Cengiz Demirci
Constituion of Humanity - General Services
4426 Okunma, 0 Yorum






02 Scientific

01 Religious

03 Vocational

04 Political


06 Documentation

07 Debit

08 Inventory

05 Inventory Art.


15 Press

13 Transportation

14 Communication

16 Broadcasting


17 Planning

18 Maintenance

19 Health

20 Watch


10 Information

11 Warehouse

12 Cashier`s Office

09 Documentation


21 Registration

22 Controling

23 Investigation

24 Arbitration




1.                                          Inputs of the Undertaking


Establishment of Undertaking

Article 0- Responsible of the undertaking shall agree on a contract with the main responsible for general services. Responsible of the undertaking shall give a non-movable asset as warranty and the main responsible shall be insured by a vocational solidarity. Partners of the facilities shall be in agreement with responsible of the assets. Responsible of the undertaking shall agree with the responsibles of maintenance and auxiliary material. Besides, he shall agree with the responsible of the facilities. Main responsible and responsibles of the undertaking shall determine general servants in agreement and sign contracts with them. The change shall also be by their consent. The contract shall be taken under registry by the registration service. The share bills shall be issued by press service and shall be submitted to the servant of cashier`s office. Bills of undertaking shall start to be sold as gold-gram (Ag). Servants of the cashier`s office shall sign a creditation contract with a bank. One fifth equivalent of the issued bills of undertaking shall be deposited in the bank` cashier`s office. If the cash in the bank is more than one fifth of the bills circulating outside, then the price of the bill of undertaking shall be increased, if it is less, then it shall be decreased.  


Circulation within the Undertaking

Facilities and infrastructure, labor and maintenance, raw material and auxiliary material as well as solidarity and general services shall be included in the undertaking as inputs and the outputs shall be stored in the warehouse, bills of undertaking shall be given in return for the inputs. Bills of undertaking shall be exchanged to the cash in the cashier`s office of the undertaking. Trader partners shall buy them with cash, bring to the public warehouse to have the goods in return, sell the goods later in the market in return for cash. No cash shall be included within the undertaking. Inputs and outputs shall not be assessed with cash. Public share shall also be paid by bills of undertaking.


Responsibles for the Inputs

Responsible of the Infrastructure and Responsible of the Facilities shall agree and share out the share of Facilities with him. Share of the Infrastructure within Share of the Facilities shall be determined by the Council of the Service Institution. The Rent Share and Labor Share of the Facilities shall be determined in the Lease Contract of the Facilities. The Rent shall be a Share out of Turnover. Fixed Rent or Rent out of Profit shall not be applied in  Undertakings. Share of the Maintenance shall be determined by Responsible of Labor and foundations of Maintenance through the bargaining. Input Prices of the Raw Materials of the Undertaking shall be determined according to the stocks in the warehouse. Output Prices shall also be determined according to the stocks in the warehouse. Prices of the Intermediary Products shall be determined according to their own stocks. Exchange Rate of the raw materials brought by those who request to barter in return for Finished Goods shall be determined by Trader and Responsible of the Labor. Share of General Service shall be determined by law according to the type of Undertaking. Public Share shall be determined by the Constitution. Auxiliary materials shall be supplied by Public Institutins. They shall be determined according to the Public Share in previous year. Auxiliary Material Coupons shall be given according to this. The Coupons shall be bought and sold in the market place. 


Expiration of the Lease Contract

The tenant who is licensed person signing the Lease Contract shall have the property ownership of the Management of the Work Place as far as he produces the minimum output indicated in the Contract. The owners of the Facilities who have the Rent Share shall not have any authority to engage in management or to change any partner of the Undertaking. The tenant shall have the right to manage the Undertaking himself or to transfer it to another party as far as he has the license to manage the Undertaking. This property shall be transferred through Testament not Heritage.


2.      Main Responsible for the General Services


Appointment of the Servants

Main Responsible for the General Services shall act a contract with the Responsible of the Undertaking. The License of Main Responsible for the General Services shall be awarded by the special examinations of scientific, vocational, religious and political councils and shall be valid just within the institution. Main Responsible for the General Services shall determine the General Service Servants of the Undertaking together with Responsible of the Undertaking. Solidarity of the Undertaking shall be the solidarity of Main Responsible.


Control of the Servants

The Main Responsible shall provide continuation of services of the Servants properly. He might finish contracts of the Servants whom they discontinue the service, appoint another one. He shall not control what Servants do, but shall control if they do or not. Those whose contracts abolished shall have the right to apply for the arbitrator in order to remove the unjust treatment.


First Arbitration

Responsible for the General Services shall be the first arbitrator in any of the disputes occurred in the Undertaking. His decision shall be applied immediately. Those people who claim unjust treatment shall have the right to apply for arbitrator to remove it.


Collection of the Laws

The problems occuring during the management shall be solved by the rules issued by the Responsible for the General Services. These rules might be canceled by arbitration decisions.




Types of Education

Article A- Non-written mental education shall be given by religious, written mental education by scientific, non-productive bodily education by political, productive bodily education by vocational servants and solidarity partnerships shall award their licenses through the examinations. Any type of education shall be free.


Places of Education

Clan education shall be performed by president of Clan and Old People. Basic Education shall be done in Clans. Service Representative of Neighborhood shall support them. Primary Education shall be done in Neighborhoods. Servants of District shall support them. Secondary Education shall be done in Districts, Advisors of Region shall support them. High Education shall be done in Regions, Researcher Servants in the Continent Centres shall support them. Supreme Education shall be done in Continent Centres. They shall be supported by different Continent Researchers.



Basic License Examination shall be done in Neighborhoods by Subdistrict Councils, Primary License Examination in Subdistricts by Subdistrict Councils, Secondary License Examination in Cities by City Councils, High License Examination in Regions by State Councils and Supreme License Examination in States by Humanity Councils.


Working Hours

Working hours shall be determined in the Subdistricts by Subdistrict Administration.

In case no other decision, at 4.00 o’clock shall be got up. Morning Work shall start at 6.00 o’clock. Noon Break shall be at 12.00 o’clock. Evening Work shall start at 15.00 o’clock. Evening Break shall be at 18.00 o’clock. At 22.00 o’clock shall be sleep time.



            In Heavy Works performed in turn shall be 4, in Medium Works shall be 3 and in Light Works shall be 2 shifts. The order shall be changed once a year. In case of light works in the work places there might be done other businesses.



Child shall be represented by mother in the family, by father outside of family. Child shall be given birth and brought up by mother, supported and protected by father. Those who have the obligation shall have the liability. Responsibility shall also be burdened to him. Rights shall be granted to those people who are under obligation. Education of the child till 7 years old shall be performed by mother. After 7 years old shall be performed by mother together with the consultation of father. After 10 years old shall be performed by father together with the consultation of mother with the child’s preferences given.


Religious Education

Every body and each undertaking shall have a religious servant. Responsibles of  Religious Solidarity shall take place in institution centers, Religious Servants in periphery centers.



Article 1-Daily religious ceremonies shall be performed in Clans by presidents of Clan, in Subdistricts by presidents of subdistrict. Pregnancy, birth, 15, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 years age related matters as well as ceremonies of marriage, divorce, death, division of heritage shall be governed by religious servants. The private ceremonies related with Starting and Basic Licenses shall be performed by Service Representatives in Neighborhoods, the private ceremonies related with Primary and Secondary Licenses shall be performed by Servant in Districts, the private ceremonies related with High Licenses shall be performed by Advisor Religious Servants in Regions, the private ceremonies related with Supreme Licenses shall be performed by Researcher Religious Servants in Regions. They shall be a kind of license awarding ceremonies.



Religious Education Servants shall visit and solve the problems of those who exposed to deseases and natural or humanitarian catastropies. In case of any required aid or consultation, it shall be organized by them. They shall be Advisors for the personal problems of people. 



People shall transmit, in case they need to offer them, their news, questions or wishes to Responsibles for the Religious Solidarity through Religious Representatives in  Neighborhoods. Responsibles for the Religious Solidarity shall notify any news, questions and wishes required by means of Responsibles for the Religious Education to their partners.


Working Hours

Beginning and end of working hours shall be announced by Representatives of the Religious Service.

Beginning and end of working hours in Undertakings shall also be announced by Religious Servants. Needs during resting hours shall be arranged by Religious Servants. The ceremonies during beginning and end of working hours shall be governed by Representatives of the Religious Service. Shift times and shift orders shall be arranged by Religious Servants.


Attandance in the Undertakings

Attandance in the undertakings shall be kept by Religious Servants. Those who are absent shall be investigated and registered in the files by reasons. Religious Solidarity Servants shall determine the people to the places of absents. They shall advice to those who make mistakes during their services. Complaints related with negligence and laziness during work shall be notified to Religious Representatives.


Cleaning in the Undertakings

Cleaning watches and fields in undertakings shall be arranged and inspected by Religious Servants. Cleaning inspection relating to meals and resting places of workers shall be performed by Religious Servants.


Moral Education and Purification in Undertakings (Moral License)

Moral education seances and moral inspection within undertakings shall be performed by religious servants. Moral purification relating to working manners shall be notified to  responsible for the religious solidarity of the person.


Authority in Religious Education

Attandance or non-attendance to the religious solidarity partnership shall be free. Religious solidarity for those who do not attend to any religious solidarity partnership shall be the scientific solidarity. Religious education of the person shall be done by mother till 7 years old, by mother together with consultation to father after 7 years old, by father together with consultation to mother after 10 years old and by responsible of the religious solidarity depending on his own wish after 15 years old. Religious education shall be performed by the ceremonies at specific times of the day.




            Scientific Education Services

Article 2- Each person shall have a responsible for scientific solidarity. Private law shall be composed of the contracts. In case of absence of an article in the contracts, General Clauses of the Contract of the Scientific Solidarity Partnership shall be applied. Each subdistrict shall have a public law issued by concensus specific to itself. Those people who acted by decision taken in consulation with their scientific responsible shall be compensated by scientific solidarity partnership in case of exposure to any damage stemming from negligence. No talion shall be applied.



Every thing shall be pair. In balance. Pairs shall also be composed of pairs. They shall also be in balance. 6 poles shall be connected to one another. 6 internal connections and 12 external connections shall exist. The composition shall have 25 elements together with itself. For each element there shall be the natural sciences informing about the compositions themselves, the theoretical sciences informing about the rules of the compositions, the philosophical sciences informing about for what purposes shall be used and the applied sciences informing about in which form shall be used. Totally it shall make 100 kinds of sciences. They shall be assessed in the nature of universe, nature of human, nature of community and general services. They shall be organized as 25 faculties.



MATHEMATICS        :           Geometry                   Chemistry       Physics            Mechanics

Program                     :           METHODOLOGY      DNA                01                    EFFECT

THEOLOGY               :           Past                            Life span         Evolution        Future

Grammer                    :           ECONOMICS             Psychology     Sociology        ADMINISTR

LOGIC                       :           Language                   Technique       Jurisprudence Art


11Mathematics, shall investigate the relations between presence and absence by numbers. It shall deal with numbers.

21Program, shall be the mathematics of logic. It shall be expression of electrical circuits by mathematical equations.

Methodology, shall be science of the sciences. It shall indicate how to reach to the ways of the true sciences.

31Theology, shall put the theorems of the universe where we live.

41Grammer, shall investigate the relation between true-false by expression rules of language.

51Logic, shall investigate the relation between presence-absence. It shall deal with concepts.

12Geometry, shall investigate the relations between the inter-connected number groups. It shall mention one, two, three, four, five dimentional universe.

13Chemistry, shall investigate the compositions that come into existance through the interactions of the matters which cover a space at the universe and do not share it with other.

14Physics, shall investigate the effects, which were collected in one place, and their change at the same place.

15Mechanics, shall investigate changes in shifting space when one degree lower space shifts in one degree upper space. It generates time.

22Methodology, shall be collective form of thoughts. They emerge by synthesis of language with space.

23Plants, shall emerge through the string of DNAs. They shall be natural creatures.

24Life, shall emerge through the string of 01’s. It arranges the motions and formations, provides communication.

25Religion, shall be collective form of feelings. They emerge by relation of feelings with time.

32Past, shall be the counter side of the positive direction of our three dimensional space within four dimensional space.

33Evolution, shall be evolving from identical but non-related creatures to the identical but related creatures. 

34Life span, shall be replacement of the creatures, which finished their duty, with new generations in order to provide evolution.

35Future, shall be the positive direction of our three dimensional space within four dimensional space.  

42Economy, shall be collective form of works. It emerges by combination of technique with material.

43Soul, shall be the part of a person in spritual dimension. It takes the effects off the body and affects our body.

44Society, shall be the image of relations built among souls of people in the visable world.

45Administration, shall be collective form of behaviors. It emerges by combination of tradition with energy.

52Language, shall be the intermediary for expressing the thoughts. Thoughts shall seperate true and false. False is unsuitability of the universe in minds to the real universe. It shall determine how to do.

53Technique, shall be the intermediary which performs will. Will shall be the effect of human to the external world. Will shall determine in which order and when the works shall be done.

54Traditions, shall provide realization of the social side at people. Social side is the relations of a person with other people. Social side shall determine for whom the goods shall be produced.

55Art, shall be the intermediary for expressing the feelings. It shall seperate good and bad. Existance is better than non-existance. Order is better than caos. Saving is better than wasting. Evolution is better than stagnation. Feelings  shall determine what to do.  


            Each of them shall have theoretical, natural, applied and philosophical sciences. Totally they shall compose of 100 sciences.

            In Basic Education, words and numbers shall be educated.

            In Primary Education, practical information shall be given. No proof.

            In Secondary Education, induction of non-discussible application rules shall be indicated.

            In High Education, obtaining discussable application rules shall be indicated.

            In Supreme Education, generation of new rules shall be educated.

            Examinations shall be performed in every science by solidarity partnerships. Specialization shall be done according to the profession selected for living.

            25 quartet sciences shall be divided into 25 services. Each service shall teach the education given to itself.

            Theology by administration service, methodology by scientific education services, religion by religious education services, economy by vocational education services, administration by military education services, language by press service, art by broadcasting service, technique by transportation service, tradition by communication service, geometry by planning service, mechanics by health service, chemistry by maintenance service, physics by security service, past by registration service, future by arbitration service, life span by controlling service, evolution by investigation service shall be taught.



Official books shall be printed as dictionary, text, commentary and research books. Texts shall be prepared commonly by whole universities. Commentary books shall be prepared by each univeristy for themselves. Researches shall be done by scientists themselves. Some of the dictionaries shall be prepared according to texts, some of them according to the commentary books. Common scientific works shall be prepared in competition method. Starting, basic, secondary, high and supreme scientific licenses shall be the preconditional degrees for service. They shall be awarded according to the cadre. Besides examinations shall be done each year and scientific grades shall be increased according to the achievements in those examinations. It shall affect salaries and credits.


Regulations of Undertakings

Responsible of scientific education service shall have the duty of educational services relating to the laws which are collected by responsible of general service of undertakings or decided by arbitrators to relevants. The laws shall not be required to be read by all people. Scientific education servant shall be obliged to explain by indicating the place to those who need them.



            Responsibles of the scientific solidarity partnerships shall be liable for the payments due to mistakes stemming from illiteracy. Decision shall be taken from the responsible of scientific education of the undertaking in the application of the laws of the undertaking. If the person followed the decisions, then solidarity of the servant shall pay; if not, his own scientific solidarity shall pay for it. They shall be free to obey or disobey it. Obligation of the proof shall belong to  those who work.





Article 3- Region shall plan the production according to its necessities. The needs should be supplied in the region if there is no possibility to import. There should be found a market within the region if there is no possibility to export. In this planning based on the principles mentioned neighborhoods and districts shall be specialized in production. Servants in districts shall have specialization according to this. Vocational education representatives in neighborhoods shall be educated according to this. When person selects his profession shall have to select his district and even neighborhood within region. Person shall have general services and his credits within these conditions.



Those who complete 10 years old shall have the right to do apprenticeship. Apprentice shall need to do a work just under the supervision of someone. They shall need to pay supervision share to those who supervise them. The share shall be one fifth.



Worker shall be those who worked under the supervision of a master in sufficient time on a specific job. Workmanship license shall be awarded by its master on a specific job. The worker shall give mastery share to the master from his earning till the end of his life. Workmanship share that is given by a master shall be limited. It shall be shared out by responsibles of vocational solidarity. Responsibles of vocational solidarity shall also be given by general annual macro according to their power. It shall be the license of maintaining the work himself in any job given. It shall be awarded by masters after the passage of specific time. The period shall be determined by vocational solidarity partnerships. Those who want to be worker shall need to have basic licence.



Masters shall be the representatives of servant in neighborhoods. They shall train the workers. They shall give the works. Masters shall arrange the works themselves. For this they shall need to be awarded mastery license on the work by subdistrict vocational council. The license shall be awarded to those who have primary license. The works shall be arranged at evenings. Masters shall have one fifth of the workers’ salary who are granted the job. If they are less than 5 people they shall also have their own works as salaries. If they are between 5-10 they shall have half of their own salaries. Those masters who employ 10 people shall not have their own salaries.


Selection of the work

There shall be warehouses for the works done in the neighborhoods. There shall be work benches for the works which would be done. The price of the goods in the warehouse as bills of undertaking shall be calculated daily according to the stocks. Time of the work benches shall also be determined. Lease value of the work benches shall be determined too. Master shall select the most profitable work at the evening through the computer for the next day. He knows in which work benches the works shall be proceeded and therefore shall book the work benches for those hours. Thus his work for the next day shall be determined. They shall have the works that shall be performed by workers done to the masters. Apprentices shall decide at the evening to whom they shall work for the next day.


Flow of the Goods

The goods shall be accepted from warehouses and handed over warehouses. The flow shall be followed through the inventory accounting. In case of any trouble in the flow, it shall be rearranged by regulation in price change coefficient, quantity of stocks in warehouse or nominal price of warehouse. Vocational education representative shall be obliged to follow and notify the problems in the flow to the Responsible of the Undertaking.


Special Orders

Each neighborhood shall have goods produced specific to itself. Change tendency of these goods are rather even. That is to say, they change too little according to the stocks in the warehouse. If there is not more profitable business, they shall be done. Profitability is higher in special orders, therefore labor shall shift towards that side spontanously. Vocational education servants shall be obliged to follow the flow of the work and inform those who sell and buy the order.

Those who have secondary license shall have the projects applied and they shall permit those who have primary license to perform specific jobs. Those who have high license shall prepare the projects. Those who have supreme license shall put the rules of preparing project.




Article 4- In clans, the women who completed 15 years shall perform day time watch, the men who completed 15 years shall perform night watch. Watchmen shall have telephone apparat of clan and use it. Besides door ring shall be connected to the telephone line. It shall also ring when the door rings.

Cleaning services shall be performed by women in clans in turn. Taking precautions against humanitarian and natural catastrophies and preventing them shall be men’s obligation. The training shall be performed in clans. The training shall be done by the representatives of Guarding Service practically.

Watchman shall call for men in the clan to the service in case of fire, flow, earthquake and storm as well as robbary, sudden attack, raid and figthing. Everybody shall perform the duties which were determined previously. In case of non-sufficiency of the power they shall request support from guarding powers of neighborhood. If it is not sufficient either, they shall request support from security powers of district. If it is not sufficient either, they shall request support from defence powers of region. Expenses for their support shall be paid in solidarity.

Guarding wathces shall be performed in neighborhoods. Guarding shall be to act collectively against natural and humanitarian catastrophies. Guarding against the attacks of monsters, the animals spoiling the farmlands shall also be guarding services. Expelling the  attacks coming outside of subdistricts shall also be the obligation of guarding. Those who are entering to the subdistrict without permission shall be treated as wild animal. Permission shall be granted by the acceptance of a subdistrict inhabitant.

Using power by the subdistrict inhabitants or someone from subdistrict to those who enter to the subdistrict even if they are pay military servants shall be out of the scope of guarding. People shall be completely free. Violation shall be free too. The court shall punish later.

Everybody shall have the right for defence. They shall compensate loss of other party  exposed while they defend their property, life, chastity and work. If the damage is big their solidarity partnership shall compensate it. Talion shall not be applied in defense. However their rightness in the case shall need to be determined by the methods of penal courts.

Support to those who are right shall be the right and obligation for each person.

Security watches shall be performed in districts. Having to walk in security zone shall be free. Those people whom juridical protection were abolished by court decision shall be invited to police station. Rights of those who come to the police station shall be transferred to the court. Those who do not come, whose blood shall be legal for each person. It shall be decided by arbitrators. Those who kill him shall not be punished. And shall not pay blood money. In case they give out danger, security powers shall kill them. Execution prize shall be paid. They might share it with another executor.

District Security Education Centers shall give the training relating to recognition and following of the fugitive. Security powers shall not have a right to follow, seize and arrest those who were not declared as fugitive by court decision. If they need to do it and arrest them, the one who exposed to unjust treatment during that period shall be removed. In case of intentional actions, the unjust treatments outside of punishments shall also be removed. 

Defence wathces shall be performed in regions. People shall not enter to the defence areas. Military administration shall be applied in defence areas. Soldiers shall obey to the law order outside of the military zone. They shall not wear uniforms. There shall be front fighting in defence. Those who have power shall be right. Not the laws but command system shall be applied. Persons shall not be personally liable but troops shall be collectively liable. Liability shall not be according to behaviours but according to results. End of the war shall be determined by victorious commander.

War shall be declared by arbitrary decisions and end by military decisions.

Every body shall perform their civil defence education in their own working and living place. How to act during  humanitarian and natural catastrophies shall be educated. Workplace security cautions shall be given by defence education. Workers shall be trained against catastrophies. The used equipments shall be utilized. Precautions against these catastrophies shall also take place in the planning. They shall be activated before rent shares. Defence Education Service shall inspect if they are active, and shall train people how to use them. They shall inspect if the roads, drainage, electricity, water facilities are active. They shall have the right to make the maintenance partnership, of those who do not supply maintenance service, cancelled by arbitration decision.   


Defence Budget

            Defence incomes shall be composed of one fifth of the state incomes, military exemption taxes, customs duties and domestic production. Military service shall be around one month per year. Totally 48 months. One sixth of the military service shall be performed as guarding watch in subdistrict, two sixth as security watch in city, three sixth as defense watch in state. Six month shall be free of charge. Other six months shall be with half salary. One year shall be with salary. Production shall be performed through master and apprentice education. The machines of the trained profession shall be granted as salary.


            Army shall be trained to maintain defence even if they are alone in the region.

            Customs duties shall not be included in the budgets of security and guarding. 



Article B- The earth shall be divided. There shall be kept a file for each of the division. Its past shall be kept here. The goods which enter into the production and consumption but exit out without spending shall be the inventory articles. Registration of the goods which can be stored in the warehouse and their value stems from due to the scarcity or availability by labor but cannot be used for the same purposes once used, shall be kept in inventory accounting. Those registrations which are relevant to social and bodily existances of the persons shall be kept in registers of documentation, those registrations which are relevant to financial existances of the persons shall be kept in debit accounting.


Inventory Articles

Article 5- The earth shall be named by the common names of the humanity. Naming shall be made through 21 consonants as one of them is spare. Every state shall be pronounced according to itself. Their script shall be used in two forms as Arabic and Latine. Arabic script for form writing and Latine script for syllabic writing shall be used for sounds. MBPFV  NDTSZ LCWXY RGKHQ,J

            W shall be used as spare. (Turkish people pronounce W=Ç   X= Ş   Q=Ğ)

            Wowels shall be 5 as one of them is spare: AOUI E

            Numbers shall be 10: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. In the Latine, Arabic, form and syllabic writing the same marks shall be used. It is written in the right by using caps lock.  Every state shall pronounce them according to themselves.

A=1    B=2     C=3                D=4                H=5                V=6    Z=7     X=8    T=9                 Y=10

            K=20 L=30  M=40 N=50 S=60  G=70 F=80   J=90

Q=100   R=200   E=300   O=400   P=500  W=800   U=900   I=1000


Codification of the Earth

First capital shall indicate decimal digit of the latitute. Second capital shall indicate its degree within decimal digit. Latitutes in the north shall be pronounced by A, and in the south by I. (42=DaB longitude shall maintain decimal system. K serie shall be used after 90. Second digit shall indicate the degrees. 36 CaV Turkey shall be written Badcav, Turkish people shall pronouce it Batçav)

Names of the states shall be pronounced with thick wovels, names of the capital cities shall be pronounced with thin wovels.

Continents shall be indicated with two, states with four letters. Regions and cities shall be indicated with second four letters; districts and subdistricts shall be indicated with third four letters. Subdistricts shall be codified completely itself.

First neighborhoods and clans shall be codified. Later house and rooms shall be codified. Therefore every place shall have a code. Place codes, division codes. For each of them shall be opened a different file and whole past shall be registered in that place. Animals and trees shall be treated like inventory articles.

            File of inventory articles shall indicate inventory articles. Utilizing possessors and managing possessors might be different for inventory articles. Each possessor shall be registered in the file by dates. Inventory registers shall be open.

            New inventory articles shall be decided according to the project. Registrations shall be improved as land, building, facilities. Facilities might be removed, building might be fired, land registrations shall remain. Files shall be merged and seperated through the merging and seperating the lands. Files of non-existing inventory articles generally shall be packaged and buried in the same place.

            For each of the inventory articles there shall be a trustee (who keeps the goods). He shall be the liable for incoming and outgoing goods. Every body shall have the right to use any goods on the condition of registration. Possessors of the goods shall have the priority to use them. They shall not have the right to imprison the goods. Servants of inventory articles shall have the disposal of these applications on the goods.

            Servants of the inventory articles shall have the authority to rent the non-movable assets. They shall rent the rented assests to the tenants with the price that they rented. Payments of the whole tenants shall be mixed, first maintenance of the rented buildings shall be done. 2,5% of the remaining part shall be kept as General Service share. The rest shall be shared out among the whole house owners regardless of paying attention if their house is rented or not.




Personal Code

Article 6- Everybody shall have a clan and a subdistrict. Clan and subdistrict of the children shall be their mothers’ clan and subdistrict. Change of the state and city shall not change the subdistrict code of the person. Person shall be codified with their subdistricts and date of birth in the subdistricts. Children shall be from their mothers’ subdistrict and clan. Codes of residence places shall be indicated seperately. Date shall not be used.


Identity Card

Everybody shall be given an electronic identity card. Their photo and fingerprint shall be put on it. Identity control cards shall be located in nessesary places. Registration shall be done with the person holding the card with his fingers and making it checked. This card shall be taken under registry by making it checked even in the contracts. Person shall be creditor and debtor. Passing through the doors, getting on/off the cars all shall be taken under registry by these cards. These registrations shall indicate the places that person was in a specific time.


Registration Service of Documentation

Person might change his subdistrict till 10 years by request of himself and his father. He might change it by his own request after 10 years.

Any document incoming to the person shall be delivered to him by Documentation Service and kept in his personal file. All outgoing document from the person shall be submitted to the Documentation Servant of the other party and one copy shall be kept in the file of the sender. The registrations of those who give General Services to the person shall be kept in the personal file too. Servants shall fill the document out and submit to the Documentation Registration. The documents which the person wishes to keep in his file shall also be put in the file.

Documentation files shall be kept for the benefit of the person in case of a defence needed. In principle they are confidential. Nobody shall claim any indictment against the person based on those information without his permission. However everybody shall have the right to defend himself based on their own files.

The documents accusing the person shall enter to the file. Responses shall enter too. Investigators shall have the right to request to see the registrations. Refusal might effect their idea. They shall not use power to see them.

            Presidents of the clan and subdistrict as well as responsibles of scientific, vocational, religious and political solidarity might request to show personal files. They shall not impose power to see it. however they shall remove out of their responsibility because of this reason.

            Documents shall be put in a safe place after filed. Person shall not make revisions on documents. Document servant also shall not check the old documents without his permision.

            Personal file shall begin by birth and end by death. Person might request the file to be given to whom he bequeathed. In that case it shall be united with the file of that person. Those whom bequeathed might classify the file and fire some part of them. The remaining shall be transferred to those bequeath later. They might request to be fired. In that case it shall be fired. If he did not bequeath any thing it shall be transmitted to the eldest heirs.

            Subdistrict or city presidents might request to be kept some of the registries relevant to General Services explicitly in personal files. In that case it shall be obeyed.

            Servants shall change by the change of the districts. The file of those person whose Documentation Servant has been changed shall be transferred to the new servant. Previous servant shall not keep any document or regitration.

            The files shall have incoming-outgoing registry books. Here the code of those who send and are sent shall be registered, writing date and the name of the subject shall be indicated. Document registry books shall be open to every body. Relevant people might see the document by checking the document registry books with the permision of the person or request to make copy.



Article 7- Fetus shall be claimer in mother stomack. By heritage, license of the claimer shall end. By birth he shall be debtor, by division of heritage license of the debtor shall end. An account shall be opened for persons.

            Each partnership shall have a responsible. Accounts of partnership shall be collected in sub-accounts of partner. Incoming and outgoing documents and contracts in favor of partnership shall be kept in partnership file. Partnership file shall be transferred to the documentation of the responsible or partnership file of another partnerhip in case of its liquidation.

Partnership shall have a resolution book and all of the resolutions relevant to the partnership shall be registered to that book. The issues that were not recorded in the book shall not be binding for the partnership. If the authorized person sings under the seal of the partnership and register that to the resolution book he meant to act to the name of partnership.

Those who exceed the limits of partnership shall be liable himself personally for the expenses. The partnership shall be liquidated in case of incapability to pay for the debts. Losses shall be paid from partnership capital. They shall be paid from the properties of the responsible in case of incapability to be paid.

All kinds of debt and credit of each person and each partner shall be registered in the debit book. Those whose due date is over and are incapable to pay on demand shall lose his license of creditation by arbitrator decision on request of claimer. Unvoluntary bailiff shall not be applied. In case of payment his creditability shall be returned.

Debit accountings shall be open.

            Borrowing and lending documents shall be issued freely by the parties. Contract shall be translated to the language of jurisprudence by registration servant, document shall be submitted to the accountant of lender. Accountant shall transfer the contract to the accounting language. He shall make it registered to the general accountant. General accountant shall dispatch one copy to the accountant of the borrower. Accountant of the borrower shall notify the borrower at weekend. If there is no objection account shall mean to be confirmed. In case of objection he shall refuse debtor by writing opposite operation. Lender might apply for the arbitrators according to these registrations.

            All debts and receivables, remnants and end year balances of the persons and partners shall be notified at the end of period. This shall be calculated at the end of the month of Fasting (Ramadan). If it is not objected till Slauthering Holiday shall be taken absolute. In case of objection accountants shall reconciliate. In this manner they shall go to the accounting. In case of non-objection or lack of reconciliation then the registrations shall be accepted valid. Parties shall have the right to apply for the arbitrators.

            Properties of the persons shall be determined in debit accounting. Utilization possession shall be valid just in commercial goods and shall be taken under registry totally through the capital whose tax was paid.  Person shall not claim any possession right for the commercial goods whose tax have not been paid and for other goods that were not registered in his accounting.

            Debit accounting shall be open. Partnerships shall be codified by the code of the founder.



Article 8- Inventory Registration: They shall be the registration of entering and exiting goods to/from the inventory articles. Thus movement of the goods shall be followed.

The goods entering and exiting to/from non-movable assets under trustee’s responsibility shall be registered in inventory accounting. The goods entering and exiting to/from warehouse shall be registered in inventory accounting.

 Quantity of entering and exiting goods to/from the warehouse shall be controlled by inventory accounting. The goods exiting and entering to/from a market shall be controlled by inventory accounting.

Demand and supply price of the commencial goods shall be determined according to the stocks and declared. Those who wish shall buy the goods in that price. Those who wish shall sell the goods in that price. All demand and supply shall be responded.

Instead of the stocks of the goods, stocks of the bilss in cash box which were issued equivalent to them shall be assessed by the amount in the cash box. Goods shall be assessed by their bills and the bills shall be assessed by cash.

Shares shall be issued in equivalent to the non-movable assets. The construction shall maintain as far as they are sold. Price of the shares shall be increased as far as construction finishes. The shares of those whom wish to leave shall be accepted in actual price. Construction shall be stopped. If nobody buys the shares in actual value, person might sell his share whoever he wishes by whatever price he wish, but shall not liquidate the construction.

Contractors shall have construction credit. They might maintain construction with the condition to find workers by official jobs (salaries). They shall be granted credit by money of land. Contruction credits of those who complete the contruction earlier shall be allocated. Credits of those who complete later shall be decreased. The credits of those who are unable to sell their shares shall be freezed. Price of the shares shall be calculated by demand and supply as cost.

            Shares of the workplaces which are under construction shall be bought and sold by public institutes. Thus cash shall be put into circulation and withdrawn to/from market. Puclic authorities shall not have rent share because of these shares. When the whole shares are returned, the non-movable asset shall be  liquidated. It shall be projected again.

            Shares of commodities shall be given to the stores as credit. In the stores either shares of commodities or cash  equivalent to them shall be found. They shall be followed by inventory accounting.

            In production undertakings there shall be warehouses of raw material, semi processed material and finished goods as well as cashier’s office of bills of undertaking. Situation of the undertaking shall be determined in inventory accounting. Intermediary goods shall be priced by bills of undertaking according to the stocks in warehouse.

            Buying traders shall be granted credits in the form of bills of undertaking in goods-to-goods stores. The goods shall be bought and sold by bills of undertaking. They shall also be followed by inventory accounting.

            Raw material shall be accepted for orders and production stages shall be followed step by step. These services shall be kept by inventory accounting too.





Article 9- Value of the land shall be two fifth of the building constructed according to the project on it. One fifth of a building shall be for common places within the site. One fifth of the building shall belong to the infrastructure services. One fifth of the infrastructure shall belong to the external infrastruture of site, one fifth to subdistrict, one fifth to city, one fifth to the state and one fifth humanity infrastructure. Land, sea, air and rail ways as well as electricity, water, gas, drainage lines shall be from infrastructure services. Their construction shall be done out of the infrastructure shares.

            Maintenance of all roads shall be done by one sixths allocated by subdistrict budget through watch services. Half shall be spent as employer expense, other half as material expense. Each road shall be burdened by a foundation or watch servants. Maintenances shall be executed through biddings. Maintenance percentage shall be increased through time. First accepter shall take. Undertaking of maintenance shall be insured by solidarities. Specifications shall be prepared by Research in competition. Scientific council and political coulcil shall order seperately. Those who win first degree shall appoint a main competitor. Specifications shall be prepared together. It shall put into circulation by approval of presidents of provincial subdistrict in provinces and presidents of central subdistrict in centers.

If they do not perform maintenance services of the roads according to the specifications, vocational council members shall apply for the arbitrators in order to compensate. Contract shall be cancelled, license of maintenance might be awarded by electricity.

Management of the road centers shall belong to the undertakings of maintenance. Whole services shall be free of charge. Those who use the road shall not be charged, those who stay on the road shall not be charged.

Specifications shall contain how many persons or vehicles shall stay in hotel places and what free services at minimum shall be given to them free of charge. People shall be free to do trade activities and give special service in hotel places.

The owners of vehicle who wish to do public transportation in a line shall pay for price of the line to the undertaking of manintenance. Maintenance services shall construct vehicle centers of maintenance with these amounts and shall maintain the vehicles free of charge. Price of the line shall be increased according to the number of people who shall work there. Price of transportation for passangers or goods shall be decreased according to the number of vehicles in that line. This price shall be arranged in such a way that price of passanger or goods per kilometer shall be equal to each other within subdistrict, city, state and humanity themselves seperately.

When a product is manufactured, delivery place of the product might be city, state, humanity, subdistrict. A transportation share due to that shall be charged. Thereafter transportation of these products shall be free of charge. In this way both small manufacturers shall be protected and value of that product in whole city, state or humanity shall be equal.

Delivery centers shall be managed by inventory accounting. The goods shall be accepted from the sender, put into the warehouse, transferred from one warehouse to another. The goods shall be given to the consumers. The products shall be collected and delivered from neighborhood warehouses to houses and from production places to neighborhood warehouses through subdistrict forwarders by line bidding methods. In certain time shall be collected and in certain time shall be delivered. Inter-neighborhood transportation shall be done by order method. Price of the product which will be transferred from one warehouse to another shall be determined in the evening. The forwarder who accepted first shall transfer it in that price.

Transportation of products from district warehouses to subdistrict warehouses shall be also done by line bidding method. Inter-district warehouse trasportation shall be done by labor bidding method. Labor bidding shall be in such a away that those who accept first shall win the bidding which is increased through time.

Transportation from regions to district center shall be by line bidding, inter-regions by labor bidding, continent centers with inter-regions by line bidding, inter-continents by labor bidding. Those who did not pay transportation share during production shall pay price of transportation per each kilometer. Shall be added to the common income. Whole products which are transported shall be under warranty by vocational solidarity partnerships free of charge.

Whole payments in transportation shall be done by electronic cards and those who pay cash shall not be under warranty and they shall not have any right to make use of the roads. Driver shall lose the license by arbitrators. The vehicles which they use shall be consfiscated.

            Passanger carriage capacity per kilometer shall be calculated in subdistrict, city, humanity and state seperately. The price shall be decreased up to a quarter of it is sold. Those who bought earlier according to the previous price shall be granted more capacity to travel. They shall be determined later due to the dates of sales.

            The tickets in equivelant to the quantity of the sold ones shall be given to the people free of charge. The tickets shall start to be bought and sold during the year till the completion of the last ticket is sold. At the end of the year if the tickets are sold more than the half capacity, investment shall be made by that. If the returning tickets are more, when less tickets in equivalent to the quantity of returning tickets  sold in the next year, price of the ticket shall be freezed. Loss shall be compensated by the extra sold tickets in the next year.

            Price of the lines which the passangers shall go shall be increased or decreased according to the principle of emptiness and occupancy. Tickets shall be started to be sold expensive. If it is not occopied then decreased. Returns shall be made according to the last sales. All of them shall always be registered to the computer by means of inventory accounting. Passangers shall make their preference by following on the screen.





Article 10- Roads and centers of communication shall be constructed within infrastructure facilities like transportation. Maintenance shall be done by maintenance servants. Management shall be executed by the watchmen of clan in clans, of subdistrict in subdistricts, of city in cities and of state in the states. It shall be executed by communication foundations in the humanity. Communication shall be free of charge.

            Those who call, shall enter free of charge, after dialing the number they wish, in case there is no line. If there is line they shall wait. There shall be swithes for upgrading the line. There shall be priority which is priced as one, two, three, four, five, six. When you dial five, it shall use 1 if it is not busy, If it is busy it shall continue or stop and wait at five to be free. If requested, it might be commanded to upgrade one level in a specific time period.

            Maintenance shall be done with collected fees. Renovation shall be done. New facilities shall be established. Research shall be done. If the number of those who use in charge is more than the number of those who use free of charge, in that case the price shall be increased, if less the price shall be decreased. In this way, there shall be a regulation each day as the half of the users shall use free of charge, other half shall use in charge.

            Price of the communication in the subdistrict shall be two fold of the price in city, three fold of the price in state and fourfold of the price in humanity. There shall be inter-connected communication networks connecting neighborhoods to one another in the subdistricts. Subscribers shall be connected to the neighborhood operator. Neighborhood operators shall be connected to subdistrict center, each subdistrict center to district operator, district operator to city center, city centers to region operators, region operators to state center, state centers to continent centers. Continent centers shall also be connected to humanity center.



            Press Service

Article 11- Press facilities shall be established by people. Delivery shall be executed by transportation free of charge. Delivery shall continue permanently with services of documentation, inventory, debit and inventory articles. Division shall be due to the number of subscriber. Authors shall be paid by General Service. Each undertaking shall have a press servant. The matters of the undertakings which they want to declare, shall be done by the press servant. They shall give periodical information about the undertakings through the press. Additionally everybody shall have a press servant. Those who want to declare anything shall make them declared through them.


Collection of the News

News shall be sent to press servants. Each of press representatives in neighborhoods shall be a journalist. The news shall be collected by them. Servants in districts shall assess the news from neighborhoods and send them to authors in regions. They shall be published in the press. Additioanlly these news shall be translated into Arabic and Latine and sent to the continent centers.


The Press Periodicals

Official daily press periodical shall be printed in the size that might be kept in the bookshelves. They shall benefit from General Services. Various scientific and similar subjects in various days of the week shall be mentioned in the magazines which contain daily news. News shall be prepared in regions. The authors in the region shall have column due to the number of their subscribers. They shall write in that column. There shall be issued 5-10 humanity magazine in Arabic or Latine language. Their authors shall be press servants in continent. They shall be delivered to the subscribers after printed in continent centers. Additionally those who wish might have it in diskette. These magazines shall be translated to the national languages in region centers. There shall be issued 5-20 daily press periodicals in state. They shall be written by region authors. Shall be printed in the regions together with translations, and delivered to the subscribers. Those who wish might copy them to the diskettes. City additionals shall also be prepared in districts. They shall be distributed to the subscribers together with city additionals. Subdistrict additionals shall be prepared in neighborhoods. Subdistrict additionals shall also be attached to the subscribers.



600 page texts composing of the whole sciences shall be prepared in competitive methods. For each science, 6 pages  shall be allocated. They shall be prepared in arabic and latine languages. Each science shall be commented in 600 pages. The ongoing researches shall be done on the explanations of these texts and comments and shall be published by references. Doctoral studies shall be printed in Arabic and Latine languages. In both languages the whole studies shall be done through the translations to one another by the foundations in continent centers. The experiments and observations made in region centers shall be kept writing by  Arabic and Latine languages. The experiments and observations made in district centers shall be kept writing by national language. Their content shall be declared in daily press.



The people shall give the press products which they produced to the members of scientific council in subdistricts through press agency in neighborhoods. Members shall assess them by putting them in order. They might  over-value by keeping intervals between them. The press copyrights shall be shared out among them in subdistricts. The books which were awarded degree in subdistricts shall be delivered to the members of scientific council of the city by district press servants. Members of scientific council of the city shall put them into order and award a degree. They shall share the prizes put in the press foundation. They shall share them with respect to the opposite of the order. The books that awarded degree in cities shall be delivered to the members of scientific council of the state by district press advisors. They shall assess them by putting into order. They shall be awarded prizes by state press foundation. The books of those whom their books awarded a degree from book competition of state shall be translated into Arabic and Latine and dispatched to the members of humanity scientific council by continent press researchers. Here they shall be awarded a degree through putting to order. Scientific councils shall benefit from members of the assemblies during ordering. They shall transfer different studies to different people to be examined. Written books shall be kept ready to be printed in this manner. Printing houses shall print whatever they choose out of them regardless of paying any copyright. As far as the books are sold a certain share shall be allocated as copyright. Those copyrights shall be invested to a fond and half of it shall be granted to the author. Other half shall be the income for press foundations and used for ordering the competences.


Delivery and Sales

            Books and the magazines shall be sold by press servants. Or shall be subscriber. However they shall be delivered and for them shall be given General Services. Subscription price as half of the amounts of the sold books shall belong to the printing house which printed the books. They shall be the equivalent for their paper and printing cost. Remaining shall be their profit. They shall not pay any salary for authors and delivery. The remaining half shall be gathered in public fond in subdistrict, city, state and humanity. Half of it shall be shared out by the people as reading right in the form of coupons. The remaining half shall be spent for copyrights. Press servants shall have their shares from the undertakings they serve, the half shall be gathered in public fond. They shall share it out due to the services they give to the people.


Book Foundation

Book foundations shall be established. Directors of the foundation shall be determined at the beginning by founders. They shall be subject-oriented scientist. In case of lacking one of them later, one of those whom nominated by previous founders shall be selected by themselves by ordering method. When the writings reach to the form of book which is related with the foundation, one of the founders shall buy it by bill of undertaking of the foundation through barganing. Those publishers who want to publish it, shall publish and sell it. They shall invest as much as printing cost to the foundation. They shall sell whatever price they wish. No other party shall print that book within contracted period. When the contracted period is expired they shall pay the debt as giving one forth of the non-sold books to the foundation. In case of starting second edition in the contracted period, the time limit shall start again. Each edition quantity shall be around 1000. %40 of the collected amounts shall be allocated in order to buy the issued bills of undertaking. Accepted shares shall be cancelled. 40% shall be used as capital in order to print new books. Printing order of the books shall be determined by directors of the foundation by ordering method. There shall be given a certain share to those people who selected the book out of the 40% share of the sold books. The share shall maintain for each edition as far as he lives or in case he inherits to those whom he is liable for their guardianship. There might be given a certain share from this share for the founder author. This share shall also be subject to the same rules as specific to him. The founder’s share of the foundation shall be 2,5%, the author’s share shall also be 2,5%. These shares might be written seperately in bills of foundation. By covenance of the founders, bills of foundation might be changed.



Article-12- Broadcasting facilities shall be contructed by public foundations. Transfers of broadcasting shall be done by communication free of charge. Each media organization shall cooperate with a daily press agency. Content of the news published in the press shall be declared by broadcasting. Those written there shall be broadcasted here. The amount of subscription prices collected by press subscribers shall be shared by their partner media. Salaries of the broadcasting employers shall be paid by General Services. Each undertaking shall have a broadcasting servant. The matters which undertakings wish them to be declared shall be declared by means of them. The broadcasting shall give information about their undertakings periodically. Besides each person shall have a broadcasting servant. They shall declare the matters of which they wish to be declared through them.

               The news shall go to broadcasting servants. Each broadcasting representative in neighborhoods shall be a journalist. The news shall be collected by them. Servants in the districts shall assess the news in the neighborhoods and send them to the broadcasting servants in the regions. They shall be transfered to the form of broadcasting and be broadcasted. Besides these news shall be translated into Arabic and Latine and sent to the continent centers.

Official daily broadcasting media shall be put into the format of protectable diskettes. They shall make use of General Services. The broadcasting that contains daily news shall be broadcasted within other programs intervally. Broadcastings shall be prepared in regions. For each broadcasting servants in region, there shall be occupation right in the course of time at the proportion of their followers in the magazine. Subscribers shall order the authors and broadcasting servants seperately and shall notify to the magazine which they are subscribed.

There shall be established 5-10 television centers in the humanity which broadcast in Arabic or Latine language. They might also be followed by radios. Broadcasting staffs shall be broadcasting servients. Shall be broadcasted from transfering centers on the earth. The humanity shall build common satillate network and permit the broadcasting staffs to make use of it free of charge.

There shall be broadcastings which were prepared by broadcasting servants in regional centers. 5-20 daily broadcasting shall be given out within a state. They shall be selected by broadcasting servants. Broadcasts shall be printed in a written way. Those who wish might have it to be copied in their diskettes or be sold.

 In the districts shall be city broadcasts. They shall be declared in city press additionals. Diskettes shall be sold. In the neighborhoods shall be cable  broadcasting. Subdistrict broadcasting shall exist.

The cable broadcastings in neighborhoods shall be followed by each house in subdistrict. People might engage in. They might come and sit in broadcasting places. Broadcasting servants might permit them to speak and might give them voice, might permit them to tell anecdote or story. The audiences shall order them at their home by pressing the switches. Computer shall read the fingerprint and let them to vote. In case the finger presses the switches second time in the same subject, they shall take it to the row. For the same person the same finger shall not vote. Thus selected programs shall be transferred to his television. District broadcasts shall be followed in each cities. Programs in region televisions shall be selected by district broadcasting staffs according to the programs voted during competition. Those who follow the programs shall order them by means of their votes through fingerprints at home. Selected programs and state broadcasts by region broadcasting staffs shall be prepared. In that case, the whole citizens shall attend to vote. Those which awarded degree shall be broadcasted in continent centers to be followed by the whole humanity.

The broadcasting products manufactured by the people shall be given to the members of subdistrict scientific council through the press agency in neighborhoods. The members shall order them to be assessed. They might over-value by upgrading some of those in the row. Broadcasting copyright shall be shared out among them in subdistrict. Those works which were awarded degree in subdistricts shall be given to the members of city scientific council by means of district press agents. Members of city scientific council shall order and grant them a degree. They shall share the prizes awarded in broadcasting foundation. They shall share them as opposite of their orders. The works which were awarded degree in cities shall be sent to the members of state religious council by means of region broadcasting advisors. They shall assess them by ordering. They shall be awarded prize by state broadcasting foundation. The works of those whom awarded degree by state book competition shall be sent to the members of humanity religious council by means of continent broadcasting researchers. They shall be awarded degree by ordering. Religious councils shall benefit from the members of the assemblies during ordering. Different works shall be assessed by different people.

The broadcasting shall be established by means of the works selected in this manner. Printing houses shall duplicate them regardless of paying any copyright. There shall be allocated a share for copyright as far as they are sold. Those copyrights shall be united and half shall be granted to the authors. The other half shall be income for broadcasting foundations and the competitions shall be ranked by them.

The works shall be sold by broadcasting servants. Or shall be subscribed. However they shall be delivered and for them shall be given General Services. Subscription price as half of the amounts of the sold works shall belong to the printing house which printed the books. They shall be the equivalent for their paper and printing cost. Remaining shall be their profit. They shall not pay any salary for authors and delivery. The remaining half shall be collected in common fond in subdistrict, city, state and humanity. Half of it shall be shared out by the people as reading-right in the form of coupons. The remaining half shall be spent for copyrights.

Broadcasting servants shall have their shares from the undertakings they serve, the half shall be collected in common fond. They shall share it out due to the services they offered to the people.

Special foundations for the arts like painting, statue, music, pattern and for the arts of cinema and performance shall be established as in the case of press services and the works shall maintain to lead the life within the foundations.






Article 13- Out of the basic projects prepared by Research Services through competition, those relevant to planning shall be ordered by political councils, those relevant to living by religious, those relevant to working by vocational and the others by scientific councils, and shall be offered for bidding by project services.

            Project services shall classify the projects based on project production capacities of their own environment which were produced by research services and ordered by councils according to the years. They shall add % 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 priority share to the project amount as money of land which were determined by Preparation Service for that year according to preferred classes of project and shall offer for bidding. Project contractors shall make their preferences according to this.

            Those who have the license to make planning and project shall have an annual capasity in kind of money of land. Those who have license shall prepare whatever project they wish within their capacity and offer to the service of planning.

 Those who have license of project contractorship shall have the license of project inspection at the same time. After the prepared project is inspected and approved by one of the contractors relating to another project servant, it shall be put into execution. %20 project inspection share shall be given for this. The mistakes which were determined by project preparing person before its application shall be revised by himself in order to be accepted. After its application, project inspection contractor shall be liable from the deficiencies in the project.

In case the person who determined the mistake of a project applies for the arbitrators and proves the defficiency, he shall have all, half, a quarter, one tenth or one twentieth of the project value according to the degree of the defficiency determined by the arbitrator. This shall be paid by the vocational solidarity of person who prepared the project.

The matters of what have to be found in the projects shall be indicated in basic projects. The shortages determined during the application shall be notified to the research service by appliers. Research servants shall grant prizes for those who notify the shortages each year by ordering. They shall make it to the basic project responsibles corrected. They shall be sent to the person who prepares the project. Project preparing person shall make revisions and new application shall be made according to that.

For each project shall be a responsible of project application. They are project preparing people. Project servants of the undertaking in the production shall burden this duty. They shall make in the project revisions. Besides everybody shall have a project servant. The project shortages in the equipments which people use shall be solved by them.

Project servants of undertaking and people shall share the charged service shares with living authors of project. They shall also attend to the share of project authors in proportion to the renovations made.

Those who make special project prepared, shall aplly first themselves. They shall not prevent others to apply the invention containing projects. However second applier shall be obliged to pay half of the project amount, third appier a quarter, fourth applier one tenth, fifth applier one twenthieth. This obligation shall maintain as far as the one who made the project prepared is alive. They shall not prevent the information to be used in new projects. They might request their prize from research service. The price of special projects shall be paid by those who wish them to be prepared. First they shall need to make basic project prepared for the research.

The whole information shall need to be contained in projects in order to do production or construction. Their amount and estimated cost shall also take place in the project. The biddings of construction and production shall be performed according to these amounts.





            Workplace (Maintenance: Working)

            Possession of utilization of the work places in the neighborhoods shall be assigned to the people by shares, possession of management shall be assigned to the licensed labor team  with registration to the title. Each worker shall have an official wage. Possession of management might be owed less than the value of total amount of these official wages. Each person shall also have a labor credit. Undertakings shall be managed by this capital. Each state shall issue money of land to the extent of the lands of their state.  (Credit)

            Starting license shall be awarded in 7 years old, basic in 10, primary in 15, secondary in 20, high in 25, supreme in 30. (Wages) 

            Up to 63 years old, those who have starting license shall have 5 official vocational degree from 7 years old, those who have basic license shall have 6 official vocational degree from 10 years old, those who have primary license shall have 7 official vocational degree from 15 years old, those who have secondary license shall 8 official vocational degree from 20 years old, those who have high license shall have 9 official vocational degree from 25 years old and those who have supreme license shall have 10 official vocational degree from 30 years old. (Wages)

Each state shall issue money of land in return for the lands they have. Quantity of land which is the equivalent for the money of land shall change from state to state. The amount of one 33000th of the surface of the state divided by the population shall give the  quantity of land for a person acquired by his one hour work. Unit for the money of land shall be that. In case of unity or division of the states, it shall be determined for one time.

Population of a state shall be between 30 million and 100 million. If it is less, it shall need to be united, if it is more, it shall need to be divided. (Division)

Total amount of annually added official wages of the people in previous years shall indicate the value of lands transferred to the private possession.

Average life of a state population and its multiplication with 200 000 divided by the lands of the state, which were not yet transferred to the private possession, shall indicate official wage in the form of money of land in the state as one degree/hour. They shall have the right to buy the public lands of a state to the extent of time and degree they have spent for the infrastructural affairs.

Opposite of the official wages shall determine the official value of the public lands of a state.

Ratio of the price of city public lands to the price of state public lands shall be determined by the ratio between ration of city public lands to its whole lands and ratio of state public lands to its whole lands. Price of public lands shall increase as far as they decrease. Price of the subdistrict lands shall also be determined in the same manner in city.

Pc/Ps= (Cp/Ct) / (Sp/St)

The lands of central clans of humanity shall be allocated for sites of settlement and business by humanity planning, the lands of central clans of state by state planning, the lands of central clans of city by city planning and the lands of other subdistricts by subdistrict planning.

A place to be assumed as improved at the beginning, it shall need to be invested five times more than its value in farm sites, ten time more than its value in industrial and residencial sites. In order to renovate a site its value has to increase twice the total value of infrastructure and superstructure. Half shall be given to the previous possessors. With the remaining half, its construction shall be done.

There shall not be internal infrastructure in farm sites. Just one fifth of the investment shall be charged for infrastructure share as land price. Two fifth infrastructure share shall be charged in residence and industrial sites. Half of that shall be invested to internal insfrastructure of the site, the other half to the external infrastructure of the site. Infrastructure share shall be charged by %50 discount just from additional parts.

One fifth of the infrastructure shares of the outside of the site shall be invested to external infrastructure, one fifth to subdistrict, one fifth to city, one fifth to state and one fifth to humanity infrastructure.

Each undertaking shall have a maintenance responsible. Each house shall have a maintenance responsible too. Each person male or female completing 15 years old shall have the right to have a semi-house. Maintenance of these houses and their properties including transportation vehicles shall be done free of charge. Each person shall have a maintenance servant for their maintenance.

Work places shall be rented in return for a share out of production. Maintenance servants shall collect the rents. Shall do their maintenance, shall have % 2,5 commission share from the remaining part and shall invest the leftovers to the rent incomes of the building.

Income and inputs of the non movable assets with the transferred parts to the shares shall be arranged by services of  inventory articles.  (Inventory articles).

The houses shall be rented to the maintenance servients by bargaining. Maintenance servants shall let them. They shall maintain the whole buildings by the collected rents regardless of looking if the houses were rented or not. Residual income of rents shall be shared out among lessors proportionally regardless of looking whose building rented or not. They shall have % 2,5 of the shared amount as commission share.

Half of the commission shares shall belong to themselves. Other half shall be collected in a fond in institutional centers. They shall be paid to those who reside in their own houses and to the servants who do maintenance for the household properties.

Typical house, household properties, transportation and communication vehicles for people shall be determined. Their level, costs shall need to be the costs of those which are not typical for people. They shall not be charged maintenance shares in sales. The others shall be included maintenance costs in sales and regardless of looking if they are typical for people or not, the whole maintenances of household property shall be fixed by these shares.

In maintenance, just the value of spare parts shall be charged, but not service price. Maintenance companies shall have their shares from the buildings and equipments which they contracted for their maintenance regardless of looking if they needed for maintenance or not. In case they are non-operational, they shall not have the share. Maintenance servants shall be liable to make agrements with maintenance firms or to pay their shares.

Stocks of the spare parts and materials which shall be used in production and maintenance of the houses and equipments for the people shall be determined in humanity, state, city and subdistrict warehouses. These stocks shall be increased in welfare times and consumed in crise times. Decisions relevant to that shall be taken by vocational councils. Price of each spare part shall be determined according to its stocks. House and Equipment Foundation for People shall buy and sell these spare parts with the prices calculated by stocks. Shall deliver them. The foundation shall have % 5 general service share from the buying and selling of these parts.

Used spare parts shall also be taken back by the same foundation. Prices of used spare parts shall be half of the value of produced spare parts. They shall not charge raw material share from the manufacturers using used spare parts. Those who use new raw material shall give at least one fifth of the used material as general service share. The general service share shall be determined in such a way that value of the used spare part shall be half of the value of produced spare part.

Environment foundation shall add an environment share to the manufactured goods and manufactured parts or machines. Harmful wastes or parts shall be bought by this fond and sold by subvention or buried under the soil in such a way that they might be used in future again. Shall be bought or sold by refinement. (health)

During the planning of workplace sites, residence sites for the workers who will come to this place shall also be planned. Infrastructura shares of the residence sites shall be charged by these workplace sites. Thus infrastructure of the residence sites shall not be charged by houses.

Land of residence sites whose infrasturucture was completed shall be given to the contractors in return for %50 flats. Houses shall be constructed on 500 or 1000 squire meters lands as garden type. Or shall be constructed as 100 flatted apartments in 100.000 squire meters forest area. Basement shall be garage and shelter. First two floors shall be constructed as workplaces. In each floor shall be ten flats and two social flats. Last floor shall be organized as social floor for the apartment. For each floor there shall be a different apartment. One flat shall be 100 squire meters in standard type apartments for the people. In case contractor builds a standard type house with garden, he shall be granted another standard type land. In case he builds a standard apartment, he shall be granted another land for 100 flats.

Size of non-standard flats shall not be bigger than twice of a standard flat. Instead of 100 flats, less flats might be constructed. Garden type houses might be constructed by uniting two lands.

In standard type houses, one flat shall be given to two people. When they are working they shall possess the houses by paying the cost. They might maintain their livelihood by selling them to the foundation by installations when they are old. Remaining part shall be possessed by children. (health)

Maintenance of the people type houses shall be done out of common fond.

If the people do not prefer standard houses, want to reside in extra standard houses, then quality of the standard houses shall be increased. If empty houses decrease then their quality shall be decreased too. In this way standard of the people type houses shall be determined according the demand and supply.

Upholstering the people type houses shall also be included in cost of houses.



Article- 15

Residence (Health: Living)

Each family shall have a right to reside in a house with 100 squire meters divided into bathroom, toilette and cellar with rooms for mother, father, boys, girls and sitting room. The lands whose infrastructure are completed or building whose main frame is completed shall be given. Besides they shall be granted sufficient credit to equip with whatever they wish. They shall pay the installations as if they pay the rent. If he cannot pay, the building shall be given to the public authority after death.

Each foetus shall have a right to live till the death. This right stems from being a human. The earth shall be for humanity. They shall live with the rent share there.

The main vital need of human is food and drinking supplies. Then clothing, then shelter, then necessary equipments. The necessities shall be determined according to the subdistricts.

Public shares accepted from the small sized businesses in neighborhoods shall constitute subdistrict budget, public shares accepted from the medium sized businesses in districts shall constitute city budget. Public shares accepted from large sized businesses  in the regions shall constitute state budget. Public shares accepted from large sized businesses in the continents shall constitute humanity budget. (Budget)

Goods shall be located in stores in districts. The orders shall be given through the representatives of health services. Stores shall package them and submit to the delivery, delivery shall submit them to the delivery centers in the clans. People shall have them from their own clans. The goods shall be ordered by delivery to the clan. The goods taken directly and transported by themselves without ordering shall be assumed as divided and delivered to the whole clans of the district. (Transportation)

The goods consumed in clans shall be added %5. The stores shall price according to this. Half of this shall be the administration salary for clan president. Other half shall be common expense of the clan. Bedises the amount taken for cleaning and guarding watches shall be spent for those services. (Budget)


Clan Budget shall be divided as following.

1-      Those whom their movable wealth are under the average wealth in subdistrict shall be counted as poor. One twelveth of the subdistrict budget shall be divided among poors of the subdistrict equally. Shall be given to those who are obliged to care. Old people and children shall not benefit from this.

2-      Those whom their annual income is less than half of the average income in the subdistrcit shall be counted as deprived people of subdistrict. One twelveth of the subdistrict budget shall be divided among deprived people of the subdistrict equally. Division shall be done according to the people they are obliged to care. Old people and children shall not be given seperately.

3-      One twelveth of the subdistrict budget shall be divided among founders of scientific, regilious, vocational and political solidarity partnerships. This share shall be done according to the number of the partners.

4-      To those who perform public services in subdistrict shall be divided in proportion to their vocational degree and time spent.

5-      Those who are unable to pay their debt shall lose their credit license. Non-movable assets shall be pledged. They shall do any operation with the condition of that they shall first work later be granted salary, they shall first pay later be delivered. After the payment of the debt his creditability shall be returned to him. One sixth of the budget shall be used for payment of the debts of these bunktrupted people. Payment shall start from those whose debt is least due to the limit of the budget.

6-      Those who are not citizen of a state and under the guardianship of one of the  subdistrict residents shall be subdistrict resident by paying their debt to their guardian. One sixth of the subdistrict budget shall be used for them. The payment shall start from those whose debt is least  and in this way the more people shall be made subdistrict resident. If there is no such people the fond shall be transferred to the debtors fond. If there is no debtor then the fond shall be transferred to the next year.

7-      Transportation, electricity, water, telephone lines, drainage kind roads, schools, temples, military bases, market places and stations, garages, power-houses in subdistrict shall be managed as foundations. One sixth of the subdistrict budget shall be spent to this.

8-      One sixth of the subdistrict budget shall be divided among the workers in subdistrict foundations according to the time they worked or the business they performed.


Councils shall spend one third of the state budget in necessary areas by their indicated budgets. One third of the state budget shall be military budget and army authorities shall spend them for preparation to war and infrastructure services at peace. They shall do the budget themselves.


One third of the state budget shall be spent as following:

a)                  There shall be an average income for each subdistrict determined by money of wheat. Subdistricts within city shall be ordered according to the incomes. Wheat income of average subdistrict shall be wheat income of city. The cities shall also be ordered according to the average wheat income. Income of average city shall be the average income of state. In this manner people in the state shall be classified as poor and non-poor. In the same way, poverty degree in city and subdistrict shall be determined. One twelveth of the state budget shall be divided among poors.

b)                  One twelveth of the state budget shall be divided in the state among those who lost their fathers and there is nobody for them to support. Those who lost their mothers shall be granted from this share if their father is poor.

c)                  One twelveth of the state budget shall be divided among the old people who gave up to have labor credit according to their vocational degree and the age of retirement. Persioners shall not have scientific degree for those years.

d)                  One twelveth of the state budget shall be for travel right for each person. Domestic and foreign travel organizations shall be arranged. It shall be attendance share to that.


If it is used for intermediary both for working and living like road, its expenses shall be given from production, people shall use free of charge.

Shall be spent for defence, security and guardian services, people shall make use of the founded institutes free of charge.

Out of livelihood expenses, rent shares shall be taken as following.

Manufacturers shall have bills of undertaking or pre-paid order bills given by solidarity partnerships as credit to the extent of their limit. They shall hire workers by paying for them or order raw material. In normal goods, in return for the credits they granted they shall submit % 40 more products and pay for the debt. In people type commodities, they shall pay for the debt by submitting % 100 more products. Delivery of minimum type shall be sufficient in people type standard commodities. The orders taken from the customers might be more qualified. No public or general service share shall be charged from them. The quality shall be increased to the extent people demand more qualified type. In case people do not prefer, the quality shall be increased.

In people type expenses;

a)                  Those who produce by the money of ordering people shall manufacture and give the same amount of people type commodities as public share. They shall be divided among those who did not order. In case they pay the value by installations shall have them themselves. If they do not pay them, then shall be transferred to the foundation in case of their death.

b)                  In case the use of people is different, half of the pre-paid order bills issued in return for the goods produced by the money of those whom they gave order, shall be delivered to the people, other half shall be sold to those whom they gave order. Delivery to the warehouse shall be two kinds of goods in the same quality.

There shall be health representative for each neighborhood. A health servant shall serve for each person. Health servant shall come to clan if notified, examine in clan infirmary, let there people to stay. They shall notify district doctor by television communication and he shall do first treatment. If doctor is required, he shall go to the clan and examine himself in the place. If he is required, he shall take to the district clinic. Shall treat in consultation with the contractors in the region. In case of necessity, expertises shall be called to the district clinic and operation shall be done there. If expertise is required, he shall transfer to the region hospital. If expertise doctor cannot deal with the problem, he shall call for the researcher authority in the continent center. The researcher invited to the region hospital shall transfer to the hospital in continent center if he is required.

The expertive doctors of the same subject in the same region might be called for common consultation by region health responsible. Invited suitable expertise doctors in a state shall make a meeting by the order of whom he called for them.

There shall be a health doctor for each person. They shall examine periodically by  his own conformity opinion. They shall register in the file.

Each health servant in each district shall have a right to make use of the health foundations to the extent of the number of people whom they guaranteed. They shall use that for whatever patient they wish. If it is not sufficient they might borrow from the next years. If it is too much they might transfer to the next years.

Medicine stock levels shall be determined through notification of need by doctors. Traders shall be given order according to the placement of them in the stocks. Traders shall import or manufacture in the state. These medicines shall be given to the drugstores. Each doctor shall be given an expending budget per person. They shall buy and spend whatever medicine they wish. The quantities of those decreasing in the stocks shall be supplied permenantly.

            Pre-paid order bills of the goods which change according to climatic changes and needed at any time like wheat and honey shall not be issued. State shall determine a price each year itself and give pre-paid order. Then shall blend them and obtain one type product. It shall sell this product to the people by double price of its cost. The different here shall be used in medicine expenses. If buyers are less they shall be added to the stocks of next year. If the buyers are less then stocks of previous years shall be consumed. Stocks of the warehouse at the end of the period shall determine purchasing values of that year. If doctors have residuals of medicine money they shall deliver as honey bills to those whom they serve.

            Medicine production shall be free. However it shall be produced by state pre-paid order bills. If the doctors use medicine which was produced outside, they shall ask the price to the patients to be paid.


Article 16     WATCH

Up to 64 years those women who completed 15 years of old shall wait for the cleaning wathces and those men who completed 15 years of old shall wait for the survaillance watches in clans, those men who completed 20 years of  old shall shall wait for the guarding watches in their own subdistrict but outside of their own neighborhood, security wathces in their own city but outside of their own district, defense wathces in their state but outside of their own region. Half of the watch shall be in state, one forth in city, one forth in dubdistrict. One month per year might be performed at most. Training days shall be outside of these periods.

Those who do not want to watch shall pay for a military exemption tax. Amount of the tax shall be determined by political council. Those who unable to pay annual military exemption tax shall be employed in light compulsory works for relevant days.

They might be exempted from watches in any of the clan, subdistrict, city and state by the exemption tax. They shall not use their political rights in those places. There shall not be any political liability for them. Pay military servants shall pay their exemption taxes to the solidarity partneships in their place.

Person shall prefer to be watch or pay military servant whenever he reaches to the military age or moves to that place. In case of prefering pay military servant, he shall pay the exemption tax up to 63 years old. He might change to be a watch whenever he wishes. A watch shall not be pay military servant in the same place. He shall need to move out of that place.

Each women shall select one man out of men as a guardian for herself. At any time she might change him. Not necessary to be her relative or husband. If she did not appoint yet, he shall be the closest relative out of men. (solidarity)

If the guardian whom  women appointed is a watch, she herself shall be a watch and shall have political rights. If he is pay military servant then she herself shall be pay military servant and no political rights. (solidarity)

Watch women shall have political rights, but no political liabilities. They shall not be enforced to perform watch, to attend war, to pay political compensation, to burden duty. (solidarity)

Those who have political right but no political liability shall not be authorized for those who have political  liability. Women might be leader or responsible in religious, scientific and vocational institutions in clans and humanity. However they shall not be president or political solidarity responsible in subdistrict, city and state.

Clan presidents shall appoint a governor to neighborhood, city presidents to districts, state presidents to regions. Watches of the institutions who appointed outside of their periphery shall select their watch regions and governors indirectly in this way. They at the same time shall establish their political solidarity partnerships in this way. If the number of people registering to the political solidarity partnership of a governer reaches to 5%, their governorship shall be absolute. Instead of those who could not make it absolute within six months, another governor shall be appointed. The scientific council shall appoint another governor instead of the governor who is unable to make government of the governors in whole peripheries of the institution. (solidarity)

Armed training shall be performed in military bases. Those who are watch in the state shall perform their military training in their watch regions, those who are not watch in the state shall perform their military training in the region of their residence.  Guarding and security watches shall also need to have military training. (political training)

Political training shall be 6 months for those who have starting license, 12 for those who have basic license, 18 months for those who have secondary license, 24 months for those who have high license, 30 months for those who have supreme license. Those who have starting license shall complete their training with private rank, basic with corporal, primary with non commissioned officer, secondary with  second lieutenant, high with major, supreme with brigadier general ranks. They shall perform their watches with those ranks.

Those who wish shall be taken to the military training at 15 years old. First six months they shall perform their military training and consequtive six months shall be trained in their vocational training. Therefore they shall be discharged with a profession. After the first vocational training  they shall be employed in military productions. When they discharge they shall be discharged by tools, gun, machine from military production. (vocatioanl training)

Those who completed their military training shall be free to have gun in their watch institutions. The weapons shall need to be registered in center of the institution. Ballistic features shall need to be determined. Solidarity partnerships shall do it. Registrations shall be kept in Registration of Documentation. Accessible. If a crime occurs with a gun, in case the owner is unable to prove the opposite, he shall be assumed as committer of the occurance unintentionally. (solidarity)

Watches shall be performed in pairs. During the change of the one watch the other shall come at the medium. Everybody shall perform their duty of preserving from their houses or observatory sentries. They shall start to the duty through notifiers. In guardianship everybody shall stay at home except for their watch. In security shall be weekly watches. In defense shall be watches as 15 days. (watch)

During watch there might be collective production. It might be shared out. The prize which was fixed as security execution shall also be accepted as collective production. (watch)



Clan shall be surrounded. There shall be two gates. One gate shall be active. The other shall be for dangerous times.

Those who want to come into the clan shall ring, women watch in the daytime and men watch in the night time shall ask who he is and to whom he goes to. This conversation shall be recorded. Press the ring and person shall come inside. Press the ring when he goes outside too. Those who come inside shall tell their name, if foreigner, shall tell whom he visited and go.

If the watch suspects from the visitor, then shall notify the one who would be visited if the visitor declared. In case the person does not accept the visitor, the watch shall notify to the clan president. Clan president shall alart the whole clan watches in case of necessity. Shall order previously prepared operation.

In case of possible catastrophy or attacks, there shall be indicated in the instructions which person shall do what. Each person shall operate that duty in that moment. It is called extra ordinary situation.

Fire, earthquake, flow, storm, attack, raid, desease, death, birth etc shall be extra ordinary situations. In these cases, who shall do what, shall be determined seperately. When the president orders to take the position of fire arrengements, everybody shall start to do their predetermined duty. In case of a fire alarm whatever necessary to do against fire situation shall be taken.

Properties and powers of the clan residents shall be under the control of president in case of extra ordinary situation. They shall be used in that moment. Value of the used properties shall be determined later and paid. Spent time shall not be paid.

The watch shall be liable to notify according to the specified manners. Shall be liable for performing the duties. The whole clan shall be liable for the result. Shall compensate the damages together.

The material damage in extra ordinary situations shall be solved within clan solidarity. The investigator shall investigate the whole clan, including visitors if exist, in case of a crime or robbery within the clan. At the end,

a)                  In case the murderer is determined seperately by four investigators, talion or heavy blood money shall be paid;

b)                  In case of the murderer is determined by the first investigator, compensation shall be paid.

c)                  In case of the murderer could not be determined, compensation shall be paid by male watches of the subdistrict. If the compensation is little, themselves, if it is too much, their solidarity partnerships shall pay it.

Host shall protect the rights of their visitors in the clan.



The services of the men watches in clans shall be executed by the men watches of the subdistricts in work places. Cleaning services shall also be performed by them. Environmental pollution shall be protected by them.

Additionally they shall put the animals which have potential dangeour in the neighborhoods into closed area and surrender them to their owners. Neighborhood governors shall choice and apply for one of either animal protection or field protection system. Mixed system might also be used according to place and time. In animal protection system, animal damages shall be compensated. In field protection it shall not be compensated.

Different ways might be used to enter in the neighborhood. Observation of the behaviours of people shall belong to the guardians. They shall not intervene them. They shall just keep them under record by their equipments and eyes. Shall notify information and document to the neighborhood investigators.

They might ask to the foreigners whose visitor they are in subdistrict. They might request their identity cards. They shall try to find out their identities in case they do not reply to the questions or do not attend to the invitation of governor of neighborhood. In case their identity cannot be found out, their particulars shall be determined and they shall be supplied identity cards.

By inviting arbitrators from district, decision about security settlement (preventing the causes of crime to be committed once again) shall be taken. They shall be surrendered to the district security.

Governor of neighborhood shall declare extra ordinary situation by consultation with president of subdistrict during times of natural catastrophy. In this case the whole people and properties shall be under the authority of governor. Whole watches shall be called for the watch if necessary. The watches shall be counted as if they performed their watches in that periods and their watch shall be counted for their future watches. People shall have their property they have given. The damages occurred during the catastrophy shall be compensated by preserving solidarity partnership. People shall not get the spent labor back. People shall share out the damages themselves if the catastrophy is artificial and actors are un-known.  Solidarities of the people shall pay if there is death.

In guarding watches, outside of the watch times shall be spent at homes. Guarding watches might do production in neighborhoods. This shall be shared out by watches equally. They might do production according to collective production principles. Rent and administration shares shall be given to the guarding.

Besides, guardians shall perform the services of road, power-supply, garage free of charge. The share allocated from subdistrict budget for these services shall be shared out among themselves equally.

In case the security is not supplied by government of neighborhood, the whole subdistrict shall be alarted and extra ordinary situation shall be declared. After the security is settled, the guardian forces shall compensate the whole damages they gave and pay the compensation.

If the law system cannot be protected during extra ordinary system, one troop shall be requested from district gendarme forces and the administration shall be handed over to them. Martial law shall take the control of neighborhood center of the subdistrict, administration shall be executed by military methods. Civil administration shall not intervene them. Subdistrict president shall send the gendarme force back if he decides necessary.

The authority of the gendarme forces shall be determined by political council of city. If they infringe their limits, those who claim to expose to damage shall apply for the arbitrators after the completion of martial law.

Martial law executers shall be awarded a prize after the completion of martial law regardless of paying attention to the length of martial law. This prize shall be determined by political council of city. Those who infringe the laws during its execution shall pay the compensation for the unjustly treated people from the amount of the prize.



Those who perform security watches in the central subdistricts of districts shall do the services of guarding servants who perform in clans. Municipal services in central subdistrict shall belong to them and they shall do them free of charge.

Security powers shall manage the forests in the districts themselves. Watches might also be employed there. Management status of the forests shall be prepared by political councils. They shall make use of the forests within this status.

The places which were not allocated for subdistricts shall be accepted forest and they shall be afforested.

The lands outside of farmlands and settlement areas shall be afforested through irrigation via pomping underground waters supplied by solar, wind energy or energy supplied out of plant remnants. Here shall be supplied domestic animals in order to breed them in natural wild environment. Fishes shall be produced naturally by building river pools.

People shall make use of forests, huntings, trees, meadows, animals according to the laws. Security servants shall have one fifth of the products for their livelihood out of those people gathered for themselves. 

Security powers shall also not follow, arrest or take under survaillance the people whom there is no court decision about them. Otherwise they shall pay compensation.

Arbitrators shall decide for prevention of the cause of committing the crime once again about those who do not attend to the trials or accept the execution in spite of the invitation of president of subdistrict. The prevention shall be deprivation of a person from his lawful rights. The security powers who perform the legal execution shall be prized. Amount of the prize might be put by presidents of subdistrict, city or state.

The preventive execution might be executed by people apart from security powers. However if they cause to a damage to the others during preventive execution, they shall pay it as heavy blood money, if security powers cause to a damage, they shall pay it as light blood money.

District watches shall stay in district barracks. They might share both incomes of the preventive execution or of which obtained from undertakings.

Compulsory work places shall be founded in central subdistricts of districts. Here daytimes shall be worked, at night times everybody shall go their homes. Discipline shall be established by increasing working days in compulsory work places. Those who produce more might be discounted. The decision relevant to this matter shall be free for court access.

            Those who are pay military servant and unable to pay the installation of military exemption tax shall be subject to compulsory work.

            If presidency of subdistrict does not obey arbitration decision, that subdistrict shall be blocked. Exits shall be free, but enterences shall be prohibited. When the population of the subdistrict decreases under 2400, presidency of the administrators in the subdistrict shall be abolished. Arbitrators might decide on preventive measures (deprivation of the law protection) for the president and governors of neighborhoods. Genderma forces shall enter into the subdistrict and execute the preventive decision for the president and governors of neighborhoods.



Military forces shall do, the services of guardians and security powers in other subdistricts, in central subdistricts of the central city of state and central subdistricts of districts of central city. The watches in military powers shall be performed at boarding-base and secluded from the rest of the civilians. Military zones shall be subject to the regulations of warfares. In military unions, in the administration;

a)                  Whoever more powerfull shall be right.

b)                  Not laws but the order-command system shall be valid.

c)                  Unions shall be liable collectively.

d)                  They shall be liable from results not behaviours


They shall choice a region outside of their own region to perform their military service and to watch. Commanders shall also be selected and at peace times they might be changed. In war times union or commander shall not be changed.

They shall obey to the higher rank unconditonally. They can not pass their own higher rank or lower rank during the transmission of an order. Just the higher rank can resign the lower rank. Resigned commander shall not be obeyed. If resigned upper rank maintains to command he shall be killed. President of state shall appoint the military commanders. In case of change the next one shall be obeyed.

Commitment of a crime by a soldier to a civilian shall be taken as if commitment to the commander of the army. Commitment of a crime by a civil to a soldier shall be taken as if commitment to the commander of the army. He shall be plaintiff and offender.

In military zones shall be military, in civil zones shall be civil administration. In civil zone nobody shall wear military uniform. When civilians commit a crime in military zone they shall be judged by military court and criminal shall be executed in that place. If they are out of the scope of military zone, the subdistrict where they are actually staying shall judge them in that subdistrict or pay compensation to the army. If any soldier out of the military zone commits a crime, he shall be judged in the subdistrict where he committed the crime. He shall be executed in the subdistrict where he is actually staying or the subdistrict shall pay compensation. If it is in military zone, army shall execute it or pay compensation.

Armies shall be settled in barracks in regions. Army commander shall be the governor of the region at the same time. The law system shall be in application outside of the military zone. In specific places like traffic shall be applied extra ordinary rules.

Military troops shall not enter into the cities and subdistricts outside the central city and districts regardless of the permission of the city. If the president of city cannot provide the security of the city, he shall declare extra ordinary rule in his city and invite military troops from the region. He shall hand over the administration to them. The city shall be administered by military methods. The president of city shall send the military troops back at any time. During the military administration, civil administration shall not intervene to the administration.

Military administration shall be active just in central subdistricts of the city and districts, without permission of the subdistrict they shall not enter to the subdistrict.

In case of rebellion of the presidents of a city, exits from the city shall be free, entrance shall be prohibited. The properties like water, food, electricity shall be prevented. People shall be notified to move to the other districts outside of the central subdistrict. By arbitration decision, military attack might be done in order to capture rebelling city. The commander entering to the city shall arrest the president of the city and governors of the district. Apply them necessary punishment. The city shall be organized again.

Privates, sergeants, officers, high officers and generals shall be promoted within own rules of the military union. Rising up to Corps Commander shall be in this way.

Each army shall nominate out of their own Corps Commanders for the place of the emptied Army Commander because of reaching 63 years old or death or being disabled or resignation. Assembly shall appoint one of the candidates for the Army Commander by ordering method. Number of the Army Commanders shall be twice of the number of the Armies. The whole regular and retired army commanders shall constitute High Military Assembly.


The armies shall be subject to the following incomes;

1)      One third of the state income shall belong to the army.

2)      Customs duties shall belong to the army. At most one tenth customs duty might be put in imports. Only one customs duty shall be put for all commodities. One army shall address to the each neighboor state. Each army shall put amount of its own customs duty itself and income shall belong to itself.

3)      There shall be just one military exemption tax in all state. It might be changed each year. However those people who completed 15 years old or were citizens in that year shall pay the same amount till 63 years old. Those who do not perform watch shall pay this tax to their own army.

4)      Army might produce for their own domestic consumption. Out of this, watches might be given share. Paid personnal shall not be employed. Besides, they shall perform their service with one thirds paid by service foundations for those services.  The service shall be offered to the people free of charge. 

Scientific council shall select the president of state out of the army commanders.


In case of a danger from outside, region commander shall counter attack by permission of the president of state. He might go further till predetermined target. Those obtained from the victory shall be booty and one fifth shall be given to the state budget, the rest shall be shared out equally among the warriors of the union attending the war regardless of rank.

In case a region cannot defend itself, president of state shall order to be sent auxiliary powers from other regions.

Defence against landing the troops from the air shall be subject to the same rules.


The army which shall be sent to another state

Those who are pay military servant shall not be compelled to be watch. If all of them wish to be pay military servant, in clan, subdistrict and city, a paid army shall be designed and the administration shall be central. If the whole population of a state wishes to be pay military servant, they shall select for themselves a guardian state, it establishes a paid army and the state shall be governed by a general governor appointed by it. Just an army which is composed of voluntary people might be sent to those states which is declared as abode of war by arbitration decision. By the approval of the president, a military union which is composed of voluntary people shall be established. Necessary equipments shall also be collected among voluntary people. The union shall go to the war under the command of the commander. Four fifth of the obtained booty shall belong to themselves, one fifth shall be the state income. Half of the booty shall be granted to the warriors who attend to the war. The remaining half shall be granted to those who supported the war by their financial power.

End of the war shall be determined by victorious commander. Central administration shall not intervene.

In front wars in region, the whole people shall attend to the war by their all property. Those who are not watch in other regions, women and old people shall also be included de facto at war. At the end of the war just losses or profits of war shall be shared by those who attended to the war by the decision of the commander. If the whole region is within the war, the whole region shall be shared out as if it is booty. Warriors shall have double, the other attendants shall have half share. Sharing out shall belong to the front commander. Central government shall not intervene.

If the whole state attends to the war, then the president of state shall be authorized as front commander. The decision shall be taken by the arbitrators just in that case.



War shall be legitimate in the folllowing conditions:

a)                  Those who attack without arbitrator’s decision. Arbitrators might also decide about the legitimacy of the attack after the decleration of war. Counter attack shall be illegitimate.

b)                  The war with whom they prevent exit of property and people from any state shall be legitimate. The earth shall be for humanity. In principle exit and entrance shall be free. The state shall have the right to charge one fifth duty from natural sources. Thereafter entrance and exit of the properties shall not be prevented. If the quantity of land right for the state is less than required and in case the facilities of that state might be supplied from another places, the war with the states whose entrance is subject to the permission shall not be legitimate.

c)                  If the goods produced in a state is not available in another place sufficiently or difficult to supply or transportation roads make the travel difficult, then war against to that state shall be legitimate.

d)                  If a state, which is condemned by arbritrator’s decision by any other reason, does not permit application of the arbitrator’s decisions, it shall be declared as abode of war with another arbitrator’s decision.

The rules which would be applied at the end of war shall not be to judge what has been done in the past. It shall be to take measures for future. The commander might punish whom they acted for their personal grudge or revenge or personal aims during the war. No other judgement or accusation shall be possible after the peace.



Front commander shall determine the rules which shall be applied after the conquest of a state.

a)                  He forgives the warriors and let them to go out. He might also return their lands back.

b)                  He forgives the warriors, takes the lands as booty. However if they do not have any other place to go he might accept them as citizens

c)                  He makes the people as, gives the lands back to them in return for a tribute (military tax). Here they shall pay the tax together.

d)                  He makes the people as pay military servant, shares the lands out to the warriors. The people shall pay for the rent of the lands to the warriors as tribute.

e)                  He enslaves the people and takes the lands as booty.


Slaves shall be shared out among the warriors as booty. The families shall start to educate them as citizens. Guardians shall be the relatives of the slaves. Women shall not marry with their male slaves. Men shall not marry with their female slaves if they did not accept it at the beginning. Law for the slave spouses shall be the same law for the free spouses. Free women shall work for themselves, however female and male slaves shall work in their guardians’ business and live together with them.

Authorized slaves shall work and live as free, shall pay for their guardians a certain revenue.

Contracted slaves shall discount the paid revenues from the contracted price and whenever they complete it they shall be free citizens.  One sixth of the subdistrict and city budgets shall be granted for them to be free citizens. The more slaves shall be made free citizens, as starting from those who have less debt.

They shall be free citizens through emancipation by the guardian, being the slave of a free relative, being the mother of a free child after the death of guardian.

Children of the slaves shall be slaves till  their emancipation. Personality of the slaves shall be complete personaliy. They might have property. Their all possession shall be valid. Just their expenditures shall be binding for  their guardians.

No genocide shall be possible, no massive exile of the population shall be possible.

Labor contract shall be free. However the parties might cancel it at any time. They might request compensation for the real damages. Beneficial contracts shall be valid. Harmful contracts shall be invalid. Binding contracts like “you will not do another business” shall be invalid and it is slavery. Nobody shall be slave in his own request.



Article 17- Person shall have the right to travel in any place within his own subdistrict except for house of another person, within his own subdistrict except for the lands of other clan, within his own city except for the lands of other subdistricts, within his own state except for the lands of other cities and on the earth except for the lands of other states. In order to be able to enter to the other places, one shall need to be guest for the one of the residents in that place even if implicitly. The person shall be within the solidarity of the host.

Defence areas shall be outside of these rules. However they shall need to inform the notifying servant where they stay. An accessible mobile phone shall be sufficient.

            Each person shall have an identity card. These cards shall be used during passage through the gates and the areas where they travelled shall be registered on the card. Specific news shall be notified to the person through a notifier. Notifications apart from them shall be invalid.


Edict of the Notification

Notification shall be in order to protect the rights of a person. In case of a claim against a person, notification to his notifier shall be sufficient to be able to bring a suit at law against the other party. If he does not appoint his arbitrator, his natural guardian shall appoint him. If he does not appoint either, his other relatives shall appoint. Responsibles of political and scientific solidarity partnerships shall have a right to be intervener. Arbitrators shall need to hold a consultation with them and apply for their opinions too.



The legal operations and flow of the trial shall not stop if a person does not perform his obligations at the right time during the defence or pretension. However if he performs his delayed obligations before the decision, then it shall be treated as if it is performed on time.


Notification to the Notifier

Notification of a person about an issue to his own notifier shall be taken as if it is notified to the other party in terms of defence. It shall need to reach to the other party in order to deserve the request. Notification to the notifier of the other party shall be taken as if the notification reached to the other party one day later.



Notifiers shall notify those whom they behave incorrectly. They shall transfer this notification in a written way through his notifier. It shall be put in the file. Those who behave incorrectly in spite of the notification and persist on the mistake shall be complaint to the president of subdistrict. This complaint shall be conducted by one of the members of the political solidarity. The political solidarity partnerships shall bring a suit at law against  those who infringe the well-being of the society continuously in the vicinity of the arbitrators and arbitrators shall take the decision of permanent or temporary exile of these people from the subdistrict. The president shall have the right to exile.


Notification Services

Notifiers shall enter the obligations of the persons into the computer and notify them within a specific time period. Notifiers shall act as if they are private secretaries of the persons.


Process Controll in the Undertakings

Notifiers shall control the process in the undertakings through the computer and notify in case of a problem. They shall have the information relating to their business from the notifiers in the undertaking.



They shall notify to the relevant solidarity responsibles if a discontinuity relating to work or life occurs. Besides, those who wish to inform a news to the people shall notify it through these people.


General Notification

Responsibles of religious solidarity shall have right to utilize notification services. Notifying servants shall be obliged to fulfill this service. Capacity of this service shall be determined by the number of notification. Total number of notification shall be determined by scientific council. Religious council shall determine this number according to their power.

Servants shall also have the right of notification. Servants shall share it out according to their own consent of appriciation.


Right of General Notification

Each person shall have a right of general notification. These rights shall be shared among the people equally. These rights might be bought and sold. Total number of notification shall be determined in such a way that notifiers shall be accepted as if they negotiate with all once a day.

They shall be obliged with ten notifications per day. They shall be announced in the mosques. The rights shall be shared out according to this.



Article 12- (Research)

Collecting any kind of information and proposals and express them in numeric way and recording them by pictures shall belong to the Research Services. Competitons shall be arranged by research servants. Project bidding files shall be prepared by common projects. General frame and costs of the project shall be contained in project bidding files. The licenses, of those who might be included in project bidding, shall be written in common projects. Common planning of the earth shall be prepared by research servants of continent, the states by research servants of region, the cities by research servants of district and the subdistricts by research servants of neighborhood. Putting the projects into order shall be done by vocational council and approved by political councils.

The people shall select a research subject for themselves by division. They shall select one section of the sky, one of the planets, climatic changes in a region of the world, underground stratifications, one of the ores, one of the elements, one of the substances, one of the plants, one of the animals, one of the written books, one of the societies, one of the developped technical equipments as a research subject for themselves. These researches shall be assessed by Research Foundations. An income shall be obtained due to the contributions.



The research subjects and acquired results shall be given to the research representatives. Researching servants shall classify them. Advisors shall project the researches. Continent researchers shall study on them and try to find relations between the acquired results.



People shall offer the thoughts which they are inspired by putting them into proposal format and submit them to the research representatives. Research representatives shall classify them. They shall offer them to scientific solidarity responsibles. Responsibles shall put them into order. They shall divide the fund for this issue among them. In this annual division, previous inventions shall also be assessed. In this way, invaluable inventions shall be assessed in the next years too.



Research shall be fixed according to the theme of  inventions as arrenging pre-project competitions. Members of financing council or voluntary financer shall select the subject of the research, its frame, conditions of attendance and prize. Those who wish shall attent to the competition. Copy of the results of the competition shall be dispatched to the competitors by research service. Competitors shall put them into order according to themselves. Two fifth of the prize shall be shared according to the degrees of composition, the remaining half shall be shared according to the degrees of appreciation among the attendants of the competition.



The first in composition and the first in appreciation shall appoint a chairman for themselves and constitute a compromising committee. This committee shall assess the whole competition and prepare pre-project. Pre-project shall be bidding file.

It shall contain what shall be done and the invention. Compositor of the project shall be the project responsible. One half of the one fifth of the prize shall belong to him. He shall not have any share from the competition even if he is an attendant. The other half shall be shared out among the first in composition and the first in appreciation. Besides, they shall also have the prize of being the first degree.


Bidding of the Project

Pre-projects of the competition shall be offerred for bidding out of the research fund of the council members. Prepared projects shall be offered to the appliers free of charge. Industrial application of the research project shall be offered for bidding out of the research fund of council members. The result shall be offered for the benefits of enterprises. For those who select and apply the research projects by self financial facilities shall be awarded prize in terms of achievements. They shall be put into order by council members.


Selection of the Subjects

Each subject, preparing the laws, preparing the scientific and artistic works, constructing the cities, preparing the rules, research subjects, determining the hobbies etc shall be determined by the methods of competition, pre-project, project, testing application. People shall select their favorite subject out of this list. Research methodology shall be determined for each subject through competition. In this way, a unity and cooperation shall be provided among the researchers.



Nobody might be prevented to make use of the intellectual values apart from  the one relevant to material and energy such as information, technique, art etc. Those who produce them shall get their rights from the public. The public  shall take its right from those who made use of them during the manufacture of their products as general service share per product. No suit at law against those, who make use of them, might be brought.


Titles of Company

Firms and products shall be codified. The products with the same characteristics shall have the same product code. Everybody shall use them. No extra code shall be put. Firms shall also have codes. The company codes shall also be put on the products. These codes shall not be used by others. Shall be subject to compensation.



Required equipments shall be determined out of the hoby researches in the research projects and they shall be supplied by research foundations. Required information shall also be supplied by research servants.


Budget (Research Coupons)

Values of the services shall be determined in the research projects. Those who give research services shall be granted a fixed share or a share appreciated by the scientific council members. The amount of incomes which was obtained from fund of  public research budgets, incomes of foundation, donations, research incomes out of special contrubitions shall be divided in total amount of services granted up to that time and the value of the share shall be determined, those who wish shall withdraw it, those who wish save it for future. 



Article 19- In the neighborhoods warehouse servants shall become. The inspected and sealed goods by controlling servants shall be accepted by warehouse servants. To them delivery document shall be given. The goods shall be delivered to the warehouse in district center by means of transportation service. The goods accepted in the district center shall be classified, packaged, labelled, sealed and delivered to the warehouses of region. Raw materials taken from warehouses of region shall be the first material for the factories there. They shall be prosessed and put into the warehouses. They shall be transferred to the other regions and continent centers as manufactured goods. They shall be distributed to the other continents from that point. They shall be distributed to the other states.

            In each district, there shall be stores and warehouses of these stores. Stores shall exhibit the goods. The goods shall be delivered to the customers at their clans. The manufactured goods which were used by clans as raw materials shall also be given to the warehouses of neighborhood through the stores.

            In region centers there shall be wholesale stores. No retail sales shall be allowed there. Just the people shall visit there and various goods shall be exhibited there.

            In continent centers, cities of stores shall be founded.


Standard Stores

The goods shall be codified by international codes. The shelves shall be arranged according to the codes. The neighborhoods shall be constituted according to the codes. Stores shall be similar to one another. Continent store shall be constructed according to the humanity standards, region store according to the state standards, district store according to city standars. Neighborhood shelves shall be put into order within subdistrict standards. These standards shall be prepared by project services.

The goods entering to the warehouse shall be defined goods. The goods entering to the warehouse shall be under the warranty of general services. To the possessors shall be given document. If the goods are standard, then the possessors shall be given shares, if they are not standard but offered according to a special contract, then the possessors shall be given receipt.

The quantity indicated in the share given to the possessor shall not be the quantity entered to the warehouse, but it shall be the quantity of goods which shall be delivered to him or to the carrier after decreasing all service shares and warehouse protection shares.


Service Share in Non-Standart Goods

Warehouse share and other expenses of the non-standard goods shall be charged in advanced during taking them to the warehouse and shall be kept till the end. Their rent share shall not increase through the time. They shall be given from the warehouse back to those who shall use them at the end.

The goods corrupting depending on time shall be given just in terms of pre-paid order principle. They shall be delivered to the place indicated in the pre-paid order bills.

The goods which might be protected under suitable conditions shall be taken into the warehouse by receipt of warehouse. Corruption shall be compensated by warehouse solidarity.

Shares and receipts shall be bought and sold just in cashier’s offices. If the trade of shares and receipts is done, it shall be under warranty of the public authorities and credited. Trade directly on goods shall be free. But no public warranty, shall not be credited and taxed.

Trader partners shall buy the goods come to the goods-to-goods stores by bills of exchange. Price shall be determined between buyer trader and seller by free bargaining. By bills of exchange, they shall buy whatever they wish in goods-to-goods stores.

%2,5 of the goods sold to the store shall be allocated as transportation share, %4 as workbench share , %4 as rent share, %2 as general service share and %5 as capital share. Daily profit of the capital might be calculated by dividing the daily capital share in the capital of that day. It shall be added to the cash as profit. Prices of the goods shall be decreased in that proportion. These proportions shall be from the complementary rules.

Cosigned sales might also be possible in goods-to-goods stores. Owner might bring his goods without paying %20. He shall have the price as far as the goods are sold. Those who give order shall also make use of the capital share.

Living credit calculated by money of wheat shall be granded to each people seperately at the beginning of each year. The people shall use this credit when they give order to the stores. The stores shall give the taken orders to the traders. Traders shall give the taken orders to the manufacturers with the credits. Manufacturers shall give the taken orders in return for credits to the employed workers. Another part shall be used in raw material orders. At the end this part shall also be given to the workers. The manufacturers shall deliver the goods to the warehouse in return for shares and receipts. They shall give them to the traders. Traders shall give some part of them to the stores in order to pay their debt. They shall withdraw and export goods from the warehouse with the other remaining part. They shall import goods in return of exported goods and give their shares to the stores in order to close their debts. The stores shall withdraw the goods from the warehouse and deliver the orders.

Trade shall be increasing the amount of goods not money. Wages and rents, taxes all shall be paid in shares. Warehouse services shall be the affairs in warehouse and shopping places in stores. Traders shall be the people’s sector.

If the goods of pre-paid order are accepted by home delivery condition, %5 share shall be given to the clan of the house. Half of this shall be clan income, the other half shall be the salary of the president of clan. If there is no home delivery condition, this share shall be divided into the clans of that district acording to the number of the population.


            CASHIER`S OFFICE

            LIVING CREDIT

Article 20- The earth shall be for humanity. Each person shall have a right to live with lease right. Bank shall issue money of wheat as one ton annually per each person. Shall grant to the people equally as credit. People shall buy with this money either pre-paid order bills or shares. They shall pay their debt by means of their social share or labor salary by working. Those who do not pay shall be deprived of credit. The salary shall be given daily by working after the social share merit. They shall issue and share out less bills of wheat in the next year in equivalent to the bills of  wheat which did not turn back.



Those who did not pay the debt shall be deprived of credit by arbitrators with the request of the creditors. Bankrupts shall lose their license of  credit. Non-movable assets shall be pledged. The other goods and incomes shall not be confiscated. Creditability of those who pay the debt shall be turned back. One twelveth of the subdistrict budget and one twenty-fourth of the city budget shall be used for returning the creditability of bankrupts. Operation shall be started from those whose debt is minimum.


            Labor Credit

            The earth shall be for humanity. Each person shall have a right to do production by utilizing natural sources. Those who pay for the living credit completely shall have labor credit. Bank shall issue bills of land in return for public lands. Official salary within state shall be division of public lands to the total age sums of the state population, then annual average shall be calculated, that shall be divided into 2000 to calculate average per hour, that shall be divided into 500 to calculate net official salary as degree hour per squiremeter.

            They shall have the right to have the land in that quantity from the public lands. They shall have the credit as much as one 350th of the living credit and their own daily official salary. Its exchange with pre-paid order credits and labor credits shall continue till the end of the year.

            Those who wish shall make an agreement with product manufacturing workplaces with their labor credits and shall have bills of undertaking in return to them. Those who wish shall make an agreement with material producing workplaces and shall have bills of commodity in return to them. Those who wish shall make an agreement with contractors and shall have money of land in return to them. They shall close their debts by using them.


Management Credit

Each undertaking shall issue its own special bills of undertaking. The whole rents, expenses, wages and public shares entering to the undertaking shall be paid by bills of undertaking. The whole products, interests and profits outgoing from the undertaking shall be sold by bills of undertaking. Bills of undertaking shall be exchanged according to the type of undertaking with bills of wheat, of iron, of land in the cashier’s office. Banks shall give the bills of undertaking to the undertaking as credit. Banks shall give credit in cash to the undertakings in order to be able to buy and sell bills of undertaking.



  1. Commercial Credits

Traders shall be granted pre-paid order bills by pledging shares of production places, material bills by pledging shares of houses as a credit under the warranty of vocational solidarity partnership. They shall get money of wheat through the sales of pre-paid order bills, money of iron through the sales of material bills. With that money, they shall make commercial activities by buying other pre-paid order bills or material bills. They shall have foreign currency by the exchange of bills of wheat or iron to money of gold, they might exchange foreign currency with money of gold. They shall do foreign trade. Traders shall pay one 40th of their capital per year as public share. They shall have a credit for the present year as much as 40 times more than the amount which they paid as public share in previous years.


  1. Production Credit

Producers shall buy pre-paid order bills from traders of the undertaking and shall be indebted goods to them in return for managerial possession to the workplace, hiring sufficient number of qualified labor partners, mortgaging a non-movable asset and insurence by a vocational solidarity partnership. They shall close their debt by delivering the goods to the warehouse. Manufacturing managers shall close their debt by delivering an additional extra product for shares of general service, of lease of facility, of store and trader, of warehouse protection in return for the pre-paid order bills which they obtained. Profit of intermediary  shall be determined by bargaining and other shares by contracts. Production credit shall be obtained by the undertaking which has higher management license than that undertaking in order to have a management possession.Credit limits of the workplaces, responsibles of the undertaking and workers shall be increased according to the income they supply for the puclic authorities. Credit limit shall increase by completing the business before the contracted date, decrease by late delivery. The increase and decrease rates shall be determined by vocational councils.  


Warehouse Credit

            Manufactured products shall be delivered to the warehouse or stores where they might be protected. According to their capacity, the warehouses shall have the liability of taking products and giving receipt in return to them & delivering products and taking bills or receipts. Salary of the warehouse servant and rent share of warehouse shall be indicated in the contracts of warehouse or bill. The share shall be charged by taking extra products, when the products are given, they shall be delivered whatever written in the document. Damages in the warehouse shall be compensated by solidarity partnerships. First solidarity shall be among warehouses.


Transportation Credits

Those people who have a transportation vehicle and driving license shall have credit to the extent of the value of the products which their vehicle can burden. Transportation shall be done by open biddings. Their credit shall increase by completing the contracts earlier, decrease by delaying the contracts.


Material Credit

Those who store durable goods which will be used in the production of durable products and construction in their warehouse shall get them pledged by locking with two keys. In return to that, they shall be given money of iron as credit. Credit price of these products shall be %80 of their official prices. They shall be sold to the construction with official prices and bills of land. Costs shall be calculated with bills of iron. Official prices shall be determined according to the stocks of products. The stores, which sell and buy materials, shall make use of this credit. They shall be transferred from warehouse to stores in return for warranty.


Construction Credit

To those contractors who will build construction shall be granted credit which indicates total construction to be built within year. They might use the credits either partially or together with the other contractors by merger. They shall need to employ workers by official salaries in order to make use of the construction credits. Their credit limits shall be increased or decreased to the extent that they complete the business on the contracted time or not. Contractors shall have the share indicated in the construction bidding. This share shall be paid as money of land. Plans and projects shall be prepared and costs shall be estimated. Bidding shall be done not by prices on the project but by share of contractor. Increase or decrease shall not be made by contractor but by those who offer for bidding. In sales, it shall be decreased through time, in buying, it shall be increased through the time. It shall be given to those who accept the contract first. To the bidding shall be joined by contractor credit. The company which offers to the bidding shall not give document. Shall not reject the contract. Credit shall be released to the extent of sold shares. Shares might be sold before its completion after the commencement date of the construction. Price of the shares shall be increased  according to sales. It shall be decreased when they are turned back. Contractors shall add the amount of the sold shares to their credit. However in case of return, first their money shall be paid before the construction.


Credits of Management of Foundation

Foundations shall compose of non-movable assets. However raw material stocks shall be the complementary parts of the non-movavle assests. Services and merits shall be distributed by coupons. Coupons shall be bought and sold in cashier’s office by cash. Required cash for that shall be given to the foundation as credit. Management of foundation shall spend the income first in order to protect the facilities of foundation with their characterictics, the remaining part shall be spent for the targets of the foundation. Golds of the foundation shall be pledged in return to the cash in its cashier’s office.


Service Credits

A general servant shall have a right to make use of the facilities of the relevant foundation in order to be able to do the services. They shall use the facilities themselves. Necessary credit shall be granted them in order to obtain the facilities. Fiduciary (authorized representative and trustee), trustees shall work by such credits.


Credits for Accreditation

Each person shal have the right to make use of credit to the extent of their deposits. They shall need to show material warranty. Shall need to be warranty of solidarity. It shall be either deposited cash or bearer securities (bills registered in favor of carrier). Accreditation shall be provided by accreditation values. Accreditation values shall be determined by  stocks of the cashier’s office. Credits shall be assessed by credit value for that day. The bills given in return for the present goods in the warehouse shall be subject to the deposits. Price of the credit shall be to have credit. Interest shall not be legitimate. Public authorities shall not protect them. It shall not be prohibited either.



Common values shall be merged by estimated price. Merged values like heritage shall be possible. Share document for each person shall be given. Common properties shall be bought by these share documents. Their prices shall be determined according to the rate of decrease in the stocks and be divided. The goods shall be handed over those who will make the division. It shall be through the credit given to him.


Gold Credit

Money of gold shall be given to the jewellers as credit in return for the material warranty and insurance of solidarity. They shall buy gold by that and give coin gold. Coin gold shall be exchanged one to one. The profits by the usage of these golds shall belong to the jewellers.


Credits for Cashier`s Office

            Money of land, iron, wheat as well as foreign currencies and bills of undertaking shall be exchanged by money of gold in the cashier’s offices. For this, certain amount of money of gold and other money in return for that shall be deposited to the cashier’s office. At the beginning, exchange rate shall be determined approximately. If the money of gold in the cashier’s office increases, the price of other money shall be increased, if it decreases then the price of other money shall be decreased; the whole demand and supply shall be responded. No difference shall be charged in exchange.It shall be sold in whatever price it is bought at that moment.


            Account Cards

            Each person shall have Account Card. Code and amount of the debt shall be written in the machines. Cards shall be inserted to the sides of debt and liability. When the people press together by their fingerprints, it shall be added to the account of liability for the one party and to the account of debt for the other party. Summaries of these machines at the weekend shall be sent to the central computer to be registered there. The cards with expired credits shall not do any operation. In case of request, they might be registered.







Collective Contracts

Article 21- The decisions taken in subdistricts and clans and contracts acted by the solidarity partnerships shall compose of the laws. They shall be kept under registry through the registration servants in districts. They shall be the collective contracts.  


Private Contracts

Private contracts shall be those acted between any two people and just binding for them. In private, rules of his solidarity, in public, rules of his subdistrict shall be valid for the issues which were not mentioned in the private contracts.


Indirect Contracts

Those rights which emerge because of neighborgood or kinship, shall be taken to be acted by being neighboor, being born. Labor shall be the right relevant to the personality. Explanation of these contracts shall be determined by decisions of presidents and arbitrators.


Language of the Contracts

Each nation shall have a language. Language of jurisprudence shall emerge by arbitrators’ decisions. People shall act the contracts by their daily language. Registration servants shall transfer them to the language of jurisprudence. Registration responsibles shall transfer the contracts to the language of jurisprudence which were acted by spoken language by the registration representatives of the neighborhood and submit them to the witnesses. Contracts shall be kept in the files of the parties and witnesses. Advisors shall prepare standard contracts. Researchers shall prepare collective contracts.


Servant of Contract

Contracts shall determine mutual rights and obligations. Contract shall be binding for both parties equally after the completion regardless of paying attention by which party it was requested. Parties shall be under the command of the contract. Comments of the contracts shall belong to the arbitrators.


Offers Registered to the Bearer

People shall have the right to arrange unilateral offers and their number shall be limited. The contract shall be acted with the first acceptor. Acceptance shall be indicated in debit accounting.


Transfering to the Accounting

Debit or inventory accountants shall transfer the contracts, which were transferred to the language of jurisprudence by registration servants, to the language of accounting and entered into the computer.



In case of any mistake during the transfering of the contracts written in spoken language to the language of jurisprudence, transfering of the contracts written in language of jurisprudence to the language of accounting, they shall be revized during the week as one sided and previous one shall be canceled. If it cannot be revized during the week, it shall be revized during the year by reconciliation of the servants of both parties. Revisions after the completion of the year might be done just by decisions of the arbitrators.


Registrations of Notification

Changes in the rights and obligations at other people because of the changes like birth or death, replacement, assignment of someone shall be taken under registration through the announcements of notification servants



One sided declerations might be taken under registration even if they are in the form of response.




Business based on the Contract

The goods shall need to be based on contract in order to be able to put into circulation in market place. The goods shall need to have description projects. The contract might be issued unilaterally. Registration shall take under registry what would happen in the future. Controlling shall take under registry what happened in the past. Registration shall determine the mental events, controlling shall determine the material events. Investigation shall be based on these registrations. 


            Controlling Services

            Article 22- Controlling service shall inspect if the goods are suitable with the contract or not. After the inspection the goods shall be packaged and stamped. If the goods are not suitable with the contract in that case stamping staff shall be liable. Solidarity partnership shall compensate.


            Intermediaries shall not be liable

            The inspected and stamped goods might be bought and sold by different warehouses and people, transferred from one warehouse to another one. Financial liability shall belong to the inspector directly. Intermediaries shall be liable just for transportation properly.


Rules of Inspection

The inspection check points shall be indicated in the project. Inspection tools and their tolerances, inspection methods shall be determined. Inspections shall point out them. If it is not determined, they shall indicate in a written way whatever they inspect. They shall be liable for these inspections.


Testimony of the Witnesses

In case of deficiency in a product its inspection shall be done by the witnesses who know how to inspect it. With their testimony, it shall be determined by arbitrators.


Liability of the Producers

If the product of producer was accepted by the inspectors, then his liability shall be expired. However if the inspector accepts some parts conditionally based on inspective decleration, then inspector might refer to the producer in these issues.


Decleration of the Producer

If the producer declares to the inspector and inspector accepts it, producer shall be liable to the inspector. For those who declare incorrect, their decleration rights shall be suspended by arbitrator decision.



The goods shall be accepted by the representative of controlling, inspected through the equipments, packaged and stamped. Liability shall belong to the Servant in the District. There shall be the right to return to the representative. However he shall no more appoint him as representative again.


Visual Controlling

Any thing might be recorded visually as one sided in order to use them in future.



Social Affairs

Article 23- Religious council shall notify to the Research, whatever is required, by the detections collected from the requests of Health and Broadcasting Services, through the Notification Services. Research shall produce the ways of solution for the needs and notify to the Scientific Council. Scientific Council shall produce solutions through the Planning and declare them by Press Services. Registration Services shall put them to the form of  contracts. Vocational solidarity shall manufacture through maintenance and transportation services and the goods shall be handed over to the warehouse after the inspection. Bank shall determine shareholders of the products and every body shall have their share. Those who claim to be treated unjustly shall apply for the arbitrators for investigation in order to remove unjust treatment. Court shall decide based on the testimony of the investigators. Arbitrator’s decision shall be declared through the communication. Political council shall apply for a forced operation  to those who do not obey arbitrator’s decisions.



Investigation shall investigate if the rights and obligations stemming from the contracts are performed or not, if the servants perform their duties or not. It shall investigate the cases occurred in the past but subject to the conflict. Arbitrators shall not investigate themselves. They shall decide according to the testimonies of investigators.


Oral Investigation

First, oral investigation shall be performed. Investigator shall go and apply for the information of accused and witnesses. Investigator shall not hinder the business, shall not impose power, just perform the investigation as keeping them through recording equipments.


Written Investigation

The information obtained during oral investigation of investigators shall be asked and dispatched them as written questions to be responded in a written way. Accused and witnesses shall need to respond to the written questions.

If the investigator reaches to an exact decision based on these written responses, he shall stop investigation and notify to those who request him as witness.


Investigation during the Trial

Investigator shall request from the president of subdistrict for those, who do not accept to talk to the investigator or do not respond to the written questions or whom their responses are contradictory and ambiguous, to be invited for investigation during the trial. If the president of subdistrict accepts it, accused or witness shall be invited for the investigation during the trial. During the investigation at court, person shall be asked questions and requested to reply them in front of everybody. In case the questions are not replied or the responses are contradictory, no pressure shall be applied. If the investigator comes to a decision out of these behaviors he shall be witness.


Investigation in the Police Station

If the investigator comes to the conclusion that an accused or witness keep secret what they know, for example comes to the conclusion that he does not show the place of a gun used in a criminal event and in case he believes a dangerous problem for the state shall be recoved if he confesses the truth, investigator shall have the right for him to apply for the arbitrators to issue an investigation at the police station. During the investigation in the police station there might be used power for the person without permanent effect. At the end regardless of paying attention if he confessed or not, compensation for the pain shall be paid. Fine for the pain shall be the compensation indicated in the penal code.


Confidentiality of the Documents

All documents and information obtained during the investigation shall be confidential and shown just to the arbitrators. Arbitrators shall accept or refuse them as looking at the way of investigation. They shall not declare any opinion on the content of the document. Investigator shall submit these documents to the higher investigators as evidence for the future trials that shall be brought a suit at law for or against himself.


Refusal of the Testimony

The investigator whose testimony has been refused shall have the right to apply for the court and ask for the compensation through the request of the member of his political solidarity. The arbitrators shall decide based on the investigator whose testimony has been accepted. They might bring a suit at law against investigators. In case an investigator is condemned by the testimony of other investigators, the solidarity partnership shall compensate it. The trial shall not be spoilt.


Number of Witnesses

Testimony of one witness for the trials without defendant, testimonies of two witnesses for the law trials with defendant, testimonies of four witnesses for the penal trials shall be requested in order to come to the decision. Court decision might be cancelled by the testimonies of all investigators in the district.


Representatives in the Investigation

Investigation might be performed through representatives of the investigators. Representatives shall submit the information and documents obtained to the investigators. They shall not keep or explain them.

Advisors in the region shall come to the investigation place in order to give advices about the  investigation technique.

Investigation methods shall be determined by investigating researhers.


Investigation subjects

People shall have the right to investigate and have correct information in any subject through their own investigators. The investigator who would be the witness shall be appointed by responsible of religious solidarity in law trials and by responsible of political solidarity in penal trials.


Price of the Investigation

Investigators shall have their shares due to the services for undertakings and people. Half of the shares shall be deposited into a common account and shall be under the authority of members of political and religious councils. They shall use it whatever subjects they wish. Investigation service price shall not be burdened by the parties. Investigations of law trials shall also need to be performed by public authorities.


            Prize of the Investigation

            Responsibles of political and religious solidarity shall allocate a part of investigation fund for the prize of investigation. Those who investigate the most important subjects and recovered them during the year shall be put into order and the prize shall be shared out by them according to their degrees. The prize might cover five or ten previous consuquent years.


            Private Investigation

            Private investigation might be done on the condition that the price shall be paid by themselves. In this case liability of the investigators shall be the same. Investigator shall need to declare what he investigated impartially. They shall act with their exact decisions. The solidarity partnership shall compensate in case of mistake. In case of proof of intentional mistake, the license shall be cancelled and talion shall be applied.


Power of the Investigation

Oral and written investigation might be executed by any investigator. Investigation of those who have high license during trial shall be executed just by high investigators. Investigation of those who have secondary license at the police station shall be executed by high investigator, investigation of those who have high license at the police station shall be executed by supreme investigator. Investigation of those who have supreme license during the trial shall be executed by supreme investigator. Those who have supreme license shall not be investigated at the police station.


            Power of the Testimony

            Those who have high license shall be witness against those who have high license and those who have supreme license shall be witness against those who have supreme license.




Article 24- Each undertaking and each person shall have a advisor arbitrator. They shall hold a consultation with his representative in the affairs they would do. Representative shall pass insured decision taken from servant. He shall hold a consultatiton with the advisors in the region for the unsolved problems. If he is also unable to solve it, they shall hold a consultation with the researcher arbitrators in the continent centers.


Dispute Causalities

In case of dispute, arbitrator of the plaintiff shall come together with arbitrator of the defendant in order to reconciliate the parties. Therefore trial shall be completed regardless of any expense. If the arbitrators are unable to reconciliate trial shall be brought to the arbitrators who would be selected by the parties. These arbitrators shall select for themselves a main arbitrator. Arbitrator of the defendant shall be selected by defendant. If defendant does not select, his arbitrator shall select him, if the arbitrator doesnot select either, he shall be selected by his political responsible in case of penal trials, he shall be selected by his scientific responsible in case of law trials. If this is not possible either selected arbitrator of the defendant shall select him.


Rights of the Arbitrator

Arbitrators shall be paid by the undertakings in which they are advisors. Half of this shall be allocated for fund of trials, the other half for the fund of advisor. Half of the fund of advisor shall be collected in institutional centers, shared out by the number of people they serve. Shares of arbitrator deposited in the fund of trials shall be share out among responsibles of scientific and religious solidarity according to their power. They shall share them out among arbitrators of the trials. Therefore arbitrators shall have their salaries from the undertakings they serve, the people they serve and the trials they engaged in. 


Main Arbitrator

Main arbitrator shall be selected by the arbitrators of the parties. If the arbitrators can not agree on the main arbitrator, their arbitratorship shall be canceled. They shall not be arbitrator in that trial. Those arbitrators whom their arbitratorship is canceled three times in a year shall not perform their arbitration duty.


One Trial in Arbitration

Those who selected arbitrator in a trial shall not be arbitrator in another subject without completing their trial. Those who neglect their arbitration duty shall be engaged by other arbitrators covenantly.


Bringing the Suit at Law

The suit as law shall be brought when the advisor arbitrators find sufficient evidence, complete the investigation. In the first trial, parties shall be listened and witness shall be requested from defendant for the denied claims. For this, they shall be given one week time.  In the second trial, witnesses shall submit investigation files to the arbitrators. If the arbitrator finds that the investigations in the file are sufficient and the number of witnesses are complete, they shall sit for trial in the third week.



Trial shall be performed under the chairmanship of president of subdistrict. President of subdistrict might have the trial to one of the arbitrators done. President of subdistrict shall just manage the trial. He shall not intervene the decision.

Questions shall be asked by arbitrators and registered by advisor arbitrators. To the witnesses, advisor arbitrator of the defendant might ask.



Justified decision shall be taken by arbitrators. However it shall be put into the file. Just the decision shall be declared in the trial. Justification shall not be declared.


Advisors of the Arbitrators

In big cases, relevant advisor arbitrators of the region in the region, researcher arbitrators of the continent in continent shall also be present. Their opinion shall also take place in the justified file. Decision shall be taken by main arbitrator. Main arbitrator shall not decide otherwise if the arbitrators of the parties agreed in a subject.


Place of the Trial

Trial shall be executed in the Friday Mosque of the Subdistrict where the event occurred. It shall be executed after the praying. If the trial is long it shall maintain till the evening. If it is not sufficient it shall be postponed to the next noon time.


Execution of the Verdicts

If the decisions of the arbitrators are relevant to possession, the possessor shall be determined, plaintiff shall have the right to defend his property himself. If it is a case of debt, he shall lose credit license in another trial if he doesnot pay his debt. If it is penal trial, he shall come through the invitation of the president and accept voluntarily execution of the penalty. If the punishment is beating or slautering of an organ, this shall be executed by solidarity responsible of the plaintiff or shall be made by him executed.


Execution by Security

If the guilty does not agree to the execution and run away, it shall be transmitted to the execution of the security by court decision. Security powers shall bring him death. If he returns voluntarily before, juridical execution shall be applied.



Arbitrator’s decisions shall be absolute and neither they can change them themselves nor others. Execution of the decisions shall belong to the president of the subdistrict where the guilty is located. If he doesnot execute, he himself shall pay the compensation.



Bringing a Suit at Law against the Arbitrators

Lawsuit might be brought againgt the decisions of the arbitrators. The solidarity partnerships shall pay the compensation in case of incorrect decision taken by arbitrators by negligence. In case of intentional wrong decision they shall compensate it themselves. If they accept the testimony of the licensed witnesses they shall not have any liability in this case.

The biggest crime is killing a man intentionally. Its punishment shall be talion. It shall turn to the heavy compencation in case of forgiving, exceeding the limits of intention, matching, abondance of the guilty the subdistrict. Compensation shall be 33 years, 100 000 hours.

Cancelling of a human system shall be a whole man, cancelling of just one shall be half man. Shall be one fourth till elbow, one eighth till wrist. Thumb finger shall be one sixth. One finger shall be one 80th, two joint shall be one 160th, one joint shall be one 320th, one toe shall be one 640th of a man.

The wounds with permanent effects shall be compared to them.

The wounds without permanent effects shall be twice of the time of treatment period.

10 whips shall be equal to one day. The stroke without permanent effect shall be assessed according to them.





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