Cengiz Demirci
Money in the Just Order
4489 Okunma, 0 Yorum


SEMINARS ON QORAN AND SCIENCE; 206th SEMINAR       Comment       İstanbul, April 26th, 2003




            Animals either produce and consume commonly like bees, or produce and consume individually like birds. They act as herd just for defense. However human produces commonly but consumes individually. For this reason we need a sharing instrument for human. It is called “money” for this sharing instrument.

People put their goods, intangible assets, labor and solidarity to the common production; in return a share is given to them. “money” is called to this share in common production. The document at hand in return to that is share document, that is, money document. Now we call to the money document as money.

There are four functions of money:

a)      It is a unit of account.

b)      It is a medium of exchange.

c)      It is a medium of accreditation.

d)      It is a medium of store.

Now let us analyze four functions of money one by one.



a)      There are four types of values as 1) Price, 2) Wage, 3) Rent and 4) Collateral Values.

1)      We call “price value” for the values we request in return in order to sell a property completely.

2)      We call “wage value” for the values we pay in return for a work for us, that is, labor.

3)      we call “rent value” for the values paid to us for a period of time in return for letting someone  to benefit a property.

4)      We call “collateral value” for the values that we will take in return for a debt whose borrower could not pay it back to us.

No official value in capitalism. Parties determine the values freely. There are official values in socialism. Everybody buy and sell according to those values. There are official values I the Just Order. But not compulsory. Official values shall be valid in the following areas.


1)      Official values shall be valid in the transaction related with public sector

2)      Official values shall be valid in the collaterals

3)      Official values shall be valid in the non-determined operations

4)      Official values shall be valid in retirement.

Movement of the reel values (goods) and financial values (money) shall be executed by private sector in capitalism. Interest and profit shall be free. Movement of the reel values and financial values shall be executed by state in socialism. Interest and profit shall be prohibited. Movement of the real values shall be executed by people in the Just Order and profit shall be free. Profit is increase of the goods. Movement of the financial values shall be executed by the state and interest shall be illegitimate. Interest is increase of the money.

      The most important problem of the Just Order is to determine the official values. It should not be forgotten that official values are not compulsory.

There are four types of determination of value (pricing). Determination with bargaining, determination with auctions, determination due to inventories (stocks), determination due to purchasing power. .

1)      Pricing with bargaining shall be executed by bilateral agreements. The men shaken hands approach their prices to each other and stop handshaking once they agree. The final agreed value is the determined value.

2)      In auctions seller or buyer declare their own value. Those who supply shall fix the value of those who first accept without any change. It is not legitimate in the Just Order if those who demand increase or decrease the value. Those who supply increase or decrease the value by time.

3)      As far as stocks increase value shall be decreased, as far as stocks decrease, value shall be increased. In this way, values shall be determined by formula.

4)      A purchasing power shall be granted as credit to those who buy and sell. A % commission shall be given to the amount bought and sold by this credit. They wish to buy cheaper in order to make more turnover. Sellers wish to sell more expensive. Value shall be determined within free competition.


Another way shall be followed in order to determine the official wages.

Licenses of the people shall be determined through official examinations. Shall be granted starting, basic, primary, medium, high and supreme licenses. Those who have starting license shall have 5 degrees per year, those who have basic license shall have 6 per year, those who have primary license shall have 7 per year, those who have medium license shall have 8 per year, those who have high license shall have 9 per year and those who have supreme license shall have 10 per year as between their working ages. Separately, the solidarity partnerships shall grant them the vocational capability degrees. There are also responsibility and weight values of the undertakings. These are official wages. In the retired people, there will be effect of age at the date of their voluntary retirement apart from the official wages. 

There is no retirement in capitalism. There is paid retirement in socialism. In the Just Order each person shall have a right of retirement - either they work or not - whenever they wish; no fee shall be charged. Working is compulsory in socialism. Working is not compulsory in the Just Order.

Consequently, there is valuation of non-compulsory objective official price and wage; and money shall be issued in return for the values.




b)      Exchange is change of those which are invaluable to each other. Inspite of official prices and wages, they are free. Additionally, there are public warehouses in the Just Order. In return for handing over the goods to the public warehouses, money, bill, document or receipt shall be taken. Not the goods but they shall be sold to the market. Their value shall emerge. At last, consumer shall go to the warehouse and withdraw the goods. Paper written in return for the value shall be handed over to the warehouse. Transpontation of the goods from the warehouses to the consumers shall be executed by general services. There shall be a group of partnership which performs registration, arbitration, communication, solidarity, storing and maintenance services.

They shall not take wage, but take a share out of the production and share it among themselves. They shall serve to the partners free of charge. In this way bills of commodity shall emerge and the commodity-exchange market shall be established.

Bill of commodity is the document taken in return for the values given to the common warehouses. It is commodity taken out of the production. Bills of commodity at hands might circulate through the people without changing the places. In this way free market shall be established for generating the prices.

That is, in return for the money values, equivalence of values shall be issued. Let us give an example. A shoemaker shall hand over the shoes to the warehouse and get the bills of shoes in return, then once he brings the bills to the bank, he will be granted cash at the value of credit. In case of availability of customer to the shoes, he will get the money of bill of shoes from the customer and pay back the credit in the bank, grant the bill to the customer, customers will go to the warehouse and take the shoes with the bills. In this way, cash will enter to the market in return for a produced commodity.



c)      Accreditation: the most important function of money is accreditation. Peasant shall be indebted and produce at spring times, and pay at autumn times. Or those who want to buy a refrigerator shall pay half of the installations to the store-house and get the refrigerator in advanced price, then later shall pay the rest of the installations. Accreditation shall be done through the medium of money. The goods stored into the warehouse of a person shall be used by other party.

At spring time, consumers shall be granted credit to the extent of their annual salary or insurance incomes. They shall go the store-houses and make order in advanced, then they shall go to the trader and make order in advanced, then they shall go to the producers and make order in advanced. Producers shall order raw material in advanced, and pay the prices in advanced. In this way, they shall provide to be produced their order. Real money shall be put into the market through credit.

            There are four types of credit source.

1)      Wage credits given to the workers. Employers shall be indebted.

2)      Produced material credits. Those who hand over the goods to the common warehouse shall have the credit.

3)      Order credits given to the consumers.

4)      Credits given to the Construction. Building shall be indebted.

In this way, money shall enter to the market in return for the bills of commodity. Bills of commodity shall be issued in return for the materials which is produced or will be produced.



d)      Forth function of money is storing. Person wants to store the savings. They follow four ways for this.

1)      They shall buy share of intangible goods. Intangible goods shall be given for rent. Rents shall not be paid. Values of the shares shall be increased. In this way, they shall invest what they stored.

2)      They shall buy bills of ordered goods cheaper, sell them back more expensive after the production. In this way they shall invest to the production what they stored. They shall profit by trade of bills.

3)      They shall invest the value to the bank; both protect the value, and deserve a credit to the extent of volume of time in the bank. There is no interest in the Just Order, but accreditation shall be put instead. Order discount shall take place.

4)      They shall buy bills of whatever goods they wish, then might get a profit or loss through their sales. Protection of the commodities are difficult. But protection of bills are easier. Trade is easier in the Just Order through the bills of commodity.


It means that, bills in the Just Order shall be put into the market through credit in return for the collaterals of the bills issued in return for the values delivered to the public warehouses. At the end, those who issue the money are producers. Central Bank serves just as a correspondent.

In the Just Order, sub districts shall issue money of wheat, cities shall issue money of iron, states shall issue money of land, humanity shall issue money of gold. Money of wheat shall be used in sharing of the consumption goods, money of iron shall be used in sharing of the construction materials, money of land shall be used in sharing of the buildings, money of gold shall be used in sharing the whole types of money.




            Now we will put forward how to issue money of gold by humanity.

Article 1- “Central Bank of Humanity” shall have a branch in each district. Those people who are insured by Solidarity Partnerships and mortgaged an intangible asset as warranty shall have credit of money of gold in order to buy and sell golden from district branch of the central bank of humanity. Money of gold to the extent of the golden in the jewelry stores shall be at the hands of people. Jewelry stores shall inform the district branches of central bank of humanity amount of money of gold sold by golden each evening.

Article 2- District branches of central bank of Humanity shall grant money of gold to the district branches of central bank of that state as credit to the extent of money of gold sold by golden through the jewelry stores in that district. Those branches shall buy and sell by this, currencies and bills of partnerships circulating in that district in return for money of gold.

Article 3- Money of gold shall be issued by Central Bank of Humanity in return for the golden in the whole jewelry stores of the humanity and shall be granted to the whole sub districts of humanity as dividing them according to the population through the District Branch of the Central Bank of Humanity. Money of wheat to the extent of five fold of the money of gold shall be issued in the sub district. One shall be granted to the District Branch of the Central Bank of State as credit. Money of wheat shall be sold and bought by this in the sub district. Other four fifths of the money of wheat shall be circulating to buy the produced goods of the sub district and in return for the goods sold in the sub district. They shall extend them to the people of the sub district as “prepaid order credit”.

Article 4- Central Bank of Humanity shall grant money as credit to the states according to the size of the lands to the extent of money of gold sold by the whole jewelry stores of humanity. Money of land shall issue money of land to the extent of five fold of this. One fifth shall be divided among the district branches of central banks of states. These branches shall buy and sell by it money of land. One fifth of the rest of the money of land shall be granted as construction credit, shares of the intangible assets shall be bought and sold.

Article 5- Central Bank of Humanity shall grant money of gold as credit to the cities to the extent of money of gold sold by the whole jewelry stores of humanity. Cities shall issue money of iron to the extent of five fold of this. One fifth of this money shall be sent to the district branches of central banks of state and bought & sold by money of gold. Four fifth shall be granted to the stores which will buy and sell construction materials as credit. They shall buy and sell construction materials by money of iron.

Article 6- Exchange values of the currencies shall be regulated according to the money stocks present in the cashier’s office. Value of those whose amount decreased according to the nominal amount shall be increased. In this way, value of the whole money bills shall be regulated due to the free demand and supply. Value of the goods by bills or money shall also be calculated according to the inventories by the computers. The whole values shall be balanced by bills, money of iron, wheat and land. They shall also be balanced by money of gold.

            D1/D2= (a*S1+b*S2)/(c*S1+d*S2)

Article 7- Money of gold shall be exchanged in jewelry stores at any time. Jewelers shall put the money of gold which returned to them to the district branch of central bank of humanity and shall pay demanders as withdrawing golden from the other jewelry stores. In order to be able to find gold at any time in return for the money of gold issued five fold, value of other moneys and bills in kind of gold shall be prevented.

Ap= A+ {(Sn*kn) + {(Dp*kd) + {(Bp*kb) + {(Tp*kt)

Article 8- The whole disputes arising from circulation of this money shall be settled by board of the arbitrators which is composed of arbitrators appointed by each party and a main arbitrator selected by the appointed arbitrators. Banks shall arrange their accounts according to these decisions. Banks shall pay to those who do not obey to the arbitrary decisions and banks shall follow the debtors themselves. None of the precious notes which are not backed by money of gold of humanity shall be valid in the courts of the Just Order.

Ap= A+ {(Sn*kn) + {(Dp*kd) + {(Bp*kb) + {(Tp*kt)


Author and Narrator: SÜLEYMAN KARAGÜLLE

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