Süleyman Karagülle
Kadın Hakları
2814 Okunma, 3 Yorum


Bu yazı Fehmi Koru’nun 04.08.2020 tarihli yazısına yorum olarak kaleme alınmıştır. Yazının linki aşağıda yer almaktadır.


Uluslararası sözleşmeleri Derin Tekel Sermaye hazırlar. Taşeronlara havale eder onlar da onu resmîleştirirler.  Bunun için bir milyar Doları da gerekli yerlerde kullanılsın diye akıtır. Bizim bunlarla uğraşacak vaktimiz yoktur.

İslamiyet’te kadın hakları, çocuk hakları diye haklar mevcut değildir. İnsan hakları vardır. Kadın da çocuk da yaşlı da sakat da insandır.

Kadını ona zulmedecek kimselerden korumak için her kadının bir kayyumu vardır. Yaşı küçük veya akıl hastası olanların velileri doğal velilerdir. Ergin kadınlar velilerini kendileri seçerler, değiştirebilirler.  Kocaların veli olup olamayacağı hususu tartışmalıdır. Genellikle kocasından başkası veli yapılır. Kadının kocasından zulüm görmesini önlenir.

Evlenme kolay olduğu gibi boşanma da kolaydır ve kadın tarafından da boşanma meşrudur. Erkek boşarsa kadın mihr alır. Kadın boşarsa mihr alamaz, kusuru nispetinde almışsa kısmen de olsa iade eder.

Ayrıca kocasız ve ailesi olmayan kadınlar için kadın evleri vardır. Bunlara orada bakılır. Kadınlar burada hem çalışır hem yaşarlar.

Sermaye’nin hazırladığı keyfi yasalarla insan hakları korunamaz.

Semt Kooperatifleri yüz lojmanlı apartmanlar bu sorunların tamamını çözmüştür. Ocak Medya sayfa sayfa spor haberleriyle insanları zehirleyeceğine bunları anlatmalıdır.




Sam Adian

İslamiyet’te kadın hakları, çocuk hakları diye haklar mevcut değildir. İnsan hakları vardır. Kadın da çocuk da yaşlı da sakat da insandır.


Ayrıca kocasız ve ailesi olmayan kadınlar için kadın evleri vardır. Bunlara orada bakılır. Kadınlar burada hem çalışır hem yaşarlar.


Do not you realize the contradiction you have in a short text

The women were human? So why are women's houses? Why doesn't the woman have her own house, own land? Why do you leave women in need of their husbands or others? If women are human, then treat them like human beings. Kocası olmayan bir kadın insan değil mi?


Whatever you say, this is the difference between us. You are not talking to Islam. You describe the methods that are already implemented by current systems as Islam.


There is no difference between women, children, men or the elderly. Human is human from the moment that was born. So they have the right to the possibilities of the earth (Soil and natural sources), and your duty is to deliver their rights.

 - Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.

- Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.

- Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.

Are there women's houses? for what? Women have rights as much as other individuals in the society and they already have land. They already have equal income with other individuals of the society, their own homes and their own living spaces. Of course, you will have trouble understanding this. Because this requires a new paradigm. It requires the restructuring of society. But civilization is already set up like this.

  1. Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.
  2. Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.
  3. Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.
  1. 1.       Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.

    2.       Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.

    3.       Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.
  2. Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.
  3. Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.
  1. 1.       Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.

    2.       Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.

    3.       Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.
  2. Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.
  3. Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.1.       Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.

    2.       Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.

    3.       Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.

Sam Adian

İslamiyet’te kadın hakları, çocuk hakları diye haklar mevcut değildir. İnsan hakları vardır. Kadın da çocuk da yaşlı da sakat da insandır.


Ayrıca kocasız ve ailesi olmayan kadınlar için kadın evleri vardır. Bunlara orada bakılır. Kadınlar burada hem çalışır hem yaşarlar.


Do not you realize the contradiction you have in a short text

The women were human? So why are women's houses? Why doesn't the woman have her own house, own land? Why do you leave women in need of their husbands or others? If women are human, then treat them like human beings. Kocası olmayan bir kadın insan değil mi?


Whatever you say, this is the difference between us. You are not talking to Islam. You describe the methods that are already implemented by current systems as Islam.


There is no difference between women, children, men or the elderly. Human is human from the moment that was born. So they have the right to the possibilities of the earth (Soil and natural sources), and your duty is to deliver their rights.

 - Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.

- Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.

- Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.

Are there women's houses? for what? Women have rights as much as other individuals in the society and they already have land. They already have equal income with other individuals of the society, their own homes and their own living spaces. Of course, you will have trouble understanding this. Because this requires a new paradigm. It requires the restructuring of society. But civilization is already set up like this.

  1. Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.
  2. Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.
  3. Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.
  1. 1.       Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.

    2.       Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.

    3.       Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.
  2. Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.
  3. Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.
  1. 1.       Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.

    2.       Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.

    3.       Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.
  2. Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.
  3. Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.1.       Every born person has the right in the soil. The amount of land on which will live is allocated to them throughout their whole life.

    2.       Inheritance is limited only to rights acquired through labor. Land or natural resources are never the property of anyone, it never be left to anyone as inheritance. There is no need anyway. Because every born individual naturally owns land.

    3.       Every born individual has a right to natural resources. The income generated by the operation of these resources is equally divided among each individual in the society. So every individual has income from the moment they was born. They never need someone else.

Sam Adian

Kocası olmayan kadın insan degil mi?


You probably have excuses for this question. You probably say: "We recommend trustees for the protection of women who are victims of violence.”


But you don't have any method to solve the problem fundamentally. You cannot think that you should not condemn women to their husbands. All you think is easy marriage and easy divorce.


There is no marriage in the book. Unless you falsify the concepts, you will never be able to conclude the marriage from the book. In reality, your preferences are not the subject of the book. If you make marriage mandatory and you recommend a male-dominated society, then you can never prevent women from being exposed to violence.


We haven't heard of a different comment from you yet. But you compel women to their husbands. When the problem arises, you assign a guard to them. Sadness...

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