Those who are sure about that investigators applied unjustice intentionally or by mistake or the arbitrators decided unjustly intentionally or by mistake, shall apply for the responsible of the political solidarity and request him to sue in supreme courts against the investigator or arbitrator. One of the arbitrators shall be selected by responsible of the solidarity and the other by arbitrator or investigator. Investigators shall be selected by responsibles of the solidarity. In case a clear mistake or intention of the arbitrator or investigator is found, he shall be punished. Solidarity partner of the arbitrator or investigator shall compensate. Each investigator or arbitrator shall be sued seperately. Compensation might be partial in proportion to the mistake.

            If the responsible of the solidarity does not sue, person shall change the responsible and get him to sue. If none of them sues, he might change the subdistrict and sue against the subdistrict.

            Court decisions shall be absolute. Shall be executed. However against the decisions one might apply for the court. If it is a rightful claim, solidarity partnership shall compensate it. 



Value of the Land and share of infrastructure by official wage

Article-25a) Wage for degree per hour in the state, shall be calculated by dividing public lands into the total degree per hour of the state population. Value of the land in the state shall be opposite of that.

            Lands of cities and subdistricts, shall be the rate of the public lands of city or subdistrict to their values divided by the state public lands.

            Subdistrict lands shall be given to the clan and work sites under the condition of that 5 times more than their value shall be invested. Lands shall be selected by entepreuneurs. 1/5 of the construction shall be spent for internal infrastructure of site, 1/5 for external infrastructures of site, subdistrict, city, state and humanity.

            Social entities shall also be assumed within infrastructure.

            Land owners of the site whose project done, shall be granted share from land shareouts, constructure owners from the constructure shareouts. Remaining shareouts shall be sold and the site shall be completed. Divisions shall be shared by means of methods of Assessment and Sharing. Those who grant share document and request first shall be allocated the division.


One fifths and tenths

1/5th of the production obtained from the exhaustable limited sources like mines shall be public share. It shall be charged where the credit is granted in the production processes.

            1/10th of the outputs produced within private property from non exhaustable limited sources like agriculture shall be public share. Those shares might be decresed to half. Might be increased to double.


One fortieths

            1/40th of products produced within open property ownership from non-exhaustable limited sources like outputs of meadow, cash, commerce, warehouse shall be charged as public share out of their capital.

            In the same amount might be charged as share of general service.

            Share of general service might be increased due to the service. Share of public and general service shall not exceed 50%.

            No other tax shall be charged from the people apart from military exemption tax and compensation installations.


            25b) tax payment shall be subject to decleration. Decleared goods shall be under public protection. Those goods which were not decleared for tax shall not be subject to public security. Value of the goods shall be in proportion to the paid tax. In industrial facilities the value shall be five times of the paid taxes within previous five years, in agricultural facilities ten times of the paid taxes within previous ten years, in commercial undertakings forty times of the paid taxes  within previous year. Credits shall be distributed due to the paid taxes in previous years. Infrastructure services shall be given due to the paid taxes within previous years.


Çok Yorumlanan Makaleler
Cengiz Demirci
Sam Adiyanı hakeme davet ediyorum
10.07.2012 14247 Okunma
34 Yorum 15.01.2013 10:44
Cengiz Demirci
İlk karzı hasen kooperatifi
3.01.2013 21704 Okunma
25 Yorum 06.02.2013 20:31
Cengiz Demirci
Süleyman Akdemir'in Erbakan Vakfına Teklifi
4.02.2015 17173 Okunma
21 Yorum 17.02.2015 09:32
Cengiz Demirci
Helal Gıda
7.06.2015 12382 Okunma
11 Yorum 15.06.2015 14:07
Cengiz Demirci
Emetün Mümine
15.11.2015 9087 Okunma
8 Yorum 21.11.2015 22:55
Cengiz Demirci
Sam'ın Hakem Davası
27.01.2016 10637 Okunma
5 Yorum 07.02.2016 11:43
Cengiz Demirci
Rahman - Mercan - Reyhan
17.10.2012 7636 Okunma
5 Yorum 18.10.2012 10:05
Cengiz Demirci
Kutadgu Bilig (Devlet Düzeni)
23.11.2014 8753 Okunma
4 Yorum 24.11.2014 10:31
Cengiz Demirci
Kul Düzeni ve Köle Düzeni
5.01.2013 7488 Okunma
3 Yorum 30.01.2013 09:33
Cengiz Demirci
Fatih Kanunnameleri
15.08.2015 8397 Okunma
3 Yorum 18.08.2015 12:15
Cengiz Demirci
Para kitabı veresiye satış bölümü
2.02.2013 6949 Okunma
2 Yorum 09.02.2013 23:04
Cengiz Demirci
İşletme hesap düzeni
20.04.2016 7079 Okunma
2 Yorum 22.04.2016 09:03
Cengiz Demirci
4.11.2012 6904 Okunma
1 Yorum 04.11.2012 18:33
Cengiz Demirci
Girdiler Ortaklıkları
6.02.2014 7824 Okunma
1 Yorum 10.02.2014 20:44
Cengiz Demirci
Süpermarkete müşteri kredisi faiz ilişkisi
3.07.2014 7098 Okunma
1 Yorum 10.07.2014 17:32
Cengiz Demirci
Hakem Olayının Tümegelimle Kurandaki Döngüsü
30.08.2015 8153 Okunma
1 Yorum 30.08.2015 19:28
Cengiz Demirci
Fetih Sünneti
12.10.2012 7252 Okunma
1 Yorum 12.10.2012 11:18
Cengiz Demirci
Meyve ve Hurma ve Nar
13.10.2012 7162 Okunma
1 Yorum 14.10.2012 13:41
Cengiz Demirci
Samın namaz makalesine eleştiri
25.02.2012 7242 Okunma
1 Yorum 25.02.2012 09:55
Cengiz Demirci
23.03.2012 6194 Okunma
1 Yorum 23.03.2012 14:10
Cengiz Demirci
ruh ve evrim
3.05.2012 6681 Okunma
1 Yorum 03.05.2012 07:16
Cengiz Demirci
30.05.2012 5972 Okunma
1 Yorum 06.06.2012 18:28
Cengiz Demirci
Constitution of Humanity - Introduction 2
20.02.2010 5043 Okunma
1 Yorum 25.02.2010 11:15
Cengiz Demirci
Karagülle eleştiri: Tümdenvarım
31.01.2012 6055 Okunma
1 Yorum 02.02.2012 21:09
Cengiz Demirci
Karagülle eleştiri: Teşhisin gecikmesi israftır
6.02.2012 6249 Okunma
1 Yorum 07.02.2012 16:05
Cengiz Demirci
Bakara Model
28.10.2009 6104 Okunma
1 Yorum 03.11.2009 23:47
Cengiz Demirci
Tasavvuf - Arınma
21.02.2010 8285 Okunma
1 Yorum 01.03.2010 13:30
Cengiz Demirci
10.03.2010 4495 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Geçiş Fıkhı - Medeni Hukuk Düzeni
23.05.2010 4787 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Geçiş Fıkhı Genel
24.05.2010 5009 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Peygamberlik Mührü
14.06.2010 9042 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Hak ve Velayet Müessesesi
14.09.2010 5229 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Enfal Suresi
17.02.2011 5492 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Sebebi Nüzül
24.08.2011 6370 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Bakara - Kitap
2.11.2009 4383 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Bakara - Hilafet
8.11.2009 5425 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
İsra ve Miraç
19.11.2009 7445 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Bakara - Silm Modeli
23.11.2009 6130 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Bakara kuranin beynidir
3.12.2009 4417 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Necm Suresi - Kelimeyi Tevhid Kiyasi
27.12.2009 14043 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Usul ve Ekoller
31.12.2009 13103 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Oruc Zekat Analojisi
31.12.2009 5881 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Money in the Just Order
2.01.2010 4486 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Constitution of Humanity - Whole text
19.02.2010 5684 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Karagüllle eleştiri: Hakkın Kaynakları
11.02.2012 4486 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Karagülle kritik: Hak - Batıl
4.02.2012 4985 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Constitution of Humanity - Public Duties
20.02.2010 3719 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Constitution of Humanity - Public Duties
20.02.2010 3663 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Constitution of Humanity - Public Duties
20.02.2010 3633 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Constituion of Humanity - General Services
20.02.2010 4423 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Sünnetin Fatihayı anayasalaştırması
8.07.2012 3849 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Zina - Mut`a - Nikah
27.07.2012 5235 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Ayakkabı üstüne mest
17.09.2012 4830 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci

6.09.2010 0 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Mecelle madde 1: Fıkhın tarifi
6.09.2015 10155 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Altın ve Gümüş para
6.11.2015 5079 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Para Vakıfları ve Faiz
8.11.2015 7200 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
15.02.2016 4770 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Arapça - Türkçe Gelecek Zaman Mukayesesi
2.03.2016 8089 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Erbakan Vakfı - Şehzade Sancağı
1.03.2015 7480 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Mecelle ve İnsanlık Anayasası
15.08.2015 6431 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci

30.08.2010 9 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Kıyasa kıyas olur mu ?
22.06.2015 6085 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Milli Görüş Adil Ekonomik Düzeni: Temel Esaslar
22.11.2012 9882 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Müçtehit YETİŞME Merkezi
16.12.2012 5546 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Mümini hataen öldürmek
2.01.2013 4724 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
ilk selem
3.01.2013 6504 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Hakem Olayının Tümegelimle kurgusu
18.01.2015 6423 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Bağımsız Adaylık
3.02.2015 4369 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Bağımsız Adaylık
3.02.2015 6436 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
İstikbali Pazarın Kuruluşu
8.02.2013 5799 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Mal Parası
11.02.2013 6614 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
İşletme imamı
2.06.2013 4910 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Adil Düzen Aşireti
7.07.2013 6175 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Vitesli ekonomi
14.12.2013 4697 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Başkanın sürme yetkisi
29.12.2013 6299 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Çoklu Ceza Hukuku
17.09.2016 11832 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Ceza Hukukunda Cinsel Suçlar
23.09.2016 7143 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Ceza Hukuku Maddi ve Mali Suçlar
27.09.2016 4808 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Ceza Hukukunda Cinayet Suçları
22.10.2016 3997 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
"İnsanın maymundan türeme imkanı yoktur"
25.03.2017 4645 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Adil Düzen gümüş motorla başlar
13.04.2017 4150 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Milli Tarım Politikası
2.05.2017 6096 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
Siyasi Cihat Namazı'nın Fıhkı
9.05.2017 5979 Okunma
Cengiz Demirci
İnsanlık Anayasası değil Ümmül Kitab
19.06.2017 10115 Okunma

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