Cengiz Demirci
Constitution of Humanity - Introduction 2
5044 Okunma, 1 Yorum




The services which need to be performed seperately if they were alone, in order to make possible them to be performed in smaller quantity in case of association, shall constitute  general services if they are to be performed commonly. Road shall be an example. It shall be impossible for everybody to construct a different road. It means that road shall be constructed, everybody shall use it. General services shall be done for people and undertakings. General service shares shall be collected from the undertakings, performed to the people free of charge. This shall be the difference of the Just Order than the Other Orders. In this way, social justice shall be provided. General services shall start by registration. Registration shall be both a common reference source among the living people, and make possible transfers from generation to generation.

General services shall be provided in neighborhoods of the subdistricts. They shall be villages at rural areas, quarters at urban areas. The population shall be between 300-1000. Here neighborhood shall be used as a common word. Rural - urban discrimination shall no more take place in our constitution so that it reflects the period in which industry was not developed and rural areas were not constructed infrastructure. Municipality organization shall be abolished other than civil organization. Public and general services shall begin at subdistrict level. General services shall be provided in subdistricts. The documents shall be filled out in neighborhoods. However all registration shall be kept and protected in districts.

Society means the people with presidents. Presidency shall be a general service. The most important role of the president shall be to provide continuity of the society by means of an urgent action in case of a trouble in public or private service. Up to now, a defect has not been disturbing the whole society but it has been remaining local since the society has been maintaning a primitive life. However any defect in any place turns to the defect of the whole society in the modern world. For this reason role of the presidents shall be very important in subdistricts, clans, neighborhoods and undertakings. Presidents shall be as if they are absent at normal times. However in case of a defect they shall take an urgent action and put the things into order even temporarily.   



Thereafter shall be four main registrations. The first one shall be to prepare the registration of parcelling the earth, keep their register (registers of inventory articles). In that way they shall be utilized. The second one shall be to keep the registration of undertakings, that is, to follow the flow of goods (inventory accounting). The third one shall be to determine debts and payables of people (debit accounting). The forth one shall be to keep incoming and outgoing document in order (registers of documents). Monopolies shall emerge since the small undertakings are unable to keep the registrations. The registrations shall be kept by general service in order to prevent monopoly.


Materials shall be supplied before starting construction. The stones shall be carved as required and put thereafter into their place. In order for giving education to the society by people, they shall need to be educated. Religion shall be the institution in which moral education is given. Shall equip them to desire good things. Shall train their feelings. Shall indicate what is good and what is bad. In case of science it shall teach us what is true and what is false. True knowledge shall teach us how to perform. Knowledge shall not be sufficient. People shall need to acquire capabilities through the bodies. People shall need to be provided productive ability, that is, training them to have capability of labor on the things. Economic institutions shall provide it. Finally people shall need to be trained bodily in order to have fighting capabilities. Political institutions shall provide it. In the nineteenth and twenteeth century, military institutions and political institutions have been seperated because of the hegemony of capital. In the Just Order there shall be assemblies and they shall be composed of the scholars elected by the people. They shall also have scientific council. Shall be composed of founders of scientific solidarity. Duty of the assembly and scientific council shall be legislation. Executive power shall be composed of political party leaders. Their election shall be different. The presidents selected by the scientific council shall appoint governors for the peripheries. They shall be at the same time candidates for political party leadership. Governorhip of those, who get the open votes of one twenteeth of the women and men under the armed forces outside of his own periphery, shall become absolute and they shall be the political party leader. Those, who vote him, shall keep their watch beside him. Here at the same time shall be the place of political education. It means that they shall perform their military service here. They shall be the leaders (founders) of solidarity partnerships.

Responsibles of religious solidarity shall give the moral education, of scientific solidarity shall give the scientific education, of vocational solidarity shall give the professional education and of political solidarity shall give the armed education. Watch shall be public service. However education shall be general service. They shall also grant insured licence. Moral rights and freedom shall be kept by religious, intellectual rights and freedoms shall be kept by scientific, labor rights and freedoms shall be kept by vocational and social rights and freedoms shall be kept by political solidarity partnerships. At the same time, they shall be the members of scientific, religious, vocational and political councils. In the Just Order, society shall be based on the founders of the solidarity partnership constituted within the assembly by the people.

Notification services shall be inside of religious education. Notification shall be to remind the people when they do mistakes. Second, notifying them obligations at due time. They shall be the services like invitition to the meeting. There shall be `research` which is also subject to the scientific solidarity. There shall be common warehouse under the control of vocational solidarity and common cashier`s office under the protection of political solidarity.




Establishing an order shall not be sufficient in creatures. It has to be protected permenantly. Suppose to determine the borders of Turkey on the map, it shall not be sufficient. We shall need to change it whenever a change occurs on the land. In the same way, constructing and running a machine shall not be sufficient itself., in any break we shall need to repair or change it. Being born and upbringing shall not be sufficient, we shall need to protect our health. Finally we will have an order, properties, possession but there will be enemies and plunderers as well. We shall need to protect and secure them. In that way four types of protectionist services shall emerge; planning, maintenance, health and security. Their common denominator shall be the fact that we will not need them unless there is no change. However human is evolutionary specy. They shall always need to be together.

             Planning shall take place between the scientific education and registers of invertory articles since it is based on the knowledge. It is also an inventory article. Maintenance shall take place between the vocational solidarity and register of inventory articles since it contains the vocational activities. Health shall take place between register of inventory articles and moral education since it is based on religious education. Security shall take place between register of inventory articles and military education since it is based on weapons. 




            The whole of our body shall expose to pain when a sting inserted in. This is the nature of being a body. We shall need to know what is happening in the world where we live together. We can provide it in two ways. First, we do it through using temporary tools by means of artistic works. We are unable to have the same pleasure what offered an art before by keeping it in our mind and remembering it later. When someone stings us a needle we will have the pain. After the treatment the pain shall release. Later we are unable to have the same pain by remembering. When we feel thursty we will satisfy after drinking water. However by remembering that we cannot satisfy ourselves whenever we are thursty again. Whereus after learning something we can make use of that in the same way at any time by means of remembering. Feelings shall be the subject of the religion. Spread of the thoughts shall be the business of press. It shall take place between registration of documents and scientific education. We shall keep to build mutual relations, transfer to eachother goods or news. One of them shall be performed through transportation. The other one shall be performed through communication. Transportation shall be related with vocational education. Communication shall be related with security. Due to that, they shall take its place by register of documents.

















Pillar of the services shall be to settle the law order. First of all the conracts shall need to be acted. The contracts shall be based on the knowledge. However the contracts shall need to be applicable. The contract shall be a sort of collective decision. Therefore it shall take place between scientific education and vocational education. 

Works shall be done according to the contracts. The control shall check them if they are suitable with the contracts. Thus, output shall be put into circulation, belong to the society. It shall need to be taken place between the moral education that keeps the inspection under its own control, and vocational education.

On the other hand, the sharing shall occur. The sharing shall be calculated according to the contract and the accounting. However everybody shall not satisfy from this sharing. Mistakes shall be possible. Intentional injustice shall be possible. Investigation shall be required for that. Investigation shall be based on the moral education. Those who execute shall be included between the military (political) and moral education. Final decision shall be taken by the courts. The arbitration shall be based on knowledge. Those who execute shall be the armed force. Therefore shall take place between the military education and scientific education. In this manner, the wishes shall start with the artistic and health services, pass through and be given voice through the moral education, be taken decision through the scientific education and finally close the circuit through the arbitrators` decisions.






Now let it have composed and drawn on crystal.







Now let it be shown by a matrix.




10) Planning


13) Health

11) Security

7) Inventory



25)Cashier`s Office



2) Registration

3) Controlling

4) Investigation

5) Arbitration

8) Debit



21) Research



14) Broadcasting


16) Press

17) Communication



a)    PRESIDENT shall indicate the whole.


c)    Inventory, debit, notification, research, warehouse and cashier`s office shall indicate the internal connections.

d)    Planning, maintainance, health and security; press, transportation, broadcasting, communication & registration, controlling, investigation and arbitration indicate the side connections.


The numbers shall indicate the article numbers.













(Indivudial Production)

Family Administration

Worshipfull Religion





(Collective Production)

Subdistrict Administration

Religion of Intellect



Indivudial Property


(Movable Assets)

City Administration

Religion of Jurisprudence





(Fixed Assests)

State Administration

Social Religion



Exchange of the Goods

Market Exchange


Secular Religion



(Local Exchange)

Trader’s Exchange





Exchange of the Labor


(Monopoly Production)







(People’s Production)

People`s Administration

Scientific Religion










































10) Assembly

12) Undertaking

13) Union

11) Council

07) Division


23) Credit

25) Tax



02) Law Order

03) Military Order

04) General Services

05) Public Services

08) Solidarity


18) Budget

21) Laws



14) Obligation

15) Authority

16) Liability

17) Rights



Cüneyt Özcan

Cengiz Bey ingilizcemiz yetersiz. Eğer mümkünse ve mahzuru yoksa (hazırda varsa) türkçelerini de yayınlayabilir misiniz makalelerin?

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